The norm of hemoglobin in adolescents. What does hemoglobin depend on?

The norm of hemoglobin in adolescents. What does hemoglobin depend on?
The norm of hemoglobin in adolescents. What does hemoglobin depend on?

Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein found in red blood cells. It binds with oxygen and transfers it from the lungs to tissues and organs, enriching the cells of the whole organism with it, then the protein transports carbon dioxide back from them. Increased hemoglobin - what does this mean, we will consider in this article.

What are the levels?

The level of protein index depends on the age of the person. The hemoglobin of a newborn is 145-225 g / l, in the first months the indicator decreases to 95-135 g / l. It changes dramatically in the first year of life. Until the age of 12, the amount of protein constantly increases by 5 g / l, regardless of the sex of the child.

During puberty - from 12 to 18 years, discrepancies begin. The norm of hemoglobin in adolescent girls and boys with the entry into adolescence is 120-140 g / l. The score changes as you get older. After reaching adulthood and up to 40 years, the level of protein concentration in the blood is in women - 120-150 g / l, in the stronger sex - 130-160g/l.

If teenagers have low or high hemoglobin, they should be examined to rule out the development of serious pathologies. The protein level in the blood is just a symptom, not a disease.

high hemoglobin what does it mean
high hemoglobin what does it mean

Decreased hemoglobin

Viral infection can lower hemoglobin levels. This condition can lead to anemia. With a disease, a huge amount of red blood cells accumulate in the focus of inflammation, and in other parts of the body, the blood becomes more liquid, contains a small amount of blood cells, which causes inflammatory anemia. With recovery, the blood condition stabilizes, red blood cells begin to move throughout the plasma, and he alth returns to normal.

Low hemoglobin in a teenager can occur in case of frequent bleeding, especially in girls during the restructuring of the body. They are associated with the menstrual cycle, which is chaotic during adolescence, constancy comes only in adulthood. In the process of becoming a woman, there may be severe uterine bleeding.

Hemoglobin is formed from iron. If it is not enough in the body, the formation of protein becomes difficult, the level of the indicator drops sharply. The result is anemia. If hemoglobin is below normal in adolescents, then the child becomes lethargic, his brain starts to work poorly, drowsiness and fatigue are observed. Most of the kids go to schools and colleges. Their general condition may affect grades, acceptance and assimilation of information received ineducational institutions.

The formation of hemoglobin is promoted by cyanocobalamin - vitamin B12. If a teenager does not absorb this vitamin well, their protein levels will be low. With such indicators, there are disturbances in the brain, memory impairment, and a decrease in the body's defenses.

what does hemoglobin depend on
what does hemoglobin depend on

Does heredity affect?

Anemia can be inherited. If during pregnancy the mother had anemia or during childbirth there was heavy bleeding, then the child may have deviations. When examining a teenager, this indicator is taken into account.

Any cause of low protein levels can cause dizziness and nausea. The nails will become brittle, the hair will become dull, the skin will become dry and flaky, bruises will appear on the body. For girls and boys in a period of maximalism, when they are obsessed with their appearance, these symptoms can cause severe depression and stress. More serious consequences can be: hallucinations and fainting, lack of appetite, brain hypoxia and paralysis of the respiratory system.

low hemoglobin in a teenager
low hemoglobin in a teenager

Increased hemoglobin - what does it mean?

With lung disease, respiratory failure often occurs, so the body begins to produce red blood cells to stock up on the necessary amount of oxygen.

The level of the indicator may be high due to dehydration. In cases of infectious diseases, accompanied by vomiting and persistent diarrhea, the liquid is excreted in large quantities. Bloodbecomes thick, its circulation slows down. To prevent dehydration, the patient should drink plenty of water. The same goes for intestinal obstruction and frequent constipation.

Elevated hemoglobin can lead to disruption of the cardiovascular system. Especially its indicator should be taken into account for congenital heart defects, respiratory failure and other diseases.

Extensive burns cause a sharp increase in red blood cells. Oncological diseases and pathological blood diseases contribute to an increase in red blood cells in the blood, since their increased formation is observed in the bone marrow. When there is a damaged area in the body, red blood cells begin to actively transport oxygen to the focus of the disease.

An increase in their number can cause severe disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system. This will lead to dysfunction of most organs. The blood will become thick and will not supply tissues and cells well. Blood circulation will slow down, there will be an increase in the size of various organs, for example, the spleen, kidneys, liver. Blood clots will form blood clots that can clog blood vessels and cause heart attacks.

If at the age of 17 a teenager's hemoglobin exceeds the norm for a long time, this can lead to complications and even death.

elevated hemoglobin in a teenager
elevated hemoglobin in a teenager


With changes in hemoglobin levels, you can not self-medicate, so as not to harm the body. When contacting a specialist, a teenager will be prescribed an individual course of therapy and a strict diet. The doctor must conduct a complete examination of the body in order to correctly diagnose, take into account the severity of the disease, the age and gender of the teenager, check for allergic reactions and intolerance to medications. It should be remembered that almost any pathology is treated in the early stages.

normal hemoglobin in a 17-year-old teenager
normal hemoglobin in a 17-year-old teenager

What foods to eat?

Hemoglobin levels can be increased by eating iron-containing foods, so you need to add to the diet:

  • some types of cereals - buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • egg yolks;
  • meat of turkey, pig, beef liver;
  • greens in any form;
  • walnuts;
  • fruits - apples, apricots, peaches, grapes, pomegranates;
  • vegetable and fruit juices;
  • vegetables – carrots, tomatoes, beets;
  • beans.

But if the hemoglobin level in adolescents exceeds the norm, the above products should be excluded from the diet.

Buckwheat to increase hemoglobin
Buckwheat to increase hemoglobin

Smoking as a cause of disease

For those who do not know what hemoglobin depends on, you should also pay attention to bad habits. Smoking can affect hemoglobin levels. A cigarette smoked on an empty stomach can lead to intoxication of an unformed organism in 90% of cases. Poisoning does not pass without a trace, the symptoms appear depending on the severity. If diarrhea or vomiting begins, dehydration will occur, accompanied by increased production of red cells.

The smoker will be horny at first, whichlead to rapid breathing and heart failure. Then a phase of inhibition may occur with a slowing of the heartbeat and a drop in blood pressure. Without medical attention, a teenager may develop heart or respiratory failure.

Hemoglobin and smoking
Hemoglobin and smoking

We take care of our he alth

With an increase in hemoglobin, body temperature can rise to 37.2 degrees. This must be taken into account when a teenager is actively involved in any kind of sport. In this case, it is worth checking the blood for the presence of steroid anabolics. Substances help in endurance, but worsen the well-being of the body, which will manifest itself after a few years.

Incorrect or insufficient nutrition is the reason for the deviation of the indicator. It is common for a teenager to snack on sandwiches, and not to warm the first and second. He is selective in food and can eat defectively. Not eating meat and red foods is fraught with iron deficiency in the body. Products should contain folic acid and vitamin B12 in sufficient quantities.

The norm of hemoglobin in adolescents must be monitored all the time, because the indicator may vary depending on the natural conditions in which the child lives.

hemoglobin in adolescent girls is normal
hemoglobin in adolescent girls is normal

Hemoglobin is produced in large quantities in people living in the mountains. The higher the mountains, the lower the oxygen content in the air and the harder it is to breathe. Because of this, tissues and organs do not receive it in the amount they need, and the body begins to produceiron-containing element in addition. In such conditions, adolescents have elevated hemoglobin levels.


To adjust the hemoglobin index, a teenager should be outdoors every day, play sports, take vitamins and eat right without dry food and snacks. To control the level of hemoglobin, doctors recommend taking a blood test at least once a year.
