The main role of hemoglobin (a complex iron-containing protein) is the transit of oxygen into the cells of the organs of the lungs, and the removal of carbon dioxide from them. If this role is poorly performed, this protein is not produced in the required amount, which negatively affects the entire body.
According to scientific evidence, the level of hemoglobin in women depends on their age, lifestyle, pregnancy or lack thereof. Thus, in girls who smoke, the usual level of this element in the blood is no more than 150 g per liter; in young women who lead an energetic lifestyle - no more than 160 g per liter; in pregnant women (depending on the trimesters), the norm is 110 g per liter of blood.
If, after passing the tests, the doctor speaks of low hemoglobin, then the patient is diagnosed with anemia. It is necessary to understand why hemoglobin 70 is dangerous in women, why it appears and how to compensate for the level of iron in the blood.
Danger of anemia
The less hemoglobin is in the blood, the lower the amount of oxygen in the cells. They don't work at full capacity. There are failures in absolutely all organs. This situationaffects the performance of the whole organism. This can cause depression, headaches, drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy. Doctors name various causes of hemoglobin 70 in women.
Due to the reduced level of protein in the blood, the immune system is weakened, and the body ceases to fight infections. There are chronic diseases that are difficult to treat. With iron deficiency, muscle relaxation occurs, which can lead to urinary incontinence.

It is necessary to focus on the symptoms of a decrease in hemoglobin:
- dermis becomes dry;
- skin turns pale;
- nails break and hair falls out;
- lips get cracked;
- dizzy and headache (up to loss of consciousness);
- feeling weak.
Noticing similar manifestations, you must immediately donate blood. If the study shows hemoglobin 70 in a woman, the doctor prescribes drug therapy. It is impossible to delay treatment in such a situation. Low levels of iron in the blood are very dangerous. If you do not increase it in time, hemoglobin will drop even lower, which will lead to the formation of various pathologies.

Stages of anemia
To find out how dangerous this situation is, you need to find out all the information about the available stages of anemia. Anemia has three degrees of course:
- Light - with a coefficient from 90 to 110 g/l.
- Medium - from 70 to 90 g/l.
- Severe - less than 70 g/l.
So, if iron falls below 70 g/l, the patient is in a severe form of anemia. Only a doctor can help here.
Pregnant women
A low hemoglobin level must be taken seriously, especially for expectant mothers. If no action is taken, in addition to the threats listed above, the following complications may occur:
- existing pathologies will turn into chronic forms;
- hair will start to come out strongly, teeth - to deteriorate, nails - to exfoliate and collapse;
- heartache will appear;
- the liver will increase.
During pregnancy, with severe anemia, the baby will also suffer. He, like his mother, will have a low concentration of red blood cells in the blood. And this will lead to impaired nutrition of the fetus and a lack of intake of necessary substances. The baby may be born with pathologies or congenital anemia.
When the hemoglobin level is less than 70 g/l, critical anemia begins. In this case, emergency medication is needed.

Most of the drugs prescribed for pathologies of this kind contain bi- or ferric iron. Means containing such a substance are more easily absorbed by the body. Other than that, they are relatively cheap.
In addition to iron-containing medicines, vitamins and other drugs are prescribed that promote the absorption of iron in the body. For example, to suchrefers to vitamin C.
Only a doctor can prescribe the optimal dose of such drugs. Standard experts prescribe approximately 2 mg of iron per kilogram of body weight. Substances must be consumed with food, in which case they are more effective. If the dose was chosen correctly, a positive result becomes noticeable already a week after the start of therapy. It will take at least several months for hemoglobin levels to normalize.

Hemoglobin 70 therapy for men and women is given in long courses that can last more than two months. After the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood returns to normal, doctors do not stop treatment. Drugs are allowed to drink with anemia for at least another three months. But at the same time it is recommended to reduce the dosage several times. In addition, experts recommend rinsing your mouth after any medication. This is due to the possible darkening of the dental enamel.
Ways to increase hemoglobin levels
In severe cases, the doctor urgently injects a liquid iron preparation intramuscularly. Already after first aid, a diet and iron-containing medications are prescribed. They should be treated with caution in patients predisposed to allergies. This must be reported to the doctor.

How to eat?
The girl's diet is changed by adding protein foods with a high iron content to the menu: beef, vegetables, fruits, cereals, liver. This element is better absorbed from animal foods, but you do not need to limit the diet to only these products. You also need to consume fruits, such as apples and various vegetables. It should be borne in mind that you should not drink iron-containing foods or medicines with milk, tea or coffee. These fluids make it harder for the micronutrient to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Better start eating whole grain bread instead of white. It is recommended to eat fish at least 2-3 times a week. Real caviar - black and red - perfectly increases the level of iron in the blood. Citrus fruits should definitely be added to the menu. If there are no contraindications, experts advise drinking some red wine.
If anemia is brought to an extreme state (70 g / l and below), urgent measures are taken - they start a blood transfusion. This method perfectly helps with reduced hemoglobin. Treatment takes place in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor with periodic blood sampling for analysis.

In order to avoid serious consequences, you need to know how dangerous hemoglobin 70 is in women. It is imperative to be treated and not suffer from anemia, you should take preventive measures in advance. True, only if the disease is not congenital. Once a year, you should visit the hospital and take a blood test for hemoglobin. And girls predisposed to low hemoglobin levels need to be checked at least 3 times a year. It is necessary to control eating habits - introduce into the diet foods rich iniron.
Women who often experiment with diets, trying to look more attractive, deprive themselves of wholesome food. As a result, along with extra pounds, iron also leaves their body, so during such a diet, multivitamin complexes should be taken.
Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to follow a diet, because in this case, the body will not receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the development of the baby.