There are many bad post-eating habits that can be very dangerous. One such habit is sleeping or lying on the couch immediately after eating.
Many people are accustomed to taking a horizontal position after a meal and laying down on a sofa or bed in order to “get fat”, so to speak. But not many people think about whether it is possible to lie on the stomach or back after eating. Definitely, this is wrong. And according to fitness trainers and gastroenterologists, this can lead to obesity and certain stomach problems.

Run, walk or lie down after eating
Can I run or walk after eating? After all, a large number of lovers of a he althy lifestyle and those who are worried about their figure do just that. These actions are also wrong, since excessive physical exertion contributes to the fact that blood is drained from the stomach to the extremities. Therefore, it turns out that there is a certain shortage of blood in the region of the stomach, because of this, food stagnates in it. She begins to wander, which can cause certain problems ingastrointestinal tract.
Thus, if you walk, run, lie down after eating, it can be bad for the body. Sitting for fifteen to twenty minutes is the best option. After that, you can do all kinds of physical exercises and move on to more serious physical exertion. In this case, part of the food will already settle in the stomach and be safely absorbed. The right amount of gastric juice will be allocated for food processing.
Sleep right after eating
A little higher it was already found out whether it is possible to lie on the back or on the stomach after eating, therefore, accordingly, sleep after eating at lunch or in the evening is also unacceptable. Due to the influx of gastric juice into the esophagus and a decrease in its amount, the metabolic process slows down. Thus, there is a risk of getting extra fat in the hips and waist.

Also, after sleep, there may be discomfort in the esophagus and stomach. This is due to the fact that the food that was taken immediately before bedtime was not digested. Stagnation in the stomach, it leads to an increase in the number of pathogens.
If a person's work is related to coming home late and being unable to eat for a long time, he should not eat before bed. A light dinner is the best option. To do this, you can use dairy products that have a low fat content, kefir. Fruit is also acceptable.
Recent studies have shown that those who stay awake for several hours after dinnerhours, may not worry about the occurrence of a stroke.
How long after eating you can lie down and go to bed
Not earlier than one hour after a light dinner, you can go to bed. If a person has eaten hard enough, then not earlier than after three hours, you can go to bed.

Nutritionists have established the norm, and therefore it is not recommended to eat after six in the evening. This is due to the fact that the metabolism slows down in the evening and during sleep, because of this, food is digested rather slowly.
If a person is not worried about his figure, then, in principle, it is allowed to eat after six in the evening. But then the food should be rich in protein or dietary fiber. You can eat vegetables, fruits, low-fat foods. Fried foods and sausages are not allowed.
If before going to bed a person will feel that he is full, he is full or even overeaten, this contributes to the accumulation of adipose tissue. Therefore, there is a risk of gaining a few extra pounds and getting any disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
Which side is better to lie on
In what cases and is it possible to lie on your side immediately after eating? This is permissible if heartburn is observed after a meal and it is best then to lie down on your left side. The thing is that it helps food to pass through the walls of the esophagus and stomach better.
Which side to sleep on?
If a person has high blood pressure or diabetes, it is best, in this case, to go to bed on your back. Also this positionsuitable if a person suffers from any disease of the spine.

Don't sleep on your stomach or on your right side after eating. This puts pressure on the walls of the esophagus and stomach and slows down the metabolism.
Accordingly, if there is no opportunity after eating to walk, sit, move a little, then it is best to lie down on your left side.
As you can see from the article, sleeping after a meal is not the best idea. This slows down the metabolism and promotes the flow of some into the esophagus from the stomach of gastric juice. And it can also lead to the development of pathologies of the digestive tract, and in the most severe cases, to the occurrence of a stroke. Therefore, answering the question of whether it is possible to lie down after eating, the answer is obvious - absolutely not, with the exception of some individual cases.