Mandatory requirement for persons engaged in business activities related to the operation of all types of vehicles is to conduct pre-trip medical examinations of drivers. They must be done every working day.

Who should pass?
As to whether a pre-trip medical examination of drivers is needed, the answer is unequivocal: it is. The procedure is a requirement of the Federal Law "On Road Safety" and other legal documents. In addition, it is a guarantee of peace of mind for the head of the enterprise for the he alth of employees, the safety of passengers, and the safety of the cargo being transported.
According to the current legislation, the pre-trip medical examination of drivers must be carried out in any organization, regardless of the form of ownership and type of activity.
Oftenthe procedure is ignored by managers with a small number of employees and vehicles. Even if the company employs one driver, he must undergo a medical examination before entering the line.
The situation when an employee performs instructions for management on a personal car is no exception. The essence of the Federal Law, which establishes the rules of road safety, is as follows: the vehicle must be in good condition before operation. The person driving it should not have signs of alcohol or drug intoxication, symptoms of various diseases. It also excludes the intake of alcoholic beverages on the eve of entering the line (in order to avoid the appearance of a hangover) and potent drugs. Thus, regardless of who owns the vehicle, the driver on behalf of the boss must pass a medical examination in advance.

But many prefer to save money, because in fact the situation is as follows: a private person transports some cargo for personal needs. In this situation, it is important to understand that in the event of an accident in which there will be victims, during the investigation of the circumstances, it will certainly become clear that the transportation was carried out for production purposes.
It is a mistake to believe that drivers of special equipment who do not leave the place of work should not undergo a medical examination. Accidents at work are far from uncommon, so this category of employees is alsosubject to a preliminary screening procedure.
Can I avoid a physical?
No legal way. Pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations of drivers are mandatory for persons transporting people and potentially dangerous goods. In other cases, the procedure is carried out only before entering the line. An exception can only be made for people working as drivers in any emergency service (ambulance, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.).

Who conducts?
According to the Letter of the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation dated 21.08.2003, pre-trip medical examinations of drivers must be carried out by an employee of a medical institution with the appropriate education and work experience. In this case, an agreement is concluded between the enterprise and the clinic.
Another option - the company's management hires a medical worker with a fixed salary. But this is not enough to obtain the right to conduct medical examinations. The organization must obtain a license without fail. This is due to the fact that pre-trip medical examinations of drivers have the right to be carried out by an employee who has undergone special training and has a diploma or certificate. An enterprise carrying out medical activities without a license violates applicable law.
If the examination is carried out directly in the organization, a room with all the necessary tools and improvised means should be allocated for the procedure.
What do they check during the inspection?
The focus is on identifying the followingfacts:
- whether alcohol was consumed immediately before the scheduled entry to the line;
- whether alcoholic drinks were taken a few hours before the start of the working day;
- whether there are signs of the use of narcotic or potent drugs;
- are there symptoms of diseases that may interfere with the performance of production tasks;
- physical fatigue of the worker.

How is it done?
The algorithm for performing a pre-trip medical examination of a driver includes the following actions:
- An employee comes to the examination with a waybill.
- A medical worker determines the driver's readiness to start performing production tasks: determines the presence of pronounced symptoms of diseases, the fact of using alcoholic beverages and drugs, the degree of physical fatigue.
- The following information is entered in the waybill: last name, first name, patronymic of the employee who passed the examination; date and exact time of the event. The data must be certified by the signature and seal of the medical worker.
The duration of the examination is usually no more than 15 minutes, if there is no need for additional testing with rapid tests for alcohol and drugs. In this case, the time allotted for the medical examination is increased by 20 minutes.
Reasons for denying an employee access to a vehicle
The driver is removed from drivingwhen detected:
- high blood pressure;
- an increased number of heartbeats that go beyond the normal range;
- signs of any disease in the acute stage;
- alcohol or drug intoxication, hangover syndrome;
- other conditions that prevent the performance of production tasks.

In closing
Pre-trip medical examination of drivers is a mandatory requirement for all employees of enterprises whose activities are related to the operation of any type of vehicle. Compliance with this condition is strictly controlled. And this is not surprising - every year about 12 thousand road accidents, in which about 20 thousand people are injured, are caused by drunk and sleepy drivers.