It just so happened, but for many millennia, people associate any holiday with drinking alcohol. Proponents of a he althy lifestyle will not agree with this, and yet the majority of the inhabitants of our planet drink alcohol, and some quite often. Few people thought about why this happens, why our body reacts to strong drinks in such a way. Why does a person get drunk? Let's talk about it.
The effects of alcohol on the body
Each strong drink contains ethyl alcohol. It is he who has a psychoactive effect on a person. Under the influence of this component, the behavior of both men and women begins to change. Let's take a closer look at the reaction of the body to a drunk glass of vodka, a glass of beer or wine.
Initially, as soon as the hot mixture enters the stomach, it begins to be absorbed into the blood, thereby changing its structure. Ethanol aggressively affects red blood cells, components that are responsible for supplying oxygen to body cells, including brain cells. He destroys them. Erythrocytes are red cells covered with a protective membrane. Under the influence of alcohol, it collapses, and the bodies themselves stick together with each other. The resulting large clots do not allow the blood to move calmly, in the usual rhythm, through the blood vessels. Brain cells suffer from a lack of oxygen, and at the same time a person begins to perceive reality differently, as they say, stops thinking soberly. This is how the intoxication process starts.

Second pile: what will it bring us?
We continue to answer the question: "Why does a person get drunk?" farther. The next stack leads to an increase in the generation of blood clots. The human body begins to suffer from oxygen starvation, in medicine it is called hypoxia. The effect of such fasting on the body is as follows:
- General he alth becomes poor and unhe althy.
- Headache appears.
- The person begins to think more slowly, and speech becomes slurred.
- There is a violation of attention and memory.
- A person can become irritable.
- Coordination in space is broken.
- The person feels dizzy and does not sleep well. Many will say that everything is fine with sleep, but they will be wrong. The body in this state does not rest as it should, so in the morning we feel tired, overwhelmed and depressed.
Hypoxia can lead to diseases such as stroke and asthma - and this is not all the terrible diseases that people suffer from,alcohol abusers.

Is there a difference between drinking vodka and beer?
Why does a person get drunk if he uses low-alcohol drinks? As a rule, a person consumes such strong drinks in large quantities, few people limit themselves to a couple of glasses of a cold foamy drink, so in the end the body will receive a lethal dose of ethyl alcohol.
The more alcohol is drunk, the more reflex activity will suffer. A person stands poorly on his feet, his balance is disturbed. The more actively a person drinks, the more difficult it is for him to control himself. The brain completely loses control over the body. That is why the most stupid and thoughtless acts are committed while intoxicated.
What happens to vision?
Our eyes stop focusing pictures. A heavily drunk person has double vision, hearing is impaired. He is hard of hearing and has difficulty making sounds himself.
General conclusion
Any strong drink has a negative impact on the human body. Do not think that wine is better than vodka and beer is better than wine. Not! Even a small amount of ethyl alcohol is a poison for the body. Brain cells suffer, lack of oxygen negatively affects the functioning of all internal systems and human organs. Liver cells are slowly but surely dying. But that's not all. Gradually, a person suffering from alcoholism degrades socially and intellectually. Brain cells die, digestive organs suffer, nervoussystem and heart.

Why does a person get drunk quickly
Alcoholic drinks affect each person in their own way. Someone gets drunk already from the second glass, and someone, as they say, drinks all evening - and not in one eye! Let's discuss why a person gets drunk from alcohol in different ways. For the processing of acetaldehyde in the human body, a special enzyme is produced - alcohol dehydrogenase. Most of it is in the liver. Least of all - in the skeleton and cardiac muscles. The blood of a person leading a he althy lifestyle does not contain this substance (by the way, due to insufficient production of this substance, intolerance to alcoholic beverages develops). During the death of liver cells, this hormone enters the blood vessels.
The more active this enzyme, the slower the person gets drunk. The activity of alcohol dehydrogenase depends on the following:
- Age features. The older we get, the more difficult it is for our body to get rid of toxic substances (products of the breakdown of ethyl alcohol).
- Sexual features. Men and women get drunk differently. Women are much faster.
- Representatives of the Far North practically do not have this hormone, so they get drunk very quickly.
- Weight features. The thinner the person, the faster he gets drunk.
- Genetics, hereditary factors.
If a person frequently drinks alcohol, the intensity of the hormone decreases, ethanol is broken down more slowly, and intoxication occurs faster.

Why do we quickly get drunk from one bottle of foamy drink?
The myth that beer does not lead to alcoholism has probably been heard by everyone. However, this is not true. One bottle of beer is equal to fifty grams of vodka, and a person drinks an intoxicating drink more than one bottle at a time. Therefore, the answer to the question of why a person quickly gets drunk after drinking alcohol, namely beer, is quite understandable.
Why does a person drink and not get drunk
Sometimes in our company we meet people who drink like everyone else, but at the same time they are cheerful, cheerful and … do not get drunk. This phenomenon is unusual, but nevertheless there is an explanation for this. So why don't some people get drunk?
- Individual characteristics of a person, his physiology (weight, height, age, and others). Young girls and boys can drink much more alcohol than older people, as their bodies are more saturated with water. Once in the body of an adult, ethyl alcohol saturates his blood vessels faster, in addition, the internal organs of such people are already worn out and also cannot resist the poison that enters the body.
- High content in the body of the hormone alcohol dehydrogenase, which actively breaks down ethyl alcohol.
- Psychological features. If a person has high spirits and a sense of celebration, then this citizen gets drunk more slowly.
Why doesn't a person get drunk from alcohol? The reasons lie also in alcoholism. People suffering from this disease do not feel intoxicated. The nerve cells of such people die.

Who is more prone to intoxication, a woman or a man?
As already mentioned, in the body of any person there are enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. The less of these enzymes, the faster the intoxication will come. Men are lucky in this regard, their body contains more of the hormone alcohol dehydrogenase than women. Do not forget that the more we drink wine, the less of this hormone we have left. In this case, the frequent use of alcoholic beverages leads to the death of nerve cells. It can be said that people suffering from alcoholism do not feel intoxicated, but outwardly they get drunk very quickly.
In addition, there are fewer fat cells in the male body than in women. These cells do not absorb ethyl alcohol, they are indifferent to it, so the blood takes on the entire shock dose - and the weaker sex gets drunk faster than the strong one.

Tips on how to prolong the feeling of the holiday and not get drunk at the beginning of the feast
Take note of the following recommendations:
- Before the feast, it is best to drink activated charcoal at a dose of one tablet per 10 kilograms of body weight two or three hours before the feast. Charcoal is known for its beneficial properties to absorb all toxins and gently remove them from the body.
- Before a glass of vodka, eat a sandwich of white bread and butter. The oil will create a protective film on the walls of the stomach, which will not allow ethyl alcohol to be instantly absorbed.into the blood.
- Eat a little before drinking, don't drink on an empty stomach. This will also reduce the time it takes for ethanol to enter the bloodstream.
- It is best to eat potatoes with meat. In this case, the dish should be hot. Do not abuse salads with mayonnaise as an appetizer.
- Don't sit still, move more, dance, participate in competitions, as they say: "The holiday went well when the next morning it was not the head that hurt, but the legs!"
- Step outside for some fresh air.
- Drink not a whole stack - it's better to "sip" a little. Do not abuse alcohol, the consequences can be very bad, remember this!

So, we talked about why a person gets drunk. Draw your own conclusions for yourself. I would like to wish you not to abuse strong drinks! Drink alcohol in moderation, so that the evening spent brings pleasure, not he alth problems!