Neurologist is one of the most difficult jobs in all of medicine. Only the most diligent specialists are able to achieve success in this field. This is due primarily to the fact that science studies the most complex system of the body - the nervous system. The functioning of absolutely every organ depends on its work.
What is the difficulty of this profession?
A neurologist is a person who must be well versed in topographic anatomy. Such a discipline is very complex, as it implies a thorough study of each human organ, as well as its spatial relationship with other formations. Naturally, the course of the nerves is also studied here. It should be noted that there are a great many of them in the body, from really large trunks to small branches.
The peculiarity of the nervous system is such that its damage in one area can lead to disruption of the body in a completely different part of the body, located at a considerable distance from the primary pathological process. The main difficulty lies in finding the site of damage to the nervous tissue and, at the same time, being guided primarily by clinical manifestations. This is far fromalways turns out to be an easy task.

It should also be noted that the nervous tissue has a very low rate of its regeneration. Her recovery is very slow. It is for this reason that a good neurologist always tries to keep the corresponding system of his patients untouchable, using all the possibilities of conservative treatment in the first place. And only in the most extreme cases, the doctor resorts to the services of surgeons.
Polyclinic. The neurologist and his interaction with other specialists
The specificity of this profession in primary care medical institutions lies in its huge demand. At the same time, patients do not always come to the neurologist on their own. Much more often they are sent to him by specialists of other profiles. This is due to the fact that many clinical manifestations can be caused by pathology of the nervous system.
It should also be noted that the prevalence of such diseases in the human population is quite high. It is for this reason that a neurologist is a doctor who always has long queues outside his office.

Working in a hospital
Many hospitals have neurological departments in their structure. They often receive very severe patients who lose the ability to move. The fact is that when the spinal cord is damaged, people can experience paresis and paralysis. Their prevalence and severity depend primarily on the location and extent of damage. In case ifconnections are completely broken due to its cutting, then a person has a complete violation of the functions of all organs, the activity of which is ensured by the nerves extending from the common trunk after the damaged area. It is almost never possible to completely restore the working capacity of such a person. Even the most experienced specialist is not able to do this. This is largely due to the extremely low ability of the nervous tissue to regenerate.
Neurologist is a profession worthy of respect. Every year, each of these doctors saves a huge number of lives and maintains a normal image for even more people.