Perforation of the nasal septum: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences

Perforation of the nasal septum: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences
Perforation of the nasal septum: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences

Perforation of the nasal septum is a through hole in the nasal septum (its bone or cartilaginous part), which occurs against the background of its mechanical damage or ongoing disease processes. For a long period, such a pathology may not manifest itself, but all this time the likelihood of breathing problems or infection increases.

perforation of the nasal septum
perforation of the nasal septum

Symptoms of the disease

Small perforation of the nasal septum is usually imperceptible. In most cases, the symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • nasal congestion;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • crusting in the area of perforation;
  • purulent discharge, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor (occurs with an increase in perforation of the septum);
  • feeling dry, sore, uncomfortable;
  • whistling sound when exhaling and inhaling through the nose;
  • nosebleed;
  • external deformation of the nose (for example, with a large hole, the back of the nose looks like a collapsed).
perforation of the nasal septum treatment
perforation of the nasal septum treatment

When the above symptoms appear, the patient is advised to immediately contact a medical institution for a detailed diagnosis and immediate application of complex therapy.


Perforation of the nasal septum, which is treated by surgical intervention, is diagnosed by examining the nasal cavity (rhinoscopy) by an otolaryngologist. The ENT prescribes a comprehensive examination in order to identify the nature of the existing structural disorder, which is most often the result of a purulent process caused by another disease. Along the way, additional examinations and tests (for blood, syphilis, etc.) may be prescribed.

Perforation of the nasal septum, located close to the nostrils, often worries the patient due to the dryness of this area of the nose.

nasal septal perforation surgery
nasal septal perforation surgery

Deep localization can only be determined by a medical examination. It is pointless to hope that the perforation of the nasal septum, reviews of which are frightening, will drag on and disappear without a trace on its own. People suffering from this pathology claim that the hole only increases, forming an increasing void in the nasal cavity. Therefore, you should not waste precious time, but you should promptly seek help from a qualifiedsurgeon.

Causes of perforation in the nasal cavity

Causes of nasal septum perforation:

  • infections that cause the destruction of cartilage tissue (such as: syphilis, staphylococcus aureus, tuberculosis);
  • purulent foci;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • injuries to the nose, frequent mechanical damage left untreated hematoma;
  • appearance of malignant neoplasms in the area of the nasal septum;
  • frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs (sprays or drops);
  • systemic diseases affecting connective tissue (renal failure, lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis, polychondria, rheumatoid arthritis, asculitis);
  • drugs administered through the nasal passages (chronic use of cocaine, which causes regular irritation and causes the penetration of infectious agents, can completely destroy the internal structure of the nose);
  • dry atrophic rhinitis;
  • complications after surgical interventions in the nasal region or operation performed by an inexperienced specialist;
  • Continuous nasal exposure to toxic substances due to poor safety practices during the manufacturing process.

Perforation of the nasal septum: preventive measures

Prevention of perforation of the nasal septum is:

  • annual medical check-ups;
  • early diagnosis;
  • timely treatment of infectious and chronicrespiratory diseases;
  • use of drugs in full accordance with the instructions;
  • a sensible approach to choosing a qualified rhinoplasty surgeon.

Perforation of the nasal septum: treatment

A perforation of the nasal septum cannot be treated at home. Surgery is the only way to get rid of it. To date, several methods of eliminating perforation of the nasal cavity are practiced in surgery, depending on the size of the through hole. The Tardy method is used with a hole diameter of up to 5 cm and is performed by closing the mucous membrane with a flap. Small perforations are removed by stitching their edges. Larger defects are corrected with artificial or own implants.

nasal septum perforation reviews
nasal septum perforation reviews

Nasal septal perforation surgery is performed both under general and local anesthesia, depending on the patient's state of he alth and his wishes regarding the use of the anesthesia method. In itself, such a surgical intervention does not pose a danger; if all the doctor's recommendations regarding the hygiene of the nasal cavity are followed, the risk of complications is minimized. The average cost of the operation, depending on the complexity of the case and the degree of qualification of the surgeon, ranges from 150 to 500 thousand rubles.

Treatment of perforation of the nasal septum is not only to restore its integrity, but also to eliminate the cause of this problem, andalso following the recommendations of the attending physician to prevent possible complications or recurrence of septal defects.

Post-operative period

When a perforation is repaired surgically, the patient stays in the hospital (depending on how he feels) for 3-5 days. On the first day after the operation, there is a discharge of bloody mucus. Tampons from the nose are removed after a day; the spacers supporting the septum and membrane remain for a certain amount of time.

nasal septum perforation home treatment
nasal septum perforation home treatment

In order to keep the pad moist and to facilitate the suction of the resulting secretions over the next 10 days, the patient is required to enter isotonic saline solutions into the nasal cavity. To avoid the formation of crusts with cotton swabs, it is necessary to lubricate the mucosa with antibacterial ointments. The first month after the operation, you should not blow your nose.

Helpful tips

Rehabilitation period consists in the following rules:

  • compliance with the doctor's recommendations for the care of the operated area of the face;
  • sparing regime for 1 month after surgery, excluding physical activity, mechanical damage and trauma to the nose, as well as significant temperature changes;
  • avoiding the use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • diet, no alcohol, avoid cold and hot food for 2 weeks after surgery.

Consequences of not being treatedperforations

If a perforation of the nasal septum is left untreated, irreversible olfactory disturbances and reflex disorders can occur: laryngeal spasms, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, coughing and sneezing, headaches, eye diseases, epilepsy.

perforation of the nasal septum
perforation of the nasal septum

Perforation of the nasal septum, the consequences of which, if left untreated, lead only to a deterioration in he alth, is treated exclusively with a surgical method. Self-therapy (aerosols, ointments, moisturizers) can only temporarily alleviate the situation.
