Children's dermatologists of Voronezh: a list

Children's dermatologists of Voronezh: a list
Children's dermatologists of Voronezh: a list

How to find a good pediatric dermatologist in Voronezh? It is necessary to be guided by criteria such as qualifications of a specialist, experience and work experience, as well as the number of positive reviews on the Internet. The article below provides a list of the best pediatric dermatologists in Voronezh with the necessary professional information.

Denisenko N. B

Denisenko Natalya Bronislavovna
Denisenko Natalya Bronislavovna

Opens the list of the best pediatric dermatologists in Voronezh Denisenko Natalya Bronislavovna. The doctor has the first professional category and work experience equal to 18 years. Among 25 reviews, 23 are positive.

A pediatric dermatologist in Voronezh, Kalyaeva, 19, in the seventh hospital, as well as in the center "Children's Doctor" on Kholzunova Street, 60 B.

Pozhidaeva E. E

Children's dermatologist Elizaveta Evgenievna Pozhidaeva occupies the highest certification level. For 21 years of painstaking work, the specialist has earned a lot of positive comments addressed to her. No negative reviews found.

Patients canmake an appointment at the Broad Hearts Center on Vladimir Nevsky Street, 19.


Vasilchenko P. S

Vasilchenko Petr Sergeevich
Vasilchenko Petr Sergeevich

Vasilchenko Petr Sergeevich is a pediatric specialist in the field of dermatology with the highest qualification category and rich work experience, backed up by 18 years of experience. On the Internet, a huge number of positive reviews are devoted to the doctor. A major medical website posted 90 comments, of which 75 were positive.

You can get an appointment with a doctor at the Dubrava polyclinic on Moskovsky Prospekt, 112.

Tuleninova V. V

Continues the list of the best children's dermatologists in Voronezh Tuleninova Victoria Vladimirovna. For ten years of medical practice, a highly professional specialist has earned the first certification category and many reviews on the Web. Only one medical portal among the comments - all are positive.

You can make an appointment with this dermatologist at the following institutions:

  • Medical Center "He althy Child", Leninsky Prospekt, 43 A.
  • "Sacvoyage of He alth" on Moskovsky Prospekt, 48 A.
  • NK Clinic, Generala Lizyukov Street, 24.

Filimonova N. I

Filimonova Nadezhda Ivanovna
Filimonova Nadezhda Ivanovna

Filimonova Nadezhda Ivanovna is a pediatric dermatologist with the highest professional category. The specialist has a we alth of experience, due to 22 years of medical practice. There are no negative reviews about the work of this doctor on the Internet.

Freeconsultation of a pediatric dermatologist in Voronezh is carried out in the first city hospital on Ryleeva street, 22 V. The specialist also practices at the He althy Child center on Yuzhno-Moravskaya street, 22.

Krasnopolskaya A. M

Alla Mikhailovna Krasnopolskaya has been working in the field of dermatology for 33 years. During this time, the specialist managed to earn the highest level of qualification, as well as many positive reviews from patients. Of the 29 people who left a comment about the work of a dermatologist, only two expressed dissatisfaction.

You can register a child with Alla Mikhailovna at the He althy Child Center on Lizyukov Street, 24, as well as at the first city hospital at: Ryleeva Street, 22 V.

Demyanova O. B

Demyanova Olga Borisovna
Demyanova Olga Borisovna

Demyanova Olga Borisovna is an excellent specialist in her field. On her professional account of achievements, not only the highest category, but also the degree of candidate of medical sciences. She devoted 26 years of her life to medical practice, for which she was awarded the best and most important award - thanks from recovered visitors.

You can register a young patient with Olga Borisovna at the Center for Modern Pediatrics, whose branches are located at the following addresses:

  • Moskovsky prospect, 120.
  • Engels street, 5 A.

Prisheltseva Yu. V

Yulia Vladimirovna Prisheltseva is a specialist of the highest attestation category. She has 25 years of experience. Reviews of the children's dermatologist of Voronezh deserved mostly positive. For 20 approv althere are 3 negative comments.

Specialist receives at the Center for Modern Pediatrics on Moskovsky Prospekt.

Tanasevskaya T. V

Tanasevskaya Tatyana Viktorovna
Tanasevskaya Tatyana Viktorovna

Tanasevskaya Tatyana Viktorovna is a highly professional dermatologist who devoted eleven years to her calling. On the Web, you can find mostly positive reviews. On the Russian medical portal, nine patients expressed their gratitude to her, and one visitor was dissatisfied with the services provided.

You can sign up for a consultation and examination with Tatyana Viktorovna at the Children's Doctor medical center on Kholzunova Street, 60 B.

Chupandin E. A

Another good children's dermatologist is Chupandin Evgeny Anatolyevich. For 23 years of continuous medical activity, the specialist has earned the trust of many parents of the city. Most of the reviews online are positive.

You can get an appointment with Evgeny Anatolyevich at the Olympus of He alth family clinic, which is located on Teatralnaya Street, 23/1.

Matsaeva O. V

A highly professional specialist in the field of pediatric dermatology is Olga V. Matsaeva. She has been in the profession for fourteen years, which helped her win a large number of regular customers. There are not too many reviews about the work of a doctor on the Internet, but they all include sincere words of gratitude.

You can get an appointment with Olga Valeryevna at the Sacvoyage of He alth center at 48 A Moskovsky Prospekt.

Nastausheva N. S

Finishes the list of the best children's dermatologists in Voronezh Nastausheva Natalia Sergeevna. This first-class doctor has been practicing medicine for eleven years. There are no negative reviews in the list of reviews about the doctor's work.

Natalia Sergeevna receives patients in the following institutions:

  • Honey. Center "Era", located on Moskovsky Prospekt, 6.
  • "Medica" on Bakhmeteva street, 3 A.
  • Hospital No. 7 on Kalyaev Street, 19.
