The effect of copper on the human body: signs of poisoning, symptoms, treatment

The effect of copper on the human body: signs of poisoning, symptoms, treatment
The effect of copper on the human body: signs of poisoning, symptoms, treatment

To maintain the vital activity of the body, a person needs various nutrients that nature gives. Many scientists are of the opinion that due to the required amount of minerals, all diseases begin, since they take part in many processes, and the absence of one upsets the whole balance. And there are such chemical compounds in the earth's crust, oceans and seas. What is the effect of copper on the human body - let's talk further.

influence of copper
influence of copper

The body needs copper, but in a certain amount

Copper is indispensable for maintaining he alth. She takes an active part in hematopoiesis, in a large number of various metabolic processes, being part of the ingredients of many enzymes. Due to the presence of copper, other important elements such as zinc and iron are transported in the body. Otherwise, they will simply accumulate without any benefit.

Copper is also useful for the digestive system, helping those glands that are involved in the process of food processing to work. Various drugsthe pharmacological industry manufactures if it is required to fill the need for this element in inflammatory processes and a person's tendency to joint diseases. But there is not only a positive effect of copper on human he alth.

Restriction of daily requirement

However, the daily requirement for it is very limited. For adults, it is determined at 30 mcg / kg, for children, depending on age, from 60 to 40 mcg / kg. Only 75-150 mg of this metal can be contained in the body, of which almost half is concentrated in the liver and brain, the rest - in the bone skeleton, cartilage, connective and bone tissue, in muscles.

Since copper is a metal with great electrical and thermal conductivity properties, ductility, it is actively used in many manufacturing processes. It is in demand for the creation of wires and other conductors, power cables and water and gas pipes, is contained in radiators and heat exchangers. It is indispensable in the chemical industry. Used by jewelers as decorative alloys.

Use this metal in the production of pipes to be able to transport water for heating or cooling purposes. This metal has many useful characteristics, but its excessively permissible concentration, unfortunately, has a very detrimental effect on a person. When contained in food or water, the effect of copper on the human body is negative. Therefore, the quality of products should be carefully controlled.

copper poisoning
copper poisoning

Harmful effects of copper on the human body

Notonly in production where copper is actively used, poisoning can occur. In everyday life, a person can also be prone to this pathology. Metal can get inside in various ways:

  1. Directly when consumed.
  2. When inhaling vapours, dusts or aerosols containing copper particles. A particular threat in this case is the grinding or polishing of copper products, foundry production, periodic contact with metal due to professional activities, primarily in electroplating areas, in textile, glass, paint and varnish production, etc.
  3. In case of violation of technological processes, when safety precautions are not observed during the period of work with copper and its compounds.
  4. If protection measures are not observed during the period of treatment of plants with copper sulphate or Bordeaux liquid.
  5. The use of copper utensils in everyday life or the storage of food in it.
  6. Frequent use of foods that are tinted with copper s alts.
  7. Unknowingly mistakenly used fungicidal liquid. According to statistics, this often happens with young children.
  8. Ingestion of chemicals in which copper is the main ingredient.

What is the norm?

There are cases when a person does it consciously with a suicidal goal. Once in the human body in a clear excess, copper immediately begins its destructive actions, causing numerous pathogenic conditions, destroying established biochemical processes. Doctors have determined the norm of copper, which is considered dangerously toxic for humans - this is200-250 g per day. In this case, it can be considered that a serious poisoning has occurred, and prompt medical attention is needed. If you do not take action, then an excess of this metal will have serious consequences, diseases will begin to develop:

  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • bronchi.

The toxic properties of copper can negatively affect the brain, contribute to allergic reactions, atherosclerosis, schizophrenia.

copper for the body
copper for the body

Poisoning and its symptoms

If the disease is acute, the symptoms depend on the way the metal enters the body and on the dose. First of all, a poisoned organism reacts to an overabundance as follows:

  1. An unusual specific sweetish aftertaste appears.
  2. Mouth is constantly dry.
  3. The mucous membrane of the eye is subject to lacrimation, conjunctivitis may begin, the cornea acquires a golden hue.
  4. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is also subject to pathological changes. Her irritation begins, burning and perspiration appear, the person begins to cough for a long time.
  5. Skin may become greenish over time.
  6. The general condition deteriorates sharply due to the fact that weakness and dizziness appear, performance is significantly reduced or completely disappears.
  7. Temperature increased.
  8. Excessive sweating and chills occur.
  9. The person is in severe pain.
  10. Vomiting appears. And emeticmasses often take on a blue-green color.
  11. May be accompanied by blood-streaked diarrhea. If the disease proceeds in the most severe form, then this affects the work of many organs. For example, there is a high risk of developing kidney failure or necrotizing nephrosis, and these diseases are known to threaten human life.
  12. means of protection
    means of protection

What happens to the body?

It is worth mentioning the effect of copper on a person. The liver, with a large amount of this substance in the body, suffers primarily, since it is deposited in this organ, contributing to its significant increase. Against this background, hemolytic jaundice or anemia, cirrhosis may also occur.

The chronic form of the disease in everyday life occurs due to the fact that a person often uses dishes or containers with a high content of copper to eat or store food. Summer residents and gardeners are poisoned if they use various preparations to improve productivity, containing a large percentage of copper. But this happens only if safety conditions are violated when working with drugs, there are no protective measures.

Workers involved in agriculture often carry out procedures related to the elimination of fungal diseases on plants. For a good harvest, copper sulphate, copper oxychloride are used. To protect wood blanks, items subject to deterioration and decay, woodworking enterprises use special chemicals with a predominance of the percentage composition of copper,having antiseptic properties. They are so dangerous that, if used incorrectly, death can occur from doses such as 8-25 g.

Symptoms of chronic poisoning

Chronic poisoning is distinguished by its slow course. Symptoms in these cases are not so pronounced, and most often very weakly. But gradually a number of pathologies accumulate in a person, causing irreversible processes. Result:

  • constant weakness appears, fatigue sets in even after little physical effort;
  • loss of appetite, disruption of the digestive system;
  • frequent dizziness appears;
  • blood pressure drops, most often the pressure is low;
  • kidney failure appears;
  • jaundice is manifested not only in the skin, but also in the mucous membranes;
  • on the periphery of the cornea of the eyes, green with a brown or yellow tint, the so-called Kaiser-Fleischer rings, begin to appear.

Copper deposits can be further determined in this way.

pill treatment
pill treatment


The results of such a long exposure to copper-containing drugs - the gradual destruction of tissues. This leads to the following dire consequences:

  1. Depressive states, irritability and incontinence, unexplained aggression, schizophrenia may develop more and more often.
  2. Often, poisoning can trigger the development of Alzheimer's disease.
  3. Prerequisites for development are being formeddiabetes mellitus.
  4. The digestive system is unable to cope with its functions. Against this background, various inflammatory diseases appear, constipation or loose stools.
  5. Atherosclerosis begins.
  6. Muscle and joint pains appear. Seizures, especially at night.
  7. Liver or kidney failure.

Types of fever

The severity of symptoms depends entirely on the amount of metal ingested and how it is introduced. Therefore, doctors divide such lesions into:

  1. Copper-Pick Fever. It begins to develop when fine dust is inhaled. Several hours pass, but general weakness may begin within two days, there is no appetite, but vomiting and nausea are present, and you constantly want to sleep. If you do not respond to these symptoms, severe chills begin, the temperature rises, often up to 40 ° C. In the throat, constant perspiration, dryness, it is difficult to swallow. Nosebleeds may occur, the abdomen is swollen, pain is concentrated in the umbilical region.
  2. Foundry fever. It is caused by copper vapor. There is also general weakness and lack of appetite. A dry cough begins due to perspiration. Anxious headache, muscle or joint pain.
  3. enterosorbent tablets
    enterosorbent tablets


In case of poisoning caused by copper, medical attention is needed. But first, the patient needs to be taken out of the lesion.

You need to competently wash the stomach, remove toxins from the intestines - they poison the body. It is necessary to give the patient a laxative, preferably saline. Do not give fixative drugs - this can lead to even greater intoxication. Enemas may also be needed. They also get rid of toxic substances. Rinse eyes thoroughly.

If a chemical compound, especially a concentrated one, gets on the skin, a chemical burn may occur. In this case, it is desirable to wash the damaged surface with a stream of cool water for 10-20 minutes. When the doctor diagnosed copper poisoning, the victim must undergo a course of therapy for a speedy recovery. Be sure to need enterosorbents. They help to bind and remove excess metal from the body.

In the acute form of poisoning, "Unithiol" is excellent. It is used as an antidote.

Infusion therapy

Infusion therapy will be useful to improve the condition of the victim. For this, a certain dose of injections is prescribed. Glucose, calcium gluconate are most effectively used. In order for the body to clear itself faster, the patient needs to take diuretics.

copper in products
copper in products

Basic rules

If copper vapor is to blame for poisoning, expectorant and bronchodilator drugs are needed for the effectiveness of treatment. To avoid copper poisoning, you must remember that:

  • compliance with safety rules at work and at home will help maintain he alth;
  • must follow instructions explaining the use of dangerous drugs;
  • protective measures should be taken - special gloves, mask, respirator are used;
  • don't use copper utensils all the time.

If poisoning occurs, you need to immediately begin treatment, help the body recover so that there are no irreparable complications. After you figured out what effect copper has on the human body, you should be careful about the amount of its consumption with different products.
