As a rule, a wasp sting is quite painful, and sometimes deadly. Some people, especially those with allergies, may even end up in intensive care as a result. The reaction to a wasp sting depends on the individual characteristics of each individual organism, however, there are also general, most likely symptoms of wasp venom damage.
Symptoms after a wasp sting

After such trouble, you may have:
- general malaise;
- palpitations;
- slight chills;
- itching at bite site;
- temperature increase;
- development of edema.
A wasp sting in the head and neck is considered the most dangerous, as anaphylactic shock can occur as a result of edema, which requires urgent help from specialists.
Danger of anaphylactic shock
The development of anaphylactic shock occurs rapidly, whilea person has darkening in the eyes, dizziness, difficulty breathing, impaired swallowing function and the occurrence of tinnitus. Due to insufficient oxygen supply, the brain, heart and kidneys are disrupted, which requires an urgent call for an ambulance team. Since the bite of wasps provokes severe swelling, it can be very difficult for the victim to swallow not only a pill, but also any liquid. The most sensitive patients undergo a special examination in advance, which reveals a predisposition to allergies to wasp venom. In some cases, anaphylactic shock is provoked only by repeated bites, especially in the oral cavity. In this case, the insect can get into the mouth with a sip of kvass, compote, as well as with a spoonful of honey or jam.

First aid for wasp sting
Despite the fact that a wasp sting is very dangerous for he alth, do not despair, it is better to immediately take all necessary measures to prevent negative consequences. The sooner first aid is provided, the higher the chances of a mild course of the main unpleasant consequences of a wasp sting, and the pain sensations will decrease significantly. First of all, the sting of the insect should be pulled out of the skin, but this must be done very carefully, otherwise the poison sac will break, which will penetrate into the bloodstream and aggravate the condition of the victim. Next, you need to thoroughly wash the affected area with ordinary soap or an antiseptic, then drink an antihistamine, and put under the tongueValidol tablet. It is recommended to lubricate the bite site with an antihistamine or hydrocortisone ointment, which will help to quickly and effectively remove puffiness. You can also attach a piece of cotton wool soaked in water with soda, table vinegar or diluted validol.
What helps with a wasp sting?

Methods for relieving pain from an insect bite:
- a cold compress will help reduce swelling and prevent further spread of the poison;
- hot air from a hair dryer helps to quickly neutralize chemicals that provoke pain and inflammation;
- You can reduce the effect of wasp venom with an aspirin tablet, which should be wiped with a bite site moistened with water;
- a compress of ammonia, a paste of baking soda and water, and soaked activated charcoal will also help relieve pain.