First aid for emergencies. First aid

First aid for emergencies. First aid
First aid for emergencies. First aid

Everyone can get into a situation where medical assistance is urgently needed. Cases are different, as is the severity of the situation. It is first aid in emergency situations that can save a human life. It is to this topic that we have devoted our article. Of course, there can be a large number of such cases, we will consider those that are most often encountered in medical practice.

Epileptic seizure

The most common type of seizure occurs in patients with epilepsy. It is characterized by loss of consciousness, convulsive movements of the limbs, foam from the mouth. Patients have pre-seizure symptoms, paying attention to which in time can significantly help themselves. These include a feeling of fear, irritation, heart palpitations, sweating.

first aid in emergencies
first aid in emergencies

First aid for emergencies such as an epileptic seizure is as follows. The patient must be put on one side, to prevent the tongue from falling with a spoon or improvised material, if vomiting of foam has begun, make sure that there is no asphyxia. If convulsions are observed, hold the limbs.

The doctors who arrived at the scene inject magnesium sulfate with glucose intravenously, intramuscularly - "Aminazin", then the patient is urgently hospitalized.


This condition occurs when there is insufficient blood supply to the brain of the human head, in medicine it is referred to as hypoxia.

There can be a lot of reasons, from the psychological reaction of the body to a sharp pain shock. First aid for emergencies of fainting is quite simple. An unconscious person must be taken out into the open, head tilted down and kept in that position. And if possible, apply a cotton swab moistened with ammonia to the respiratory tract.

first aid in emergencies
first aid in emergencies

After doing these activities, a person comes to his senses. After fainting, peace and quiet are advised, as well as avoiding stressful situations. As a rule, medical workers who have arrived on a call do not hospitalize such patients. If a person comes to his senses and his condition has stabilized, then he is prescribed bed rest and monitoring of well-being.


These are special medical emergencies in which there is significant blood loss, which in some cases can be fatal.

Before first aid is provided for bleeding emergencies, it is important to understand its type. Distinguish between venous and arterial blood loss. If you are unsure of your guess, it is best to call an ambulance and wait.

emergency conditions inpediatrics
emergency conditions inpediatrics

It is important to remember about your own safety, through the blood you can get sick. The person you are experiencing blood loss may be infected with HIV, hepatitis, and other dangerous diseases. Therefore, before helping, protect yourself with gloves.

A tight bandage or tourniquet is applied to the bleeding site. If the limb is damaged, then it is aligned if possible.

If there is internal bleeding, the first aid for emergencies is to apply cold to this place. It would be useful to use painkillers so that the person does not lose consciousness and shock does not occur.

Bleeding is not limited to adults, pediatric emergencies are common. First aid for children in such conditions should be aimed at preventing shock and asphyxia. This is due to a low pain threshold, so if there are short-term pauses in breathing, the following is done. On the neck, below the Adam's apple, a puncture is made with a metal tube or improvised things. And an ambulance is immediately called.


Coma is a complete loss of consciousness by a person, which is characterized by a lack of response to external stimuli.

The causes of coma vary greatly. It can be: severe alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, brain injuries and bruises, and also signs of infectious diseases.

Comas are serious medical emergencies in which medical caremust be qualified. Based on the fact that the reasons cannot be visually determined, the patient must be urgently hospitalized. Already in the hospital, the doctor will prescribe a complete examination of the patient. This is especially important if there is no information about diseases and possible causes of falling into a coma.

There is an increased risk of cerebral edema and memory loss, therefore, appropriate measures are taken until the causes are clarified. Such emergencies in pediatrics are less common. As a rule, in cases of diabetes and epilepsy. This simplifies the task of the doctor, parents will provide the child's medical card, and treatment will begin immediately.

medical emergencies
medical emergencies

Electric shock

The degree of electric shock depends on many factors, this is the electric discharge that struck the person, and the duration of contact with the focus.

The very first thing to do if you witness an electric shock to a person is to remove the focus. It often happens that a person cannot let go of an electric wire, for this they use a wooden stick.

Before the ambulance arrives and first aid is provided for emergencies, a person's condition must be assessed. Check the pulse, breathing, examine the affected areas, check consciousness. If necessary, independently perform artificial respiration, indirect heart massage, treat the affected areas.

assistance in emergencies
assistance in emergencies


Occur when exposed to the bodytoxic substances, they can be liquid, gaseous and dry. In case of poisoning, severe vomiting, dizziness, and diarrhea are observed. Assistance in emergency states of intoxication should be aimed at the rapid removal of toxic substances from the body, stopping their action and restoring the functioning of the digestive and respiratory organs.

For this, the stomach and intestines are washed. And after - complex therapy of a general restorative nature. Remember that prompt medical attention and first aid can save a person's life.
