Often, doctors use incomprehensible terms and names to confuse their patients, whose rich imagination draws complex and painful procedures. For all patients in this case, a single rule should apply: do not wind yourself up, feeding imaginary fears, but get maximum information. Imagine that after an injury or surgery, you were prescribed hivamat therapy (photo).

What is it you don't understand, so the first thing you do is ask the doctor a question. This is absolutely normal behavior, because it is important for the patient to find out whether this procedure is painful or not. It is not difficult for a qualified doctor to give an explanation about the physiotherapeutic method of treatment - hivamat therapy. Let's try to analyze in detail what it is in our article.
Who invented hivamat therapy
Speaking of hivamat therapy, what it is is easy to explain. This is an innovative physiotherapeutic method of influencing tissues with the help of electrostatic impulses. These pulses are generated by a device patented by the German company Physiomed (Physiomed), whose name is Khivamat-200. The manufacturer has extensive experience in implementing scientific developments in the field of medical equipment. "Physiomed" supplies devicesof varying complexity in 70 countries.

The history of the creation of the Khivamat-200 device
Development of the methodology started in the 80s of the XX century. German scientists Waldner and Seidl suggested that the electrostatic field can be used for medicinal purposes. In their opinion, such a method of exposure could spur the results of manual procedures and therapeutic massage. Experimentally, scientists proved their assumption and contributed to the creation of the Khivamat-200 apparatus.
How it is explained
Reviews about hivamat therapy are always positive. In fact, this is a kind of vibromassage based on the oscillation (oscillation) of tissues by an alternating electrostatic field. Vibration during hivamat therapy affects not only surface tissues, but also subcutaneous tissue (adipose), connective tissue, parts of the venous and lymphatic systems. This deep oscillation is often referred to as GLOSS therapy. The patient and the doctor are connected to the equipment, an electrostatic field arises between the doctor's hand and the patient's body. If the procedure is performed independently, then the role of the hand is performed by a special applicator. The doctor's hand and the patient's body are always charged differently, which excludes the phenomenon of electrolysis. When the hand (applicator) touches the skin, the tissues are attracted to it, and when retracted, they are released. Fabrics vibrate pleasantly within the specified frequencies. If a low frequency is selected, less than 25 Hz, then a suction effect is felt. If the frequencies are above 80Hz, then the vibration is soft.
When treating with manu althe applicator does not need to be connected to the device.

How it happens
So, hivamat therapy. What is it and how is the procedure carried out? The patient is placed on the couch or sits in a comfortable position. The doctor adjusts the device, setting the desired frequency, and puts on vinyl gloves (they do not conduct electricity). The patient is given a titanium element (it is neutral). Pulsation frequency range from 5 to 200 Hz.
The attending physician in the direction of the procedure indicates the frequency of exposure, pulsation mode, procedure time, number of procedures and their frequency.
Glove therapy involves the use of basic manual massage techniques, i.e. stroking, rubbing, kneading, and so on. With a manual applicator, only stroking and rubbing a part of the body is possible.

In acute pathologies, the procedure lasts 10-15 minutes. First, the impact occurs at high frequencies, and then the apparatus is switched to low. Treatment of chronic diseases requires longer exposure. Procedures are expected to last more than 15 minutes. At the first stage, the average frequency is programmed, at the second - high, and at the end of the session - low. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.
Where is the technique applied?
We have already found out that hivamat therapy is a special type of vibromassage, which is used in many medical fields. The technique is used by gynecologists, cardiologists, neurologists, oncologists, orthopedists. Quite often, the procedure is prescribedotolaryngologists, pulmonologists, traumatologists, urologists, plastic surgeons and sports medicine doctors.

Proven Action
When prescribing hivamat therapy, doctors pursue one or more goals from the list below:
- deep oscillation can improve blood circulation and lymph outflow;
- you can speed up the removal of toxins from the body;
- procedure helps relieve spasms, reduce inflammation and reduce swelling;
- hardware vibration massage can activate tissue regeneration;
- under the influence of this procedure, metabolism is accelerated and collagen production is enhanced;
- deep tissue action improves mobility.
Indications for hivamat therapy
Indications and contraindications for hivamat therapy are always taken into account when prescribing the procedure. But we will talk about contraindications later, and now we will consider what problems this procedure contributes to solving:
- Effectively restores venous blood flow and lymph outflow, eliminates venous congestion. Often given after surgery.
- Relieves pain of all origins and localizations. This applies to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, arthrosis, arthritis, trauma, migraine, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, and so on.
- Increases muscle contractions after a stroke, injury or multiple sclerosis.
- Restores metabolism in tissues, promotes the treatment of decubitus wounds, osteoporosis, burns,trophic ulcers.
- Effectively affects the bronchi and lungs after interventions in the chest area. Tones the airways in bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis.
- Accelerates regeneration during plastic surgery. Prevents scarring, reduces cellulite, promotes skin rejuvenation, tightens facial muscles, reduces wrinkles.
- Athletes use the procedure to recover from hard training and competition, eliminate hematomas, reduce swelling and recover from injuries.

List of contraindications
Contraindications for hivamat therapy include the following conditions:
- suppuration and infection in an acute form;
- pregnancy;
- chronic cardiovascular diseases (stage of decompensation);
- installed electronic devices (pacemaker and others);
- inoperable malignant tumors and blood diseases.

It must be taken into account that contraindications apply not only to patients, but also to physiotherapists who perform the procedure. A he althcare worker with one of the above problems should not operate this machine as it may harm their he alth.
What is combined with hivamat therapy?
The effect of hivamat procedures is enhanced if they are prescribed in combination with other treatments. It can be thermal therapy, other electroprocedures, balneology,cryotherapy, manual therapy and other treatments.
Is it necessary to visit the clinic?
If you are assigned to hivamat therapy, where to do a course of procedures, you can choose yourself. The best option is to use the services of a professional physiotherapist. However, there are portable devices for home use. But before using them, you should always consult with your doctor and carefully study the user manual.