Proctologist, Kirov: list, rating of the best, appointment times, clinics, medical centers, city hospitals and patient reviews

Proctologist, Kirov: list, rating of the best, appointment times, clinics, medical centers, city hospitals and patient reviews
Proctologist, Kirov: list, rating of the best, appointment times, clinics, medical centers, city hospitals and patient reviews

How to choose a good proctologist in Kirov? It is no secret that this medical profession is very specific, and not all institutions provide proctological services. There are few such specialists in the city, and even fewer good ones. The following list of the best Kirov proctologists will help you not to make a mistake with the choice of the necessary doctor.

List of medical facilities

There are no specialized clinics in Kirov aimed at diagnosing and treating proctological diseases. But if the need arises, good specialists in this field can be found here:

  • Clinic "Neva" on Lenin street, 73.
  • Client "Alone" on Dzerzhinsky Street, 6.
  • Clinic "Alfa He alth Center" on Preobrazhenskaya street, 37.
  • Polyclinic No. 4 on Dzerzhinsky Street, 38.
  • Polyclinic No. 5 on Moskovskaya Street, 6.
  • Hospital No. 6 named after Lepse, October Avenue, 47.
  • Medcenter "Light", Seatinglane, 5/1.

And now you can see the rating of the top ten proctologists in Kirov.

1. Sysuikin A. V

Alexander Sysuikin
Alexander Sysuikin

Opens the list of the best proctologists of Kirov Alexander Vladimirovich Sysuykin. This is a doctor with the highest category, who has worked in this medical field for a significant 35 years and has earned an excellent reputation. More than 40 positive reviews were written on the Web by patients of Alexander Vladimirovich. He is thanked and praised not only for first-class and timely assistance, but also for accuracy, painless execution of all manipulations and a tactful attitude that creates comfort in a very frightening and unpleasant for many business.

You can seek help from proctologist Sysuykin at the Neva clinic, from 9:45 to 11:30 on Thursdays, from 10:00 to 17:15 on Fridays and from 9:00 to 11:00 on Sundays.


2. Mishchenko M. A

Despite the very small experience - only six years, the proctologist and surgeon Maxim Aleksandrovich Mishchenko is already considered one of the best specialists in the city. At least, this is how numerous grateful and very detailed comments say about him. Patients like the complex approach of a specialist to treatment - therapy includes not only drugs and procedures, but whole sets of physical exercises that help not only eliminate the problem, but also consolidate the achieved result.

You can make an appointment with the proctologist Mishchenko at the Naedine clinic and Lepse Hospital No. 6. Opening hours - from 8:00 to 20:00 by appointmentrecords.

3. Kokorin A. P

Anatoly Kokorin
Anatoly Kokorin

Anatoly Pavlovich Kokorin, a proctologist of the highest medical category, has a significant experience of more than 40 years. All reviews found on the Internet about the work of Anatoly Pavlovich turned out to be extremely positive. Clients note that there are no minor problems for this doctor - Anatoly Pavlovich treats everyone who turned to him for help with great respect, tact and attention.

In Kirov, Kokorin's proctologist is seen at the Naedine clinic from 8:00 to 20:00 on weekdays, and also from 8:00 to 18:00 on some Saturdays.

4. Vtulkin V. K

Vtulkin Vyacheslav
Vtulkin Vyacheslav

Another relatively young, but very successful specialist on this list is proctologist Vyacheslav Konstantinovich Vtulkin, whose experience is 12 years in the profession. In more than 15 positive reviews, Vyacheslav Konstantinovich is called a doctor with golden hands. Among his positive qualities, a sympathetic attitude, jewelry accuracy, the ability to support patients before unpleasant manipulations and their painless implementation are especially distinguished.

Doctor Vtulkin is waiting for his patients at the Naedine clinic and Lepse Hospital No. 6. Reception time - from 8:00 to 20:00 by appointment.

5. Chernyatkina V. V

Vasilisa Chernyatkina
Vasilisa Chernyatkina

For those who are interested in a female proctologist in Kirov, this young, but verytalented specialist. Vasilisa Vasilievna Chernyatkina has five years of experience, but this does not prevent her from doing her job no worse than more experienced colleagues. Vasilisa Vasilievna uses the most modern diagnostic and treatment methods, conducts examinations and procedures very carefully and never puts her patients in an awkward position.

The places of work of the proctologist Chernyatkina include the clinic "Alone" and the hospital No. 6 named after Lepse. You can sign up for it at any time, correlated with the schedule of institutions, but only in advance (at least a day in advance).

6. Tikhonov D. A

Dmitry Alekseevich Tikhonov is a proctologist and surgeon of the highest category with 23 years of professional experience, not only working with clients, but also being the head of the surgical department. In many comments, patients wrote that they were lucky to turn to Dmitry Alekseevich after several failures with other proctologists. And only he was competent enough to see the root of the problem and get rid of it as soon as possible, while with a polite, good-natured attitude and constant support.

Proctologist Tikhonov conducts his practice at the Light Medical Center (from 7:00 to 22:00) and at Lepse Hospital No. 6 (by appointment).

7. Shorin S. L

Sergei Shorin
Sergei Shorin

Another specialist with the highest medical category and significant experience, namely 33 years, is Sergey Leonidovich Shorin. Based on the information in the reviews, the work of Sergey Leonidovich is not only effective in terms of recovery, but also veryinformative: the specialist describes and explains each stage of treatment in detail, patiently and clearly, without unnecessary medical terms, answers all questions and readily contacts outside the appointment for additional consultation. Such awareness on the part of the patient allows not only to quickly get rid of the problem, but also to be able to prevent its occurrence in the future.

In Kirov, proctologist Shorin works at the Alone clinic. You can sign up for it on weekdays, from 8:00 to 14:00 or from 14:00 to 20:00.

8. Shiganov V. M

Good reviews about Kirov's proctologist Vasily Mikhailovich Shiganov, another representative of the new school with only 4 years of experience. Judging by the words of clients, youth only benefits Vasily Mikhailovich. He has not yet acquired patterns in his work, he approaches each client individually, tries to find new ways to solve each problem, while not losing sight of time-tested methods. Separately, they note the friendliness, intelligence and cheerful disposition of Vasily Mikhailovich.

Doctor Shiganov is waiting for patients at the Neva clinic from 8:00 to 20:00 on weekdays and on Saturday, from 8:00 to 17:00.

9. Tuchin A. A

Aleksey Andreyevich Tuchin is a proctologist, endoscopist and surgeon of the highest category with 24 years of experience. Judging by the comments, the main talent of Alexei Andreevich is the ability to calm and set the patient on recovery from the very first minutes of the appointment. Only having tuned in to a positive wave, this doctor proceeds to the examination and preparation of therapy, necessarily emphasizing that everything as a resultwill be fine.

Proctologist Tuchin conducts his main practice at the Neva clinic, but also works at polyclinics No. 4 and No. 5. For this reason, you can make an appointment with Alexei Andreevich only in advance, specifying the place and choosing a convenient time.

10. Luchinin S. I

Sergei Luchinin
Sergei Luchinin

The list of the best proctologists of Kirov is completed by Sergey Ivanovich Luchinin, a specialist of the highest qualification level, an honored doctor of the Russian Federation and an excellent he alth worker with a significant 40-year professional experience. Patients write that Sergei Ivanovich is a real doctor of the old school. He never prescribes too much, works honestly, somewhat strict, but only because of his serious attitude towards his patients and their diseases.

The institutions where Dr. Luchinin works and sees include the Light Medical Center and Lepse Hospital No. 6. You can get a consultation by appointment at any time from 7:00 to 22:00.
