It's natural for a person's intimate area to smell of some sort, but some vaginal odors can indicate a serious infection. This is especially true when they are accompanied by a change in color, amount or consistency of vaginal discharge. In the article we will consider the types of smell in the intimate area, the reasons for its appearance. We will also present a description of thrush, which is one of the main causes of this unpleasant symptom. In addition, the article will give recommendations on how to get rid of the smell in the intimate area. We will tell you what preventive measures exist to prevent its occurrence.
The reason for the smell in the intimate area without discharge lies in the moisture produced by the sweat glands located in the area surrounding the vagina. This musk scent is considered normal and is found in most women. If it becomes unpleasant, you need to see a doctor, as this may indicate the beginningdiseases.

If there is a fishy smell in the intimate area of women, this is most likely the result of an infection. If an unpleasant odor increases immediately after intercourse or is accompanied by a heavy discharge, this may be a symptom of bacterial vaginosis. This disease is characterized by an overgrowth of bacteria that upsets the delicate balance in the vaginal mucosa. Causes of bacterial vaginosis can vary, including prolonged use of antibiotics and poor hygiene for the intimate area.
If a woman has green discharge, vaginal itching and pain when urinating, this may be a symptom of trichomoniasis, a fairly common and treatable sexually transmitted disease.
Lubricants used by some women during intercourse, as well as condoms, can contribute to the presence of an unpleasant odor that most women compare to chlorine or bleach. Fortunately, there is nothing to worry about in this case. Try different flavored condoms. Speaking of how to get rid of the smell in the intimate area, which was caused by the use of such products, you can simply try to replace them with others.
Typically, a small amount of yeast bacteria is present in the vagina. The disease occurs when there is an excessive growth in the number of these microorganisms. You will know about the problem if you notice a weakan odor similar to that of fresh bread. How to get rid of the smell in the intimate female area? Most yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal medications, but it's a good idea to see a doctor to make sure the diagnosis and treatment are correct.
If a woman feels that her vagina smells a little like metal during her menstrual period, the alarm is too early to sound. During the menstrual cycle, the smell of blood can mix with the natural aroma of a he althy vagina, resulting in metallic notes.
Not everyone knows that some foods can affect the aroma from the vagina. Fruits (oranges, pineapple, grapefruit) sweeten the smell and even taste of vaginal fluids, while onions, garlic, broccoli, and asparagus can make them worse. How to get rid of an unpleasant smell in the intimate area in this case? You will have to eliminate some foods from your diet.

Now consider the most common disease in which there is an unpleasant smell in the intimate area in women. Candidiasis, popularly called thrush, is an autoimmune disease. Doctors give him the status of "conditionally pathological". This means that a certain amount of Candida is always present in a woman's he althy vagina. Excessively active reproduction of the fungus leads to pathology. Speaking about how to get rid of the smell in the intimate area caused by thrush, its main cause should be eliminated. Often thrush occursdue to reduced immunity, which contributes to dozens of conditions and diseases.
Why women can get candida
Above we noted that one of the reasons for the smell in the intimate area is candidiasis. It can be called:
- Taking hormonal drugs (such as contraceptives).
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
- Frequent change of sexual partners.
- Improper nutrition (a lot of flour, sweets, excess alcohol).
- Treatment with antibiotics.
- Stress, hard work and other conditions that affect immunity.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system.
Situations of "family" thrush are often encountered - when both partners suffer from pathologically overgrown Candida yeast-like fungi, because thrush is sexually transmitted, and the virus can flourish both in the genital area and on other parts of the body.
It is important to remember that during pregnancy, in most cases, the Candida virus is transmitted from mother to baby. Therefore, it is important to treat even a sluggish disease - in order to ensure a he althy life for yourself and your child. It is worth remembering that sometimes thrush indicates serious violations in organs and systems. In some cases, it can be a sign of HIV infection.
Do not neglect the signs that the body sends. To find out the causes of the smell in the intimate area, you need to see a doctor and conduct a diagnosis.
Symptoms of thrush in women
Signs of pathology can be the following symptoms:
- Itchingor burning in the genital area.
- Redness and soreness of the external genitalia.
- Painful urination.
- Painful or uncomfortable sensations during intercourse.
- Curdled secretions.
- Unpleasant vaginal odor.
Especially strong manifestation of these symptoms falls on the premenstrual period. Burning can bring severe discomfort. There are cases when a woman is allergic to the Candida fungus itself. In such cases, she is prone to frequent exacerbations of chronic thrush.

How the examination is done
In order to check yourself at the slightest suspicion of thrush, you need to see a doctor. The procedure for taking a smear is completely painless. Using a special swab, a scraping is made from the vaginal wall and sent for analysis. The result of such a study will be the conclusion about the presence of a fungus, but that's not all. As we mentioned above, almost every woman carries a certain amount of them.
Further study involves a quantitative analysis (the number of CFU is counted), as a result of which it is determined how many mushrooms of each species are contained in a smear.
Further, the sensitivity of fungi to medicines is determined. They are affected by various medications ("Fluconazole", "Amphotericin", "Itraconazole", "Voriconazole" and others), observing which of them works and which does not. So they select the necessary type for the patienttreatment. However, such a study is not carried out in one hundred percent of cases. It is usually resorted to in case of long and unsuccessful treatment with drugs most often used in gynecological practice.

Why the disease does not go away
Treatment of odor in women in the intimate area should begin with the elimination of its main cause. If it is an infectious disease, it must be treated consistently and competently. In the case of thrush and bacvaginosis, it is necessary not only to destroy pathogenic fungi, but also to restore the normal microflora of the vagina.
Unfortunately, some women do not take the problem seriously, stopping treatment when unpleasant symptoms disappear. Many patients, when an unpleasant smell from the vagina appears, do not rush to the doctor, but begin to get rid of the problem on their own. This approach, as a rule, leads to various complications or entails the transition of an acute form of the disease into a chronic one. As a result, symptoms appear intermittently over the years.
There are patients who, when the acute manifestations of the disease disappear (or for other reasons), stop taking the drugs, and then resume them again. These actions can lead to the fact that pathological fungi stop responding to the drug, developing resistance to it.
Especially often, doctors note that women, having completed a full course of treatment with pathology, do not complete rehabilitation therapy. Some at this stage stop treatment due to elementary laziness and irresponsibility,others lack funds for vaginal probiotics, which are quite expensive. Among these funds, the most popular can be distinguished:
- "Vaginorm-S";
- Geniflor E;
- Ecofemin;
- Vagilak;
- "Laktozhinal";
- "Lactobacterin" (powder, from which a suspension is prepared for oral administration or for topical use).
Incomplete treatment can lead to recurrence.

Intimate hygiene
How to get rid of the smell in the intimate area? Body and skin care at any age is welcomed by specialists in the field of cosmetology and he alth. When purchasing another hand or neck cream, many women leave their intimate areas without due attention. But caring for these areas of the body is just as important and necessary as regular hand washing and brushing your teeth. Intimate odor treatment is always based on hygiene.
It's not just about taking a shower or bath on time. The genitals need careful care and regular care. The fact is that intimate hygiene is very scrupulous, since the acid-base balance in the vaginal area differs significantly from that in other parts of the body.

The skin of the body has a pH of 5.5, while the vagina has a pH of 3.4. That is why ordinary cosmetic soap is so often not suitable for washing intimate places. It causes some inconvenience, especially when soap bubbles enter directly into the cavity.intimate organ. This causes irritation and itching, which is contraindicated for a fragile female body.
In the process of choosing a product for the care of the genitals in a cosmetic store, you must refuse bright and scented bars of soap. The most suitable remedy in this case will be a specialized gel for intimate places. It guarantees reliable protection of delicate female places from infections and fungi.
Still how to get rid of the smell in the intimate area? Of great importance is the number of washings per day. Intimate areas should be washed at least twice a day. This will allow the woman to maintain a comfortable freshness throughout the day. If the rhythm of life does not allow you to regularly take a shower, there are other ways of intimate care. Then special intimate wipes will come to the rescue, which are now sold in any pharmacy. They have a soft, delicate structure and are impregnated with an antiseptic that protects intimate places from bacteria. Wet wipes should be in every lady's purse.
Frequent washing with gel or soap is also harmful. They lead to dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes, can cause itching and other undesirable effects, including an unpleasant odor.
Tampons and pads
It is very important to learn how to properly use women's tampons and pads. It is worth remembering that pads exist for daily use and for critical days. Each species has a certain level of absorbency. The number of drops on the package will indicate how much moisture this or that can absorb.other lining. Do not use one intimate napkin for more than five hours. All the liquid and secretions that remain on it can become a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. Therefore, gynecologists advise changing pads every five hours of use.
Tampons, unlike pads, have a shorter shelf life. As a rule, it is limited to one year. When buying such products, you must carefully study the packaging, which indicates the date of issue. It is necessary to insert a tampon, according to the instructions. Otherwise, you can damage the vaginal mucosa, causing vaginal inflammation. Tampons should be inside the vaginal cavity for no more than two hours. Absorbing female secretions, they significantly increase in size. For this reason, they stretch the vaginal walls. From the point of view of gynecology, tampons are a threat during critical days. The bacteria that accumulate on them have excellent access to the cervix and fallopian tubes.

Therefore, untimely replacement of a sanitary tampon can cause vaginitis and candidiasis. It should be noted that the vaginal cavity needs oxygen, which passes an ordinary gasket. With tampons, air is limited, which increases the risk of diaper rash and bad odors.
To moisturize and nourish the skin of intimate places, you need to use special products that have an optimal level of acidity. They areabsolutely harmless to the microflora of the vagina. Once inside, they perform the function of lubricants and provide the formation of lubricant, which is considered normal for intimate female places. It is better to purchase such creams and ointments in pharmacies, since all products there have special patents and are tested for allergenicity.
However, all efforts can be in vain if a woman wears low-quality underwear. The condition of the internal genital organs depends on the composition and comfort of the panty fabric. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to natural materials that provide unlimited access to air and create a comfortable feeling when worn. It is equally important that intimate underwear is not tight.
We looked at the causes and treatment of smell in the intimate area.