Daily Value of Magnesium for Humans

Daily Value of Magnesium for Humans
Daily Value of Magnesium for Humans

Magnesium is necessary for the normal course of many processes in the body. It comes only with food. Constantly spent and does not accumulate. Therefore, it is necessary that a certain amount of it be received daily.

The daily intake of magnesium depends on a person's gender, age and he alth status. In today's society, mineral deficiencies are common. And magnesium is especially deficient.

A regular balanced diet can almost fill the needs of this micronutrient, but the problem is that now more and more people eat wrong. After all, convenience foods, refined and processed foods do not contain enough trace elements.

daily intake of magnesium for women
daily intake of magnesium for women

Functions of magnesium in the body

This element is necessary for the proper flow of metabolic processes, for the absorption of nutrients. Without magnesium, normal performance is impossible. After all, it has the following properties:

  • makes up 50% of bone mass;
  • improves the condition of the respiratory system;
  • participates in the work of the heart;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive organs;
  • improves the condition of a woman's genitals, helps in the proper course of pregnancy and regulates hormonal levels;
  • participates in the processes of blood clotting;
  • serves as a source of energy for every cell;
  • helps in the absorption of certain vitamins, such as B6;
  • participates in calcium and sodium metabolism.
  • daily intake of magnesium during pregnancy
    daily intake of magnesium during pregnancy

When you need more magnesium

This element regulates the balance of calcium and sodium. It contributes to the normalization of the activity of the heart and nervous system. If the daily intake of magnesium enters the body, it helps prevent heart attacks and strokes, and inhibits the development of coronary heart disease. This element improves the condition of the heart muscle and smooth muscles of other organs. An additional intake of magnesium is useful for bronchial asthma, bronchitis, high blood pressure.

He is also involved in the process of calcium entry into bone tissue. Without it, the body does not absorb calcium from food and various diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop, for example, osteoporosis or arthrosis. Therefore, magnesium is also good for teeth.

In addition, magnesium has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, regulating the balance of glucose in the blood. It actively interacts with insulin, improving its absorption, therefore it is necessaryfor diabetic patients.

The daily intake of magnesium increases during pregnancy, during a period of increased growth, after serious illnesses, with alcoholism, increased physical exertion. It is necessary for the elderly, as it stimulates the processes of cell regeneration.

magnesium daily allowance mg
magnesium daily allowance mg

Magnesium in foods

The daily norm of this element enters the body mainly from food. Therefore, in order to regulate mineral metabolism, it is necessary to know which foods contain the greatest amount of it. Most often, magnesium deficiency is felt by those who follow low-calorie diets or eat few vegetables and fruits. After all, most of it is found in products of plant origin:

  • in cereals, especially rice, corn, wheat bran, oatmeal, buckwheat, rye bread;
  • in legumes - beans, peas, lentils;
  • vegetables - broccoli, carrots, beets;
  • fruits and berries, especially bananas, peaches, strawberries;
  • nuts – almonds, peanuts and cashews;
  • greens, especially in spinach, basil and green onions;
  • cocoa, dark chocolate;
  • in pumpkin, sunflower, sesame seeds.

But this element is also found in animal products. The daily intake of magnesium can be found in beef, chicken meat, milk, cottage cheese, herring, chicken eggs.

daily intake of magnesium for men
daily intake of magnesium for men

How to prevent magnesium loss

But this element is not always normally absorbed from products. Even if in the diet in sufficient quantitiescontains magnesium, the daily norm of mg of which depends on many factors, the body may experience a lack of it. To avoid this, you need to eliminate the reasons that contribute to its loss or improper absorption.

First of all, this is the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, strong tea and coffee. Smoked foods, fatty meats, an abundance of animal fats also interfere with the absorption of magnesium. Tobacco smoke and stress also contribute to lower levels.

Some drugs interfere with the absorption of trace elements or accelerate their removal from the body. These are antibiotics, contraceptives, diuretics, corticosteroids.

Large losses of magnesium are observed with increased sweating, chronic diseases of the small intestine, dysbacteriosis, chemotherapy, poisoning with certain chemicals. A decrease in its level occurs due to kidney failure, helminthiasis, diabetes, alcoholism, rickets.

daily intake of magnesium for a person
daily intake of magnesium for a person

What happens when magnesium is deficient

If an insufficient amount of this element enters the body with food, or for some reason it is not absorbed, various he alth disorders may occur:

  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • heart failure;
  • muscle cramps;
  • fragility of hair, nails;
  • disturbance of skin sensitivity, numbness, tingling;
  • Urolithiasis or cholelithiasis develops;
  • immunity is reduced;
  • irritability appears, variousphobias;
  • headaches;
  • depression, sleep disorders;
  • decrease in memory and concentration;
  • disorders of the digestive system.
  • magnesium in foods daily allowance
    magnesium in foods daily allowance

Magnesium standards

Most magnesium is found in soft tissues - especially in the muscles. A lot of it is also in the bones. In total, the body contains about 25 g of this element. The daily norm of magnesium for a person is about 0.5 g. In this amount, it should be supplied daily. Exact dosages depend on age, gender and he alth status.

Children need the least amount of magnesium. Newborns have a supply of minerals inherited from their mother. But gradually they are spent. Therefore, by the year the baby's need increases from 50 mg to 70 mg per day. As the child grows and develops, the daily intake of magnesium for a child increases and amounts to 300 mg by the age of 7. Most of all, adolescents from 14 to 18 years of age need this mineral - from 360 to 410 mg.

In an adult, the needs for this mineral depend on gender, age and he alth status. The daily intake of magnesium for women under 30 is 310 mg. But with age, it rises slightly to ensure the normal functioning of the heart, nervous system and musculoskeletal system.

And during pregnancy, magnesium requirements increase dramatically. Now a woman must provide this element not only to her body, but also to a growing baby. Therefore, during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, the magnesium norm increases to 500 mg.

For mennormal life requires more of this element. Therefore, you need to make sure that a sufficient amount of it comes with food. The RDA for men is 400 mg up to age 30 and 420 mg for older men.

Daily Value of Magnesium for Pregnant Women

While carrying a child, a woman needs an increased amount of vitamins and minerals. After all, they are spent on the needs of the baby. If magnesium deficiency is observed, serious complications during pregnancy or disturbances in the development of the child are possible. Preeclampsia may occur, a miscarriage may occur. A baby with a lack of this microelement develops joint pathologies and heart defects.

Therefore, the daily intake of magnesium for women at this time increases by one and a half times. It is necessary that at least 450-500 mg of this trace element enter the body daily. And since it is impossible to provide such an amount with food, it is recommended to additionally take special medicines, for example, Magne B6.

daily intake of magnesium for pregnant women
daily intake of magnesium for pregnant women

Magnesium preparations

In some cases, when it is impossible to ensure sufficient intake of this mineral with food, as well as in case of its increased needs, the doctor may prescribe medicines. The most commonly used drugs are:

  • "Magne B6" is a complex drug that normalizes electrolyte balance in the body.
  • "Magnesol" is prescribed for deficiency of this trace element.
  • "Magnerot" is used iflack of magnesium affected the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • "Additive Magnesium" not only normalizes metabolic processes, but also regulates the work of the heart.

When taking pills, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations. Typically, such drugs are prescribed for a long course - at least a month. For maximum absorption, tablets should be taken one hour before meals.

daily intake of magnesium
daily intake of magnesium

Excess magnesium

Despite the fact that this mineral is very important for life, its excessive amount can be dangerous. And if it is impossible to achieve an overdose with food, then additional intake of medications and mineral complexes is permissible only as directed by a doctor after appropriate tests.

Excess magnesium can also occur with the use of laxatives or antacids, with severe dehydration or kidney failure.

The consequences of an overdose of magnesium can be muscle weakness up to paralysis, drowsiness, lethargy and disruption of the cardiovascular system. Sometimes there are also nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, a strong decrease in blood pressure. In the most severe cases, coma or cardiac arrest may occur.
