What is the brain: its structure and functions

What is the brain: its structure and functions
What is the brain: its structure and functions

The human nervous system (including the brain) is the regulator of the functions of a living organism. Thanks to her, he can react to events and make certain decisions. The brain plays an important role in all of this.

Its functions and structure are still being studied by physicians, so the numbers in the article will very often be indicated only in an approximate range. Still, let's find out what the brain is.

General information

what is the brain
what is the brain

Speaking about what the brain is, it is difficult to ignore the neurons. Their exact number has not been established, and various calculation models allow us to judge that there are from 25 to 86 billion of them (the second number is the most recent data). Neurons form gray matter. The brain itself is covered by three shells:

  • soft;
  • solid;
  • arachnoid (it contains cerebral fluid, which acts as a shock absorber that protects the gray matter from shock).

Speaking of weight, there are differences. So, in men, the average brain mass is approximately 1375 g, while in women it is 1245 g. But, by the way, this does not determine the level of mental development, oddly enough at first glance.

For smart powerof the brain, the number of connections that neurons create is more important than its weight. After all, if we compare us with other animals, then there are many creatures on the planet that can boast a much larger mass of the named organ.

But let's get back to the human and talk about the newborn brain. It is interesting that initially its weight is approximately 1/8 of the baby's body weight (conditionally - about 400 grams). Furrows and large convolutions are well-defined (although they cannot boast of depth and height). And during the first few years of a child's life, the brain takes on the features of an adult.

Neurons and nerves

brain reflex
brain reflex

Brain cells that generate and transmit impulses are called neurons, and additional functions are performed by glia. The gray matter contains cavities called the ventricles. Twelve pairs of cranial nerves extend from it to the rest of the human body.

Neurons and nerves create different departments with their own unique functions. The possibilities of the whole organism completely depend on their activity. Each neuron can potentially have up to 10,000 connections that connect it to other parts of the brain.

White matter is also important. This is the name of the nerve fibers that are used by the body to connect the hemispheres, different cortical areas and with the underlying formations. White matter is located between the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia. It distinguishes four parts, the classification of which is carried out independing on their location.


brain institute
brain institute

Conventionally, the main brain is divided into three parts:

  1. Large hemispheres
  2. Cerebellum.
  3. Brain stem.

It also has five departments:

  1. Final (on which about 80% of the total mass falls).
  2. Posterior (this includes the cerebellum and pons).
  3. Intermediate.
  4. Oblong.
  5. Medium.

In addition, experts distinguish three types of cortex in the brain:

  1. Ancient.
  2. Old.
  3. New.

What is the cerebral cortex

Cerebral cortex is called the surface layer, the thickness of which is approximately 3 mm, covering the human hemispheres. Mainly for its creation, the body uses vertically oriented nerve cells that have processes. Although it should be noted that during its study, efferent and afferent fibers, as well as neuroglia were also found.

Three types of bark stacked in six layers. They all have different density, width, size and shape of neurons. The cerebral cortex boasts an area of 2200 square meters. see This is achieved due to its vertical striation. It also contains approximately 10 billion human neurons.

Cortex functions

brain encephalogram
brain encephalogram

The cerebral cortex performs several specific tasks. Each area is responsible for something specific. So, thanks to the temporal lobe, we can process mechanical vibrations of air (sound) and respond tosmells. The occipital helps us work with visual information. The parietal part of the cortex allows you to touch the space around and determine everything by taste. The frontal lobe is responsible for movement, complex thinking and speech.

Equally important from a functional point of view are the basal ganglia, which are used to transmit information.

Divisions of the brain

cerebral cortex
cerebral cortex

All important human processes are controlled by the telencephalon. It also affects our intellectual abilities.

The diencephalon consists of dorsal (upper) and ventral (lower) parts. In the first, the thalamus is of great importance. It acts as an intermediary that directs all received irritations to the hemispheres. Thanks to it, the body can quickly adapt to the external environment in case of changes.

The hypothalamus is considered the ventral part. This is the name of the subcortical center, where the regulation of vegetative functions occurs. The nervous system, endocrine glands, metabolism and many other important processes for the body fall under its influence. Thanks to it, the level of wakefulness and sleep of a person, as well as his eating and drinking behavior is regulated.

Under the hypothalamus is the pituitary gland, which is responsible for body temperature. It also regulates the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Continuing to find out what the brain is, let's move on to the posterior part - it is necessary for the qualitative work of the conductive function. Externally, this site looks like a bridge withlocated behind the cerebellum. Despite its low weight (about 120-150 grams), the functional value of this component is high. So, the coordination of our movement depends on the cerebellum. The lower part of its surface is in contact with the medulla oblongata. It connects the main and spinal cord of a person. Both white and gray matter can be found here.

Our coordination, balance, metabolism, blood circulation and breathing largely depend on the medulla oblongata. Even when we cough and sneeze, it is he who works. The midbrain is responsible for our latent vision. The center of the orienting reflex is also located in it, which ensures a sharp turn of the body in the direction of loud noise (or other unexpected stimulus). Thanks to him, people have a brain reflex, which manifests itself in the fact that a person can evade things flying in his direction or blows.

Who and where studies the brain

neonatal brain
neonatal brain

Special research centers around the world are being created to study the brain. Thus, in the Russian Federation there is the Brain Institute in St. Petersburg, which is considered an integral part of the Academy of Sciences. This allows concentrating specialists with a high level of training and high-quality state-of-the-art equipment in one place.

Given the complexity of the object under study, even despite the large amount of attention paid to it, scientists have not been able to fully understand how it works. And this is despite the fact that the brain institution is not alone in the whole world and they have been functioning for a long time. However, researchgo, and soon even brain damage will not be a difficult problem.

How the current state of affairs is diagnosed

brain state
brain state

To diagnose the state of such an important organ, a special study is used - an encephalogram of the brain. Thanks to it, you can get high-precision data. Nowadays, this is the most advanced technique that is widely used throughout the world. How is it going?

The encephalogram of the brain is a special curve that occurs under the influence of registration of oscillations that occur in the human brain. Fluctuations are captured through the skin due to the attachment of special sensors. Thus, diagnosticians get a picture of brain activity. If a person is he althy, then it will be harmonious. The ongoing nervous processes in this case are well expressed. With pathologies, various deviations can be observed.

Using the encephalogram of the brain, you can track how the central nervous system works. Thus, the consistency and rhythm of ongoing processes easily fall under observation. Based on these data, it is possible to build a scheme of the brain of a particular person and identify the location of a potential violation.

Positively, the accuracy of the results obtained reflects the novelty of the equipment and the experience of the diagnostician. Thanks to the most modern equipment, it is possible to quickly identify damage that is hidden in the very depths of the structure. And research can be conducted throughout the day to identify the true cause of the violations that have arisen. The state of the brain will be measured andday and night. Then the doctors will have a more complete picture of what is happening with the patient.


brain damage
brain damage

So, we have found out what the brain is, how it works, what functions it performs, how it works, and where and who studies it. Of course, the information provided is too little to say that everything is known about him. But everything big starts small. Therefore, if you have an interest in this topic, then you can easily find a lot of various information that can significantly supplement your knowledge base. Moreover, for these purposes, it would be best to use specialized medical literature, where specialists will tell about everything.
