Animals and birds cannot talk about their condition or diseases the way a person can, so they need at least increased attention and care. Most often, pets silently experience their pain, and only sometimes their malaise can be seen by a sharply changed mood. The best option in this situation would be to examine the pet in a veterinary clinic, where qualified veterinarians can accurately find out the current condition of the pet. Vet clinics will help you get comprehensive services, namely: diagnostics, therapeutic and surgical treatment, laboratory tests, ultrasound and x-rays, as well as cosmetic and hygiene procedures. Today, Izhevsk has more than 40 veterinary clinics that open their doors to all pet owners.

What to look for when choosing a veterinary clinic
Each pet owner has their own criteria for choosing a veterinary clinic. For some, it is important that veterinary clinics (Izhevsk in this case is no exception) be located close to home, and someone wants to getveterinary services at home. So, the main nuances that you should pay attention to when choosing a veterinary clinic:
- Having a license is a high probability of getting an appointment with an experienced doctor.
- 24-hour operation, which allows you to get veterinary help or advice at any time.
- The presence of clean and modern facilities, namely for operations, examinations or cosmetic procedures, speaks of the seriousness of the approach to treatment.
- Having the right equipment and tools is essential to keeping pets alive in an emergency.
- Visitor reviews most often reflect the real quality of the veterinary clinic. Izhevsk has a lot of both highly professional doctors and amateurs.
- An adequate diagnosis is made by doctors not from photographs or during a telephone conversation, but only after a thorough diagnosis of the animal.

Vet clinic "Irbis" is one of the most frequently visited hospitals. It is here that you can find a careful and attentive attitude to each animal. In their work, specialists use special bags that serve as humane restraints for pets during manipulations. To create a feeling of comfort, with the consent of customers, high-quality pheromones are used, which allow you to calm the animal and give it a sense of security. The main specializations of the Irbis veterinary clinic:
- rodents;
- primates;
- ferrets;
- reptiles;
- ornithology.

Big Bear Animal Clinic
Vet clinic "Big Bear" was opened by a team of veterinarians who worked at the zoo in Izhevsk. Qualified professionals provide services such as:
- clinical examination and consultation;
- vaccination;
- catheterization;
- haircut and all kinds of cleaning;
- bandaging;
- removing ticks;
- installing a dropper or enema;
- surgical interventions;
- dental services;
- diagnostic study, etc.
For the veterinary clinic, new and modern equipment, high-quality consumables are constantly being purchased. Employees constantly attend seminars and forums according to their specialization. The main principle of work of the Ursa Major veterinary clinic is an individual approach to each client, and even more so to his pet!

Vet clinic "Bim" is considered a multidisciplinary veterinary hospital, which has 9 years of successful experience in the work and rehabilitation of pets. If necessary, veterinarians carry out visits to the house, where they examine the animal. There is a service "Night ambulance for animals". The clinic provides an opportunity for pet owners to pass all the necessary tests on the spot. The clinic provides a wide range of services in areas such as:
- surgery;
- therapeutic treatment;
- dermatology;
- ophthalmology;
- cardiology;
- oncology;
- anesthesiology;
- dentistry;
- orthopedics.
Basic rules of behavior in a veterinary clinic
It is worth remembering that the owner himself is responsible for the behavior of a pet in the clinic. For safety, when in the yard or inside the clinic, dogs are recommended to be kept on a leash, and cats should be in portable bags or cages. The manager forms an outpatient card for the animal, according to which in the future there will be an examination, sampling of tests and other types of services provided by veterinary clinics. Izhevsk today has a lot of clinics that have different specializations (treatment of small pets, reptiles, large pets, ferrets, birds, etc.).
Animals in critical condition are taken to the veterinary clinic without a queue. Each pet owner, bringing him for examination, must have a special passport or card with him, which confirms the implementation of certain procedures, such as vaccination.