Metabolism is a vital process that occurs in the body of every person. However, as practice shows, it is observed at different rates in different people. Its effectiveness is also affected by the state of he alth, gender and, of course, age.
What is this? What should it be and how to regulate this process? More on that later.

What is metabolism
This concept is especially well known to those people who want to lose a few extra pounds. And there is nothing strange here, since metabolism is a process that is a metabolism. It is responsible for the breakdown of trace elements, especially fats. It is the reduced level of this process that is the reason for the presence of a large amount of body fat in the human body, which not only spoils the figure, but also leads to he alth problems.
Knowing all that is presented above, many men and women of different agesthink about how to speed up the metabolism. Especially people are interested in how to do it at home without drinking a bunch of pills. Consider all the possible and most effective methods below.
Rule 1. Calorie counting
The first and one of the basic rules that must be observed by all those who want to speed up the metabolism in their body is counting calories. And now we are not talking about minimizing them at all. On the contrary, in order for this life process to be normal, you need to pay attention to the fact that their number is not too small - the optimal figure is 1200 calories per day (less is not recommended).
What happens if you don't follow this rule? With a daily intake of insufficient calories in the human body, a protective reaction is triggered by the deposition of "reserve" fats. As a result, you can get good folds on the stomach, on the sides, as well as cellulite in various places - such "surprises" will definitely not please anyone.
However, everyone knows the rule, which implies the intake of a minimum of calories per day in order to lose weight. How to stick to it in such a way as to lose weight and not disturb the metabolic process?
The answer to this question can be one: you need to calculate your daily portion of calories and eat in accordance with the established indicator.

Calculate daily calorie intake
This indicator is calculated separately foreach person. The treasured number is being clarified according to the formula that was derived by Harris-Benedict.
Within the framework of this formula, you should display your indicator equal to the number of calories needed per day. For men and women, this is done according to different schemes:
W: 9.99body weight (kg) + 6.25height (cm)–4.92age – 161
M: 9.99body weight (kg) + 6.25height (cm)–4.92age + 5
As a result, a certain figure should be obtained (each has its own). The calculated indicator should be multiplied by a certain coefficient, which must be selected based on how actively daily activities are carried out. So, if a person does not go in for sports at all, his number is 1, 2. In the event that he does light fitness three times a week, then the indicator should be multiplied by 1, 375, if twice as much - 1, 4625. Provided regular heavy loads (about 5 times in 7 days) you need to choose the number 1, 550, and with daily fitness, the indicator should be equal to 1, 6375. Some people subject their body to significant physical exertion every day and more than once - their number is 1, 725, and if this indicator is also combined with everyday hard work at work, then you need to multiply the resulting number by 1, 9.
Now you should decide how you need to change your appearance: lose weight or, conversely, build muscle. In the first case, a certain percentage must be subtracted from the resulting number (from 10 to 20), and in the second, on the contrary, the same indicator must be added. If the task is to maintain your weight in suchthe position in which he is at the moment, interest should not be subtracted or added.
The resulting number is the daily calorie allowance to stick to.

Rule 2. Minimum breaks between meals
Most nutritionists and gastroenterologists unanimously declare that the daily diet should be stable, which includes the observance of uniform breaks between meals. The fact is that the human body is designed in such a way that if it receives food stably, then all processes occur in a normal mode. In the event that between the stages of eating there are large, and besides, uneven breaks, he begins to store calorie reserves, which soon turn into fat folds.
What are the ideal breaks between meals? Doctors of various speci alties agree on one opinion - no more than five hours.
Rule 3. Strength training
Perhaps not everyone knows about it, but the greater the percentage of muscle mass in the body, the better for the metabolism - its speed immediately develops to the desired level. How to increase it? First of all, you can sign up for a gym and do strength exercises there using dumbbells and barbells, which for some reason are mistaken by many to be exclusively male attributes.
If you ignore this point, you may encounter the problem of excessive weight loss (with limitedcalories).

Rule 4. Drinking water
Many diets that are signed for weight loss contain the requirement to consume the maximum amount of fluid. Why is that? It's simple: water speeds up metabolism. In addition, it helps to saturate the skin with the necessary moisture, as a result of which its excessive dryness is eliminated and premature external aging is prevented. Also, in the case of drinking about two liters of purified water per day, appetite is significantly reduced.
However, it is necessary to use water, adhering to certain rules. So, be sure to drink it 20 minutes before meals and after this process after 40 minutes - no less. If you use it in parallel with the process of eating, you can significantly disrupt the digestion process, which will negatively affect the work of the whole organism as a whole.
Fans of large quantities of tea, juice, coffee and other drinks may be upset, as they do not fall under the concept of "water". It implies the use of exclusively purified liquid, preferably mineral and without gas.
Rule 5. Presence of cardio loads
It has long been no secret that cardio workouts not only have the most positive effect on the functioning of the cardiac system and strengthen the muscles of the heart, but also help to lose a large proportion of excess fat contained in the body. However, not all fans of this type of load know how to properly perform the exercises.
First of all, you need to understand thatto get the most efficiency, for example, from running on a track, you should constantly increase your speed (every five minutes by the maximum allowable indicator) and keep the selected level for at least one minute. This action should be repeated throughout the workout, as it helps to speed up the metabolism, not only during training, but also for a certain period after them (3-4 hours).

Rule 5. Breakfast
Many people know that a properly prepared and eaten breakfast sets a great mood for the whole day. Unfortunately, not everyone tries to pay special attention to this, arranging a normal meal closer to dinner, or even after it. This is completely wrong.
How to speed up metabolism for weight loss? Oddly enough, it is imperative to provide yourself with a daily breakfast, and it must be nutritious. It is the presence of the optimal number of calories that helps to activate all processes in the body and, as a result, improve metabolism.
A nutritious porridge with fruits, nuts or a smoothie made from milk and a banana can be a great breakfast option. Under this condition, you should completely forget about the option when instead of breakfast, you eat cookies with a cup of coffee.
Rule 6. More protein
One of the ways to speed up metabolism is to increase muscle mass. It is no secret that this process is provided only if there is a properthe amount of protein in the body. Such a substance comes with food, which contains a considerable amount of the mentioned component. What are these products? Be sure to pay attention to legumes, seafood (especially fish), cottage cheese, as well as meat, the fibers of which contain a huge amount of protein (especially chicken). All of these ingredients are not capable of causing the process of formation of body fat.
How much protein is the norm for the human body in order to speed up metabolism? The optimal indicator is two grams of protein per kilogram of human weight.
As practice shows, not all people have the opportunity to gain the required amount of this substance with the help of food. In this case, you can resort to the help of special protein bars, shakes and other nutritional supplements, which are always available in sports nutrition stores.

Speed up metabolism in adulthood
As a rule, at a more mature age, the metabolic process begins to slow down, which causes excess body fat. In this period of life, calories begin to be consumed much more slowly than it happens, for example, at the age of 20, and people themselves face the question of how to speed up metabolism after 40. At this age, you should especially start taking care of your body: regularly visit sports and gym, eat right and drink a normal amount of water (at least twoliters). Representatives of this age category are often recommended to add oolong tea (a kind of green) to their daily diet, which by its action improves the metabolic process.
How to speed up metabolism after 50 years? The answer to this question is about the same as the one above. At this age, it is necessary not to stop playing sports. It is important to eat only the right foods that speed up the metabolism. You should pay attention to grapefruit, green tea, soy milk, oatmeal, as well as broccoli and cinnamon - all these ingredients not only have a positive effect on the metabolic process, but also help to cope with age-related changes that occur in the body. In addition, it is necessary to pay special attention to the list of trace elements and vitamins that speed up metabolism. These include calcium, iodine, chromium, folic acid, and omega-3s. As for vitamins, it is important to pay special attention to those in group B.

Metabolism-boosting drugs
Of course, the acceleration of the metabolic process can be improved by influencing it with the help of a certain group of drugs. There are several varieties of them, but consider some of the most effective groups.
First of all, these include steroids of the anabolic group. As a rule, they are especially popular among athletes who are interested in building muscle mass. Actionsteroids is to accelerate the synthesis of proteins in the human body. However, as practice shows, such substances have some side effects.
To improve the metabolic process, some doctors recommend resorting to fat-burning drugs called thermogenics, a prime example of this is Dinitrophenol.
How to speed up metabolism for weight loss? A proper result can be achieved by activating the thyroid gland. "Thyroxine" is excellent in resolving this issue.
The number of drugs that speed up metabolism also includes energy drinks. Prominent representatives of this group are caffeine and guarana. How do these substances work? They provide strength for high-quality training, which will burn a large amount of fat. However, there are certain contraindications regarding the intake of these substances: they are strictly prohibited for those people who suffer from heart problems.
Useful products
There is a certain list of foods that speed up metabolism. Those people who want to improve the metabolism in their body are simply obliged to include legume-based drinks in their daily diet. These include coffee, as well as cocoa made with skim milk.
In addition, you should pay attention to vegetables and fruits of various types - these are the products that contain a huge amount of fiber necessary to improve this process. With this task, products made of wholegrains, especially sprouted wheat and bread.
It is known that calcium is a substance that speeds up metabolism. It is found in large quantities in milk and dairy products. By using them regularly, you can achieve a reliable and stable effect of losing weight. This is also facilitated by spicy spices added in small amounts to food. However, people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract should be especially careful with the last elements.

Great for helping burn fat and speed up the metabolic process green hour (especially oolong tea).
In nature, there is a certain list of herbs that speed up metabolism. These include oregano, mint, St. John's wort, lingonberry leaves, chicory, and nettle leaves. They can always be found in local pharmacies and prepared in a very simple way - brewing in boiling water. Infusions of such herbs can be drunk instead of the usual black tea - they will have a positive effect.
Folk methods
How to speed up metabolism at home? There is a considerable amount of folk remedies that allow you to do this.
First of all, if you want to improve your metabolism, you can try to prepare a tincture according to the presented recipe. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of viburnum berries and pour them with a glass of boiling water. After that, the container with tincture should be covered with a lid and left for a couple of hours in this form. After the specified time, the miracle cure will be ready for use. Its necessaryconsume a teaspoon twice a day.
Another option on how to speed up the metabolism in the body with folk methods is to prepare a tincture of walnut leaves. Only fresh ingredients must be used. In order for the medicine to give the maximum effect, you should take a couple of teaspoons of hazel leaves and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Leave the mixture for a couple of hours, strain through cheesecloth or strainer. The finished drink should be taken in small portions (half a glass) four times a day (before meals).
You can make another highly effective tincture. To do this, in a separate bowl, you need to combine lobed nightshade, water cabbage and chicory in a ratio of 1: 2: 3. Further, such a composition is required to be used as needed to prepare the tincture. To make it most effective, pour three tablespoons of the herb mixture with a liter of boiling water and leave for 1.5 hours. Take very often - about seven times a day, 1-2 tablespoons.
Among the herbs that speed up metabolism, there is a series. How to insist on it? The recipe for a miracle cure is quite simple. To prepare the right tincture, you need to pour 4 tablespoons of the dried and crushed plant with a liter of boiling water and let it steam overnight. After the specified time, the tincture should be filtered and consumed in half of one glass three times a day.
Knowing such simple methods of how to speed up the metabolism in the body, you can always stay he althy, fit and beautiful.