Ultrasonography of the renal arteries: description, features and recommendations

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Ultrasonography of the renal arteries: description, features and recommendations
Ultrasonography of the renal arteries: description, features and recommendations

Video: Ultrasonography of the renal arteries: description, features and recommendations

Video: Ultrasonography of the renal arteries: description, features and recommendations
Video: Popliteal Artery and the Patellar Network 2025, January

The full name of the study of ultrasound of the renal arteries sounds like "ultrasound triplex Doppler." This is a modern method of diagnosing, which is used to establish a violation of blood flow in the vessels. The effect is based on the reflection of an ultrasonic wave from red blood cells, which allows you to see the vessels in action from the inside. With this method, early symptoms of circulatory disorders that are caused by thrombosis, spasms or vasoconstriction can be detected.

uzdg of the renal arteries
uzdg of the renal arteries

What does ultrasound of the renal arteries give?

This technique allows you to assess the state of the lumen of the vessels. Thanks to its implementation, the state of the vascular walls is demonstrated, and in addition, blood flow parameters and its volume are recorded with the speed of the pumped blood. In addition to diagnosing diseases, this method is used to evaluate changes in blood vessels during treatment. Now we will find out when such a study is prescribed for patients.

When appointedpatients?

Various pathologies of the kidneys serve as indications for the mandatory appointment of this procedure. With the pathology of this organ and renal vessels, the following symptoms may be observed:

  1. Increased patient pressure.
  2. The presence of edema in the form of puffiness of the face and swelling of the legs.
  3. The appearance of pain in the lumbar region.
  4. Occurrence of disorders in urination.
  5. An abnormal urine test (presence of protein, blood, or traces thereof in the urine).
ultrasound of the renal arteries and vessels with doppler
ultrasound of the renal arteries and vessels with doppler


Price of ultrasound of the renal arteries ranges from 800 to 1000 rubles, depending on the region of the country. Next, find out if any preparation is required for the patient to undergo the described study.

Does the patient need preparation?

The main condition under which the ultrasound of the renal arteries will be of the highest quality is the complete absence of gases in the intestines. In order to be able to provide this condition, it is necessary to follow a certain diet on the eve of the study. It is observed for three days before the examination. In order to provide the required conditions for the UZDG procedure, it is necessary to exclude foods that promote the formation of gases from your diet. Thus, immediately before the examination, you should in no case eat raw vegetables with fruits along with brown bread, sauerkraut, peas, beans, milk, confectionery, juices and carbonated drinks.drinks.

What else does preparation for an ultrasound scan of the renal arteries involve? In addition to the diet, it is recommended to take enterosorbents in the form of Espumizan or activated charcoal for three days before the examination. Examination is preferably carried out on an empty stomach. It is convenient to do this in the morning, without breakfast after waking up. True, a six-hour interval between eating and examination is quite enough.

Proper preparation for ultrasound of the renal vessels and arteries is very important. Deviation from the recommended requirements is allowed only when a person has diabetes or some other disease that requires adherence to diet, medication and a strict diet. After some other diagnostic procedures, such a study does not make sense. For example, against the background of fibrogastroscopy or colonoscopy, air enters the intestine, which will interfere with visualization of the general condition and assess the he alth of the kidney vessels.

uzdg renal arteries preparation
uzdg renal arteries preparation

Are there any contraindications?

There are no direct contraindications to ultrasound examination of the renal arteries. The procedure in question is considered completely harmless, in connection with this it can be carried out repeatedly. In addition, the main advantage is that there are no age restrictions for performing ultrasound.

How is the study going?

The examination in question is completely painless and does not cause any discomfort to patients. A person exposes his stomach along with his back, a special gel is applied to his skin,providing the best contact between the sensor and the body. Then the doctor moves the sensor and examines the images that appear on the monitor. The doctor fixes all the results in the patient's card, they are printed on paper in the form of a photographic image. This examination usually takes no more than thirty minutes. Immediately after it, you can proceed to your usual business.

Normal values of renal artery ultrasound:

  • smooth clear contours of the kidneys;
  • body size about 15cm;
  • allowable difference between two kidneys up to 2 cm;
  • thickness of the hyperechoic capsule - less than 1.5 mm;
  • the mobility of the organ during breathing should be fixed in the range of 2.5-3 cm;
  • according to the resistance index, the renal artery normally corresponds to 0.7, in the gate area the interlobar index is 0.36-0.74.
ultrasound of renal vessels and arteries preparation
ultrasound of renal vessels and arteries preparation


The advantages of this method are as follows:

  1. Painless and non-invasive procedure.
  2. No exposure to any ionizing radiation on the body.
  3. Relatively low cost,
  4. The ability to get an idea of the soft tissues of the kidneys.
  5. Possibility of evaluating the state and operation of blood vessels in real time.

Thus, Doppler ultrasound of the kidney vessels allows doctors to quickly, and at the same time objectively assess the patency of the kidney arteries along with their general condition. This research helpsdecide on the need for treatment.

Doppler ultrasound of renal arteries and vessels

Having a high resolution, the ultrasound technique has greatly improved the quality of the examination, allowing you to look inside the vessel in order to determine the existing violations in real time.

Improving the quality of diagnostics was made possible due to the ability of an ultrasonic wave to be reflected from erythrocytes (which are blood particles), which are in constant motion. In turn, the effect of the reflected pulse (Doppler effect) directly depends on the rate of blood flow in the vessel. According to Doppler principles, the blood flow velocity observed during an ultrasound scan of the renal arteries is made up of the following two components:

  1. Absolute blood flow rate.
  2. The direction angle of ultrasonic beams emitted by a special ultrasonic transducer.
uzdg of kidney vessels what is preparation
uzdg of kidney vessels what is preparation

Wave reflected energy in the form of sound pulses can be captured by the same sensor and goes directly to the instrument screen. In the process of performing ultrasound of the renal blood flow, specialists visually observe the movement of blood in the vessels according to the obtained graphic photographic images.

Cartogram of the reproduced echo signal, made in the format of gray scale echography using color and spectral Doppler sonography, contains information about the quantitative and qualitative parametersblood flow (namely, the speed and overall intensity of changes).

What does Dopplerography of the renal arteries and the organ itself show?

Potential capabilities of the ultrasound technique with dopplerography of the vessels of the kidneys enable specialists to assess the position of the organ. Thanks to this, the relationship of the kidneys with nearby organs is also assessed and observations are made of the ongoing change in blood flow, which is associated with a pathological vascular disorder.

Uzdg of the renal arteries normal values
Uzdg of the renal arteries normal values

Directly, the ultrasound examination procedure itself takes place in accordance with the accepted protocol with the established regulations for the study. A qualified specialist who adheres to standard norms in the process of Doppler ultrasound of the kidneys performs the following steps:

  1. The position, size of the kidneys and their overall mobility are determined.
  2. The contours are visualized along with the structure of the surrounding tissues.
  3. Anomalous, and in addition, pathological changes in the diagnosed organ are detected.

Assessing the structure of the renal sinus:

  1. For the presence of seals (be it stones, sluggish chronic inflammation, etc.).
  2. Diffuse changes that report a specific pathological process that has moved from an acute form to a chronic stage.
ultrasound of renal vessels and arteries
ultrasound of renal vessels and arteries

Thus, the examination of the renal arteries is an ultrasounddiagnostics and a modern method aimed at identifying various pathologies of the genitourinary system. As a result of this procedure, the condition of the kidney is assessed, and in addition, its vessels. Modern medicine provides for the beginning of diagnosing the kidneys precisely with the performance of ultrasound diagnostics. It is worth emphasizing that this procedure is absolutely painless and does not require any complex preparation.

We examined what it is - ultrasound of the vessels of the kidneys. Preparation for this procedure was also described.