The heart is one of the most important organs of the human body, so its work must be constantly monitored in order to timely detect malfunctions in its functioning and begin treatment in the presence of any diseases. Today, there are a huge number of different research methods. Among them, the most effective is CT of the heart. Computed tomography allows you to get a complete picture of the state of the internal organ and assess the condition of a person. What is X-ray layered diagnostics, we will learn from this article.
General information

If we consider such modern research methods as CT or MRI of the heart, the first one is more informative. It allows cardiologists to assess not only the state of the main organ of the body, but also the circulatory system as a whole. With the help of computed tomography, it is possible to diagnose many ailments at the very initial stage, when they are best treated. Due to this, the development of undesirable consequences is almost completely excluded.
Computed tomography uses modern diagnostic equipment that scans the human body in three-dimensional projection. At the same time, the devices do not emit any harmful radiation, so they are completely safe for people who have any cardiovascular diseases. CT scanners allow doctors to perform several types of scans, which helps them choose the most effective therapy program.
A few words about coronary angiography

So what is she like? CT of the vessels of the heart is a special examination method that allows you to assess the condition of the arteries and capillaries. This type of laboratory research is very difficult.
It is based on the fact that a special substance is injected through the veins, thanks to which the tomograph is able to show the following pathologies:
- mitral valve insufficiency;
- angina;
- acute and chronic inflammation of the pericardium;
- Atrial and ventricular dilatation;
- poor circulation of the heart;
- sclerosis;
- arrhythmia;
- thrombosis;
- damage to the walls of blood vessels.
CT of the heart with contrast is performed in layers. Special sensors receive and record information about how x-rays are transmitted and absorbed by soft tissues. Step-by-step removal of slices allows you to get the most accurate clinical picture of the patient's condition and practically with100% accurate diagnosis.
When is computed tomography indicated?
Let's take a closer look at this. The basis for the appointment of a CT scan of the heart are the following patient complaints:
- pain in the scapula or chest, manifesting itself with a certain frequency;
- shortness of breath;
- high blood pressure;
- significant excess of calcium in the blood;
- angina.
In addition to all of the above, computed tomography is a mandatory test for people who have had a myocardial infarction. This research method allows medical staff to assess the patient's condition and identify the presence of complications that can be dangerous to he alth or lead to death.

This point should be given special attention. CT of the heart (which this type of laboratory research shows, we have already figured out) may not be performed in all cases.
It is contraindicated for people suffering from:
- renal or liver failure;
- internal bleeding;
- hypocoagulation;
- severe incurable diseases occurring at the last stage;
- fear of enclosed spaces;
- allergies to iodine and seafood.
Also, CT is not prescribed for expectant and nursing mothers, children under 14 years old. In addition, it is not recommended to perform computed tomography for people who have been diagnosed with generalizedplasmacytoma, diabetes mellitus, or any thyroid problem. But here everything remains at the discretion of doctors, who decide on the appropriateness of computed tomography.
Preparing the patient for examination
Every person who has been scheduled for a cardiac CT scan should prepare for this procedure in advance. No action on the part of the patient is required, everything is done by medical staff. They inject a special contrast agent into a vein. In addition, 24 hours before the examination, you will need to exclude from food all foods that can affect the functioning of the heart, for example, increase or decrease the number of beats per minute. This is necessary so that doctors can get more accurate information. In some cases, as a rule, in the presence of various diseases of the cardiovascular system, drugs may be prescribed that normalize the heartbeat.
How is contrast-enhanced computed tomography performed?

What do you need to know about this? As previously mentioned, CT of the heart and coronary arteries is a very complex procedure. It is carried out in a specially equipped room in which a tomograph is installed. Before entering the office, the patient must take off all iron objects, belt, and also put any electronic objects out of pockets. After that, a contrast agent is injected through the blood vessels, and he lies down on a movable table, which drives inside the tomograph, which in appearance resembles a hugelong tunnel. The doctor is in the next room, separated from the diagnostic room by a viewing window. Communication between the patient and the specialist is carried out using a microphone and speaker. The results of the study are displayed and stored on a modern device. In the process of computed tomography, there are no unpleasant or painful sensations, as well as negative consequences.
Reason for appointment of coronography
What is it like? CT of the heart and coronary vessels using a contrast agent is prescribed by doctors in cases where they need to get a picture of the state of the patient's circulatory system. This drug is a kind of dye that makes x-rays more clear.
What information does the study provide to doctors?
Computer coronary angiography gives a three-dimensional picture of the heart and coronary arteries. Thus, a kind of 3D model of the internal organ is created, on the basis of which profiled specialists can assess its condition and detect any pathologies at their very first stage. The study is highly accurate, and based on its results, an accurate diagnosis is made and the most effective treatment program is selected.
Types of examinations

CT angiography of the heart is very popular in modern medicine, but it is not the only way to assess the state of the cardiovascular system of patients.
There are the following types of computed tomography:
- radioisotopestudy;
- electrocardiography;
- ultrasound;
- magnetic resonance imaging;
- phonocardiography;
- optical coherence tomography;
- electrophysiological study.
Each method has its own specific features and provides different information, therefore, when prescribing a particular examination method, cardiologists are guided by what interests them, as well as what complaints the patient has.
General Contrast Imaging
What is this? This method of cardiac CT is one of the most common and allows you to get a general picture of the patient's condition. It is carried out on a conventional tomograph using a special contrast agent that is injected into the blood vessels. Thanks to this type of examination, doctors can promptly detect and begin treatment of most diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Contrast study of the vessels of the heart
What is it for? This type of computed tomography is aimed at studying the vessels of the chest region, which are responsible for supplying the heart with blood. It allows you to get information about the anatomical features of the internal organ and arteries, as well as get information about deviations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Multilayer Contrast Diagnosis
This type of CT scan of the heart and coronary arteries was discovered relatively recently, but it has many advantages over the general method of examination, since it takes much lesstime and creates a relatively small burden on the patient's body. The contrast agent is injected through the veins through the spinal cord, which allows you to analyze the circulatory system in dynamics.
Angiography of the heart

This is one of the most advanced methods for diagnosing coronary heart disease at all stages. This examination is prescribed for all patients who are preparing for operations on the heart or arteries to restore normal blood flow, as well as percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty. The contrast agent is injected through a special catheter that is passed through the femoral artery to the blood vessels of the heart.
Multi-slice diagnostics
Research, which is carried out using special X-ray equipment that emits a small amount of radiation, so that the negative impact on the body is minimized.
The main advantages of this type of hardware diagnostics are:
- Maximum patient comfort during X-ray;
- complete absence of discomfort and pain;
- easy to carry out;
- high accuracy of diagnosis;
- detailed information about the patient's condition.
In addition to all of the above, multislice computed tomography allows you to detect the presence of any diseases and pathologies directly during the examination.
Examination cost
Today one of the mostA common research method that is used to assess the state of the circulatory system of patients with various problems is CT of the heart vessels. Prices for it can vary in a very wide range. It all depends on the type of medical institution. In private clinics, prices are at a higher level than in public ones. In addition, the cost depends on the type of study, as well as some other factors. When applying to a commercial hospital, you will have to pay an average of 8 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the region of residence.

This amount may seem quite large, especially given the size of the average wage, however, many diseases of the cardiovascular system require immediate treatment, and they can only be detected using computed tomography. Do not save on your he alth, as this can be fraught with various negative consequences.