Deciphering the tests: Rubella IgG is positive, what does it mean in medicine?

Deciphering the tests: Rubella IgG is positive, what does it mean in medicine?
Deciphering the tests: Rubella IgG is positive, what does it mean in medicine?

In the article we will understand what a positive Rubella IgG means. A laboratory study of a blood sample for the presence of antibodies to rubella is necessarily indicated during pregnancy. The interpretation of the analysis should be carried out by a qualified specialist. Rubella is an acute infectious disease. Most often, this infection affects children aged 1-7 years. The virus is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets, but infection can also occur through the placenta. Rubella is a TORCH infection that is highly dangerous for pregnant women. What does a positive Rubella IgG mean, we will understand below.

what does rubella igg mean positively
what does rubella igg mean positively

Indications for research

This infection can occur without any external manifestations. In addition, the symptoms may be blurred. Diagnosis of rubella involves laboratory testing of a blood sample for the presence ofantibodies to infection. A similar study is carried out if pregnancy is planned.

Specialists identify the following indications for research:

  1. Clinical manifestations of infection - swollen lymph nodes located at the back of the head and behind the ears.
  2. Intrauterine infection.
  3. Rash.
  4. Pregnancy.

What Rubella IgG positively means is interesting to many. On the third day after infection with rubella, IgM molecules begin to be produced in the body. Their number becomes maximum by the third week of infection. After that, the production of molecules of classes G and A begins. It is IgA antibodies that neutralize the protein produced by the rubella virus.

rubella virus igg positive what is it
rubella virus igg positive what is it

Serological testing

A serological examination reveals specific antibodies to an infectious agent. 2 methods can be used to detect them:

  1. Inhibition of hemagglutination.
  2. Radial diffusion.

25% of serological testing gives a false result. This diagnostic technique does not allow to determine the class of molecules, but provides information about the stage of the disease and its duration. Doctors rarely use a serological test to detect infection. What does a positive Rubella virus IgG mean, it is important to find out in advance.


To obtain a more accurate result, it is recommended to conduct an immunodifferentiating laboratory blood test for TORCH infection. Thisthe technique allows to establish the type of immunoglobulins and the phase of development of the infectious process. This method of detecting rubella is used when examining people who are at risk - children under 14 years of age and pregnant women.

rubella igg score is positive
rubella igg score is positive


It is possible to detect rubella virus using polymerase chain reaction. Venous blood is taken for research. If intrauterine infection has occurred, blood is taken from the umbilical cord. PCR diagnostics allows you to get the most accurate result. A common method for diagnosing the disease is the ELISA method. The PCR study, in turn, is carried out to confirm or refute the previously obtained result. This technique involves the use of specialized diagnostic equipment.


Special preparation before the upcoming procedure is not required for the patient. For 8 hours before donating a blood sample, it is recommended to refuse alcoholic beverages and fatty foods. Donate blood on an empty stomach in the morning. You can get a referral for research from your primary care physician. In cases where a pregnant woman has rubella symptoms up to 16 weeks, termination of pregnancy is indicated. After 16 weeks, an ultrasound of the fetus should be performed. If intrauterine infection is detected, the pregnancy is maintained and symptomatic therapy is prescribed. If fetal malformations are detected, surgical intervention is also indicated.

rubella igg positive which means during pregnancy
rubella igg positive which means during pregnancy

Dynamics of antibody concentration should be checked once with IgM, igG molecules.

If IgM is negative, a similar procedure is indicated once every 3 months. If a pregnant woman has been previously infected with rubella, her body will show negative IgM and positive IgG. In this case, a re-examination is not required. Chronic rubella is dangerous for women in the first trimester of pregnancy. There are no effective drugs for this infection, so antiviral therapy is not carried out. The therapeutic methods used are symptomatic. Experts recommend postponing pregnancy for several months if a similar test result is obtained during pregnancy planning. So what does positive Rubella IgG mean?

Main indicators and decoding

The main indicators of a blood test for rubella virus are as follows:

  1. Rubella IgM+, Rubella IgG+. Such a combination indicates a primary infection with the virus, as well as a disease in an acute or asymptomatic form. In acute rubella, a second test is required.
  2. Rubella IgM-, Rubella IgG+. Indicates the presence of stable immunity to rubella, which was developed as a result of a previous infection.
  3. Rubella IgM-, Rubella IgG-. The absence of such indicators in the blood is considered the norm.
what does rubella mean
what does rubella mean

Frequently asked: "What does a positive Rubella IgG mean during pregnancy"? Rubella test for pregnant womenIt is recommended to carry out once every 3 months, that is, every trimester. Upon receipt of a negative analysis, a second study should be carried out. The need for this is due to the fact that the biomaterial could be taken at a late or early stage of the development of the disease. In such cases, antibodies to rubella were not formed or their concentration was greatly reduced.

To understand what a positive Rubella IgG indicator means, it is important to know that when the virus enters the human body, the release of short M molecules begins. After 2-3 weeks, long G antibodies are formed. The presence or absence of infection, as well as its stage development at the time of the study, experts determine the ratio of antibodies M and G.

To get a complete clinical picture, you should simultaneously conduct a study on IgM and IgG. The study is not carried out if it is reliably known that the patient had rubella in childhood. Now you know what positive Rubella IgG means.
