Nebulizer (inhaler): description of the device and its varieties

Nebulizer (inhaler): description of the device and its varieties
Nebulizer (inhaler): description of the device and its varieties

Many people remember that in the past, for the treatment of any respiratory disease, inhalations were prescribed in the clinic. These rooms, where they always smelled of drugs, big scary machines … and then the road home in cold weather - and the whole procedure went down the drain. An alternative option is to breathe at home over a teapot with brewed grass or soda. Now everything has changed. Special devices have appeared that can be purchased for personal use. The subject of our conversation will be a representative of such devices - a nebulizer-inhaler. Someone believes that this is the same thing, and the first term is a variation of the second. We will not delve into these subtleties. We are interested in the result that is obtained as a result of its use.

What is inhalation and when is it needed?

Nebulizer inhaler
Nebulizer inhaler

This procedure is one of the most effective ways to prevent and treatvarious respiratory diseases. There are several advantages of its implementation over the usual use of drugs. Firstly, not such a large dose of medicines is needed. Secondly, recovery in most cases occurs much faster due to the direct impact on the site of the disease. Thirdly, every person, regardless of age, can use the device. And last but not least, there is virtually no risk of side effects when using a nebulizer.

Design and principle of operation of the inhaler

All models for sale have a similar design. First, this is the main block. It is in it that a jet of air is generated, creating a therapeutic aerosol of the desired dispersion. Secondly, in this place there is a special chamber, resembling a glass of small volume (only 5-10 ml), into which the solution for the procedure is poured. The damper located in the tank has two hoses. The first leads directly to the device, and the second leads to the output. A mouthpiece, mask or tube is attached to the latter, into which an aerosol of low or medium dispersion is supplied. It must be remembered that it is undesirable to use coarse solutions, since the nebulizer (inhaler) can simply break down.

What to expect from inhalations?

During therapy, a number of important tasks are performed:

  • relieve bronchospasm;
  • rehabilitation of respiratory organs;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • improving the condition of the mucous membrane of the larynx, removing its swelling;
  • ensure that the treatment agent reaches thethe outermost areas are the alveoli;
  • increasing local protective functions.

Obviously, due to such a wide spectrum of action, the nebulizer (inhaler) is indispensable in the fight against almost all respiratory diseases, because the device copes with its functions very well.

Nebulizer Application
Nebulizer Application

Contraindications for use

Despite all the positive qualities of this device, there are a number of conditions when you should refrain from using it. These include: persistent high blood pressure; respiratory failure; allergy to drugs that are used for inhalation; recent heart attack and stroke; arrhythmia and heart failure; thermometer reading above 37.5 °C. Therefore, you should be careful and carefully read the instructions before buying, and even better - consult a doctor.

At what age can a person use a nebulizer?

Ultrasonic nebulizer inhaler
Ultrasonic nebulizer inhaler

The inhaler (the one that we all probably remember from early childhood) had to be used very carefully when it came to treating babies. This was explained by the fact that there was a danger of burning the mucosa due to too hot steam and the use of improvised means. With the advent of the latest developments, the whole process has become absolutely safe. Modern models will not cause discomfort to the baby and will help to cope with the disease faster. You can use such devices from birth, following all the recommendations of the manufacturer and yourpediatrician.


To date, there are only 4 types of this device. It is difficult to say which one is the best, because each has a number of advantages and some disadvantages. Steam models transform the medicinal solution into a "healing cloud" by means of heating. The procedure helps to soften the nasopharynx and better sputum separation. This device also has its drawbacks: a small concentration of the drug in the solution; loss of some useful properties (therefore, essential oils are often used, which boil at lower temperatures); some discomfort when inhaling hot steam. In fact, such devices are already becoming less popular, unable to compete with the latest models.

Nebulizer with mouthpiece
Nebulizer with mouthpiece

The compressor nebulizer-inhaler functions as follows: under the influence of compressed air, which is obtained as a result of the operation of the compressor, the medicinal liquid is converted into an aerosol. The most important advantage of this type is its ability to spray many medicinal solutions. Among the disadvantages are large dimensions and a loud sound that is generated during operation.

Another modern device is an ultrasonic inhaler (nebulizer). In it, the formation of an aerosol occurs due to the vibration of a metal plate, which is affected by sound waves. As a result, very small particles are formed that can penetrate even to the alveoli. The small sizes do it irreplaceable in trips and travel. Another plus is the low noise level. Such devices are attractive for families with small children, because they can be used, thanks to special nozzles, even for the treatment of a sleeping child. Also, if desired, you can humidify and disinfect the air in the room, which is very convenient when there is a "hotbed" of infection in the house. But there is one "But!". Not all drugs can be used in this device due to the damaging properties of ultrasound.

Mesh inhalers are almost perfect. They combined all the advantages of the above models: absolutely no noise is created during operation; you can use the widest range of medicinal solutions; small dimensions make the unit very convenient to use outside the home; the mentioned devices have a high aerosol spray rate.

Nebulizer inhaler compression
Nebulizer inhaler compression

What kind of nebulizer to purchase for personal use, everyone must decide for themselves. Having studied the main disadvantages and advantages of the models, you can safely go shopping.
