Rash on buttocks is common. It happens in the form of spots, papules, pustules, nodules, etc. If such elements occupy an area of 5 cm², this is called a rash. Rashes are not only aesthetic discomfort, they are accompanied by itching, soreness, wetting, which causes a lot of inconvenience. The butt is constantly experiencing increased heat during any sitting: in the office, at the table, desk, etc. This is often the main problem.
Provoking factors

The appearance of a rash on the pope has slightly different reasons than the usual one. This is due to the characteristics of the skin in this area:
- Firstly, the buttocks are always covered with clothes. The skin here is more delicate, in men it is deprived of sebaceous glands in general, in women there are few of them. Any pathogens find very fertile ground here. Due to the covering with clothing in the buttocks area, there is always a lack of oxygen. Air baths for this part of the body are a must.
- Lack of sebaceous glands causes lack of moisture, andskin, due to its dryness, is easily irritated by external factors.
- There is no self-cleaning, increased keratinization, which leads to frequent blockage of pores. This causes an inflammatory response.
- Sedentary lifestyle causes constant friction of the skin of the buttocks on chairs, sofas, which disrupts blood circulation and causes a rash.
Very often, having discovered a rash on the buttocks, some begin to panic, considering this a manifestation of a sexually transmitted disease, but these pathologies are rarely related to pimples on the pope.
Types of rashes

Types of rashes:
- Spots - areas with altered pigmentation, often red. They do not rise above the skin, the size and shape are variable.
- Papule is an intradermal nodule, it has no cavity. Sizes can be millet grain or lentil size.
- Blisters are non-cavitary formations of the papillary layer of the dermis, caused by edema. They rise above the skin and are short-lived - they disturb a person for only a few hours. Irregularly shaped, often painful and itchy.
- Bubbles are cavity formations with a clear liquid inside. They rise above the skin. Small vesicles are vesicles, large vesicles are bullae, pustules are filled with pus.
- Acne - appear when the sebaceous glands are blocked. These are inflammatory elements, painful, when compressed, a dark mass is squeezed out.
- Scales - they are always secondary, appear after crusts.
- Erosions - appear after skin damage, resemble superficialulcers. May have cloudy discharge with or without odor.
- Crusts are secondary, the end result of ulcers and erosions. Crusts of yellow or gray color - scooters.
Non-infectious causes of a rash on the buttocks
Sweating, hypothermia, allergic reactions to care products, synthetic underwear, perfume, unhe althy diet with a predominance of spicy foods, alcohol lead to rashes. A rash on the buttocks in an adult can occur in the absence of proper hygiene, long-term use of antibiotics and hormones, endocrine disorders, and obesity.
Noncommunicable diseases:
- Psoriasis - a rash on the buttocks in the form of bright pink spots and silver scales. All this is very itchy and transforms into skin cracks if left untreated. The cause of the pathology is autoimmune processes.
- Dermatitis in the form of a rash on the buttocks develops with insect bites, the action of pollen, chemicals and aggressive liquids. This is already a kind of allergic reaction.
- Medicines containing nalidixic acid may also cause rashes on the buttocks.
- Urticaria - more severe allergic manifestations on the skin in the form of blisters with severe itching.
- Rash on the buttocks is most common in bedridden people. Without treatment, it can turn into ulcers.
- Abscesses and pimples - most often the causative agent is a pyogenic bacterium (Staphylococcus aureus). Without treatment, a pimple easily transforms into a boil (popularly "boil").
- Furuncle is an acute inflammation of the hair follicle. First formeda painful red spot, it turns into a papule, in the center of which a purulent rod is formed - the head. After a few days, it matures and breaks with the release of pus. Then comes healing in the form of a scar. All this can be accompanied by general malaise. Often pimples on the pope appear when rubbing during intense workouts, with excessive sweating, etc.
- Rubbing is the most common cause of a rash on the buttocks in women. This is a common thing for active people, especially athletes. The problem may be in poor-quality clothing that rubs the skin, for young people it is wearing thongs or tight underwear.
- Skin reaction in the form of a rash may be due to exposure to the sun or other types of temperature effects.
- Dermatitis herpetiformis is an autoimmune chronic disease. It is associated with gluten intolerance. The rash on the thighs and buttocks lasts a long time, itches and burns. There are also blisters, swellings, spots all over the body.
- Diabetes mellitus often leads to the appearance of a purulent red rash on the buttocks.
- Miliaria - small red spots and pimples with severe itching. They burst and become easily infected with deeper skin lesions. There may be frequent itching between the buttocks.
Infectious manifestations

Photos of a rash on the buttocks with infectious diseases look unattractive, the most common pathologies of this class include the following:
- Syphilis is a venereal disease that affects the whole body at stage 2, incl. andbuttocks. The rash is usually localized perianally. It is symmetrical, often papular, spotted, does not cause any sensations and after 2 months passes on its own. Further, as you move to stage 3, it appears again, but in smaller quantities.
- Dermatophytosis is a fungal infection. Manifested by the appearance of scooters on the pope.
- Pityriasis versicolor is also a fungus that develops with excessive sweating. First, yellow-brown dots form around the hair follicles, followed by scalloped spots with peeling, itching.
- Molluscum contagiosum is a viral infection from the smallpox group. It manifests itself as shiny translucent nodules with an impression in the center. Size up to a pea, are grayish or pink, without itching. When squeezed, a white gruel is squeezed out.
- Herpes - caused by HSV type 2, less often 1. In women, it manifests itself more often on the genitals, in men - a rash on the buttocks. Groups of vesicles (vesicles) appear with itching and swelling. After a couple of days, they break through and turn into ulcers. The fluid becomes cloudy, the ulcers become covered with yellow or brown crusts. The disease is highly contagious through physical contact.
- Rubrophytia is a rash of fungal origin. All over the surface of the buttocks there are small red blisters with itching.
- Genital warts are caused by the HPV virus. Reminds me of warts. They like to settle on the genitals and buttocks. Outwardly, the formations are similar to cauliflower, soft, moist, itchy. They grow very quickly, in 3-4 hours they grow into a whole colony.
- Lichen planus - fungaldisease. With this disease, a rash appears on the buttocks, legs (inner thighs), genitals and hands. A rash on the pope may look like rings, chains, garlands. These nodules are very itchy and painful.
- Scabies - caused by the scabies mite, which forms passages in the skin. Accompanied by the appearance of blisters and vesicles with severe itching. The subcutaneous passages are slightly raised, they are up to 1 cm long, gray in color. Bubbles are the end of moves. The itching gets worse at night.
Rash between the buttocks and itching appear more often than in other areas. The main pathogenic causes include: helminthic infestations (more often in children), infections such as impetigo, chickenpox, herpes, herpes zoster, as well as dermatitis, epidermolysis bullosa.
How long does the rash on the buttocks last?
It depends entirely on the root cause. Many types of rashes can go away spontaneously after a few days. Other elements (ulcers and erosions) last a long time, for example, with eczema. With syphilis, they also go away on their own.
What not to do?
You can not self-medicate, squeeze out boils, pierce blisters, peel off crusts, comb itchy places with dirty hands and nails. There is a risk of secondary infection.
The skin around the pimple must be constantly disinfected: wipe it 3-4 times during the day with an antiseptic, for example, salicylic alcohol, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. Then you should go to the doctor.
Necessary treatment
In the absence of other symptoms with the permission of the doctor, you can treat fresh uncomplicated acne at home:lubricate them morning and evening with salicylic or salicylic-zinc ointment, iodine, Baziron ointment, Miramistin.
Antibacterial and antifungal effect has "Fukortsin", Zelenka. These aniline dyes are spotted on each pimple.
Pimples must be dried, then they heal faster. For this, zinc ointment, Tsikretal, Desitin, Tsindol, Skinoren cream, Zinerit, Lassara paste are used. Well helps "Darsonval". Tar soap has antibacterial and regenerating properties.
A protective dressing is used to protect blisters until they disappear completely. During this time, the skin should return to normal, and the blisters will dissolve.
If the blisters are large, with the permission of the doctor, they are pierced under sterile conditions, an antibiotic cream is immediately applied to this place to prevent infection.
Corticosteroids and immunosuppressants are used as prescribed by a doctor in injections for autoimmune conditions. For example, with dermatitis herpetiformis, psoriasis.
Folk remedies

Folk remedies include herbal baths, steaming in the bath and sauna with a birch or juniper broom. Compresses from plantain, burdock, aloe pulp are very effective. Usually they are applied for 2 days to show the effect. Any treatment at home should take place only after a doctor's prescription.
A few usefulfunds:
- Tea tree and coconut oil - has a high antimicrobial activity. These funds will help relieve inflammation and itching for any etiology, they also have a drying effect.
- Oatmeal bath has a calming effect.
- Aloe vera gel is anti-inflammatory and soothing.
- Apple cider vinegar needs to be diluted halfway with water. Lubricate pustules and wounds.
- Garlic affects both bacteria and viruses. It is necessary to push it into a paste and apply to the ulcers for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Course - 2 weeks.
- Soda is applied as a thick paste, has antimicrobial and drying properties. Its oil is considered an antiseptic, it also affects fungi. Heals blisters well and quickly.
- Turmeric powder is a natural antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drug. Applied to the blister as a paste, accelerates healing.
Rash on the buttocks in women and girls may be related to the material of the underwear. It is necessary to minimize the time of wearing synthetics.
When should a doctor's appointment be urgent?

If a rash on the buttocks appeared suddenly without cause or irritant, spreads like an avalanche, while the temperature rises, blisters, itching and aching pain appear, then this may be the beginning of a serious illness. If a red streak appears on the rash, this is a sure sign of blood poisoning - sepsis.
Prevention measures
Must wear underwear fromnatural fabrics, every half an hour during sedentary work, do a physical activity. Do not allow overheating and hypothermia of the body. You should balance the diet, give up flour, s alty and fatty foods.
Why do babies get rashes?

Depending on age, a rash can be caused by:
- Up to a year, diaper dermatitis is the main cause of a rash on the buttocks of a child. The fault here lies only with the mother. It arises from the irritating effect of urine, feces, sweat, overheating. Especially if the mother is too lazy to change the baby's diapers on time.
- Up to 2 years. At this age, the diet has already been expanded, but the butt is still small and rarely processed, the mother dismisses care, thinking that her only task is to put on a diaper for the baby.
- Children 3 years old go to kindergarten, while the possibility of infection with helminths increases.
- From the age of 4 to 6, children are active and social, which increases the risk of infections and contact dermatitis. Expansion of the diet leads to an increased risk of allergies.
Manifestation of infections: how to distinguish?

The cause of a rash on the buttocks of a child may be:
- Scarlet fever is a small pink rash that looks like sandpaper on the skin. Often localized on the pope, groin and hands.
- Rubella is a viral infection. A rash on the buttocks appears on the 2nd day of the disease. Elements up to 3-5 mm do not merge. There is no itching and discomfort, the rash lasts for 3 days, then disappears. Infants do notIt happens more often at the age of 2-7 years. No treatment other than isolation required.
- Chickenpox is a viral herpes infection. Rash in the form of small bubbles, contagious. Treatment only by lubricating the elements.
- Measles is a rash of red papules, contagious.
- Roseola is a sudden exanthema in children under 2 years of age. It develops after catarrhal phenomena, resembles rubella and does not require special treatment.
- Candidiasis is caused by the Candida fungus. It affects not only the skin, but also the internal organs and mucous membranes.
- In young children, dermatitis is accompanied by severe itching, the skin between the buttocks begins to peel off. A whitish coating appears on the skin, along the edges of which there may be pustules and vesicles. Often occurs after prolonged antibiotic treatment.
- Infectious mononucleosis - a maculopapular rash, bright red, can be not only on the priest, but also on the legs, face. Lasts about a week, then turns pale and disappears without a trace.
- Meningococcal infection. After 6-24 hours after the rise in temperature, a hemorrhagic rash appears. Initially, these are pink spots, pinpoint hemorrhages, which quickly turn into large confluent bruises.
Usually, infections are accompanied by a rise in temperature, followed by a rash. There are signs of intoxication and a general deterioration.
Prevention of rashes in children
The appearance of a rash in children is facilitated by the fact that their epidermis is still underdeveloped and does not have the same degree of protection as in adults. To minimize rashes on the ass, in addition to hygiene, you need to temper childrenand strengthen their immunity.