Description, symptoms and treatment of Asperger's syndrome

Description, symptoms and treatment of Asperger's syndrome
Description, symptoms and treatment of Asperger's syndrome

This disease belongs to the group of pervasive personality development disorders. These disorders are mental states in which a person is inhibited

asperger syndrome
asperger syndrome

development of his basic skills, especially the inability to lead a social lifestyle, communicate and use his own imagination.

Like autism, Asperger's syndrome can cause the patient to withdraw into himself and other similar mental conditions. However, these two disorders are only similar to each other. Asperger's syndrome does not have such obvious deviations as in autism: usually a person's skills are more functional. In general, the level of intelligence of such patients is normal, speech is almost normal, but in old age there may be difficulties in communicating with people.

Asperger Syndrome Symptoms

The clinical picture of this disorder varies, and different individuals experience different symptoms. The most basic signs of Asperger's Syndrome are:

  • Social problems. It is often difficult for children with this disease
  • Asperger syndrome in adults
    Asperger syndrome in adults

    interact withother people, in many situations they feel uncomfortable. They usually find it difficult to make friends, open and maintain a conversation.

  • Eccentric behavior or repetitive movements. Children with Asperger's Syndrome may behave very strangely, such as obsessing over the same movement with a certain body part (any).
  • Unusual addictions or habits. People, especially children, can develop strange habits that they categorically refuse to give up. For example, it may be wearing non-standard or inappropriate clothes and the like.
  • Communication problems. Asperger's Syndrome in adults and children can cause a number of communication difficulties - many cannot make eye contact when talking, show or even recognize emotions or gestures when communicating. It is also difficult for people to understand, say, catchphrases, idioms, jokes, etc.
  • Limited range of interests. Usually people with this disorder have a passionate interest (up to fanaticism) in some areas of the sphere of human life. For example, they may be overly addicted to watching movies, gambling, etc. At the same time, nothing else attracts them.
  • Coordination problems. Often, people with Asperger's syndrome have clumsy or awkward movements, lack of coordination.
  • Talent or skill. Many children and adults with this disorder are endowed with exceptional skills in something: arts (music, drawing), sciences (ability in mathematics and other exact sciences), and more.

Is it possible to get rid of the syndromeAsperger's?

Unfortunately, modern medicine is not able to completely cure this

autism asperger syndrome
autism asperger syndrome

disease. However, many techniques have been developed to help people cope with the symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome:

  • Special education. It helps children acquire the necessary minimum knowledge.
  • Correction of behavior.
  • Speech, physiology and occupational therapies are also available to help children discover their own abilities.
  • Social skills therapy trains people with this disorder to communicate with others.

There is currently no drug treatment for Asperger's Syndrome. However, drugs help to cope with such specific manifestations of the mentioned ailment as depression, fear and anxiety, hyperactivity, obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive thoughts or actions).
