Urobilinogen is a bile pigment excreted in the urine. The name itself comes from the Greek word uron - urine, the Latin bilis - bile, and the Greek genesis - origin.

How is urobilinogen formed?
Most of the urobilinogen (80%) is formed from red blood cells, more precisely, from bilirubin, which, in turn, is synthesized from hemoglobin. Essentially, urobilinogen is a waste product of red blood cells.
How does it happen? Hemoglobin molecules, having served their time, are disposed of. First, indirect bilirubin is synthesized from them, which undergoes a series of transformations in the liver. As a result, direct bilirubin is synthesized, which, together with bile, enters the intestine. There, this substance, with the participation of microflora, undergoes further transformations. As a resultmultiple biochemical reactions produces a number of intermediate substances. Some of them, such as stercobilinogen and mesobilinogen, are absorbed back into the blood through the portal vein system.
Further, these substances are again excreted through the liver along with bile, but a small part of them is excreted in the urine - this is approximately 4 mg per day.
Urobilinogen in urine
What does this mean? Urobilinogen is a colorless substance. But standing out with urine, it turns into urobilin in the air. Therefore, urine containing urobilinogen darkens after some time in the air.

Urobilinogen in urine - what does it mean? Normally, in a small amount, this product of the final breakdown of hemoglobin that has served its time is found in everyone. But its content in the urine in high concentrations is, most often, a sign of pathology.
Urobilin and urobilinogen are the so-called urobilin bodies or urobilinoids. What does urobilinogen in urine mean and how to determine it?
How to detect urobilinogen in urine?
To do this, you need to pass a general urine test. This indicator is included in this study. Urobilinoids are normally found in urine in very small amounts, they are practically not detected. A positive reaction to this substance indicates the possible presence of pathology. It can be from weakly positive, which is indicated by "+", to sharply positive "+++".
Urobilinogen is a colorless substance, but when interacting with oxygenconverted to urobilin, darkens and acquires a dark yellow color. Therefore, in freshly collected urine, the level of urobilinogen is determined, and if it stands in the air for more than an hour, then urobilin is already determined.
UBG – urobilinogen content. Transcription
In modern laboratories, urinalysis is often performed on urinary analyzers. In this analysis result, UBG indicates the content of urobilinogen in the urine. Traces of urobilinogen are a must in any normal urine.
The level of this indicator increases with hemolytic jaundice, i.e., the destruction of red blood cells directly in the bloodstream, as well as with toxic liver damage, chronic and acute inflammatory processes occurring in its tissues. Intestinal diseases (constipation, enteritis, food poisoning) also cause an increase in the level of urobilinogen in the urine. But its complete absence is observed with mechanical subhepatic jaundice, i.e., with complete blockage of the bile duct by a stone. Thus, the complete absence of urobilinogen in the urine in adults means the cessation of the flow of bile into the intestine. The exception is newborn children who are breastfed for up to three months, since at this age urobilinogen from bilirubin is not yet restored due to the lack of the necessary microflora in the intestine.
The norm of this indicator is 5-10 mg/l.

Urobilinogen in urine. What does this mean?
The norm of this substance in the study of urine is "-". Its so smallthat the study shows a negative result. The condition in which urobilin levels rise is called urobilinuria.
Urobilin in urine - what does it mean? We list the pathologies in which this indicator is increased. These are, first of all, acute or chronic pathologies of the liver, conditions in which the destruction of red blood cells and disruption of the normal functioning of the intestine occurs. Namely:
- Hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.
- Liver tumors, benign or malignant.
- Congestion in liver tissues.
- Hemolytic anemia, in which the breakdown of red blood cells - erythrocytes.
- Poisoning by chemicals in which the breakdown of red blood cells occurs. In this case, hemoglobin freely enters the blood plasma. This leads to increased production of bilirubin, which is excreted in the bile. And as you know, urobilinogen is formed from bilirubin.
- Acute or chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
- Parasite.
- Chronic constipation.
- Intestinal obstruction.
An increase in urobilin bodies is not an obvious pathology, but only its possible presence. In some conditions, a mechanism is triggered in which excess bioslags are discharged into the intestines, for example, with diarrhea. As a result, an additional load on the kidneys is carried out, in this case, urobilinogen is detected - "traces" in the urine. What does it mean? Just that the kidneys are doing their job well. In severe conditions, this figure increases significantlydegree.
Reasons for the lack of urobilinogen in the urine

The complete absence of urobilinogen in the urine may mean that the bile duct is clogged. At the same time, the flow of bile into the intestine stops, and consequently, bilirubin, its integral component. And as you know, urobilinogen is formed precisely from bile. If there is no bile in the intestine, then the formation of urobilinogen does not occur.
What to do?
Urobilinogen in urine - what does it mean? What to do in this situation? First of all, there is no need to panic. Negative emotions and emotional imbalance lead to congestion in the body, which will further aggravate the situation. In case of a sharply positive reaction to urobilin bodies, it is necessary to consult a doctor and possibly undergo additional studies that will help to find out the true cause of this situation.

Sometimes people who, due to some life circumstances, do not sleep at night (for example, night shifts at work), the reaction to urobilinoids may be slightly positive. In this case, compliance with the daily routine will correct the situation. The liver is especially active from 9 pm to 3 am, provided that at this time the person is in a calm state. Therefore, a night's sleep helps to improve the functioning of this organ.
An active lifestyle and feasible physical activity have a positive effect on the work of the whole organism, and water procedures help to remove unnecessary toxins through the skin.
With an increased content of urobilin bodies in the urine, a milk-vegetable diet can be advised. It will help improve bowel function.
Infusions of medicinal herbs will also help bring the body back to normal, improve bowel function and remove excess toxins. These are bitter herbs, for example, immortelle, wormwood, elecampane, tansy, milk thistle. To prepare a medicinal infusion, take one large spoonful of dry raw materials of any of the listed herbs and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for at least half an hour, then filter. Take 1/4 cup before meals.
Urobilinoids in the urine of a child

Normally, urobilinogen is not detected for up to three months in he althy newborns who are breastfed. This is due to the fact that in the intestine there is no process of reduction of bilirubin to stercobilinogen (urobilinogen) due to the lack of intestinal flora. Therefore, urine in newborns is almost colorless.
Urobilinogen in urine - what does it mean in a child? An increased content of this indicator in children, as well as in adults, may indicate a possible pathology. But perhaps this is a temporary condition, for example, with an upset bowel. To find out the exact cause, you need to contact your pediatrician. Only after additional research is it possible to determine what urobilinogen in the urine of a child means.
Urobilinoids in urine during pregnancy
Pregnant women after registration should take a general urine test before each visitdoctor. During the period of bearing a child, all systems and organs of a woman are subjected to additional stress. Therefore, for the timely detection and treatment of any pathology, it is necessary to monitor the state of he alth during pregnancy.

Urobilinogen in the urine test of a pregnant woman should be in acceptable quantities, that is, only traces of it, or in a quantitative content of 5 to 10 mg per liter, should be detected. The complete absence or increase of such an indicator as urobilinogen in the urine - what does this mean during pregnancy? This is an occasion to conduct additional research to detect a possible pathology.