One of the main causes of miscarriage in women is the lack of such a hormone as progesterone. According to research results, 62% of 753 examined women have low levels of this hormone. In this article, we will look at several ways to increase progesterone naturally without the use of hormonal drugs. But first, let's talk about why this hormone is so important.
Why is it so important to increase progesterone if its level is low?

The answer to this question can be given as follows. As you know, in the menstrual cycle, the luteal (or secretory) phase occurs immediately after the ovulatory one. It is in it that a natural increase in progesterone levels is observed. This is necessary in order to prepare the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) to receive a fertilized egg. And when the level of progesterone is low to support this process, it becomes very difficult to get pregnant. That is why all doctors recommend that women increase progesterone. But why is its low level so dangerous?
Is it true that if you do not increase progesterone,can this lead to infertility?
Yes, it's true. Even if a woman ovulates and the egg is successfully fertilized, due to the lack of this hormone, the endometrium still remains

unprepared to receive it. But it also happens that the egg still manages to stick to the wall of the uterus for further development. However, if progesterone is not increased by this point, the chance of miscarriage increases. If this happens, then the woman just needs to normalize the level of this hormone before the next attempt at conception. But how do you know when you don't have enough progesterone?
The following are the most common symptoms and signs of this hormone deficiency:
- pre-menstrual bleeding is common;
- breast engorgement;
- sweet cravings develop;
- menstrual irregularity;
- a cyst may appear in the ovary;
- low body temperature during menstruation;
- miscarriage and possible infertility thereafter.
How to increase progesterone naturally?
The following are 7 tips for this:
- Make sure you get enough micronutrients from your food.
- In order for women to have normal levels of progesterone, the doctor may prescribe B vitamins, in particular B6.
- Also, magnesium intake helps to increase the hormone.
- Eat more leafy vegetables, almonds, molasses, seeds, nuts and beans are good sources of vitamin B6 and magnesium.
- You also need to eat food with organic protein content, since hormones are formed from these substances.
- Constantly measure body temperature in the second half of the cycle to see if it has returned to normal during menstruation.
- Avoid non-organic food, eat more milk and dairy products - they contain high levels of various hormones.

You should pay attention to the last point. Milk and products containing it are especially effective in increasing progesterone, since they are saturated not only with this, but also with many other hormones necessary for a woman (prolactin, somatostatin, melatonin, oxytocin, growth hormone, luteinizing hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, estrogens, progesterone, insulin, corticosteroids and many others).
Before eating this or that food, it is better to consult your dietitian. After some time, you can get tested for the hormones "progesterone" and see if their levels have risen, which should definitely happen.