Drug "Avodart": reviews. Who was treated with "Avodart": what is the result

Drug "Avodart": reviews. Who was treated with "Avodart": what is the result
Drug "Avodart": reviews. Who was treated with "Avodart": what is the result

Today, Avodart is becoming very popular. Reviews, instructions, price will be discussed in this article. You can find out everything to the smallest detail: the pharmacological group of the drug, its composition, method of application and much more.

avodart reviews who were treated
avodart reviews who were treated

Description of the drug and release form

Doctors prescribe Avodart for some of their patients. Instructions for use, price, reviews should be studied by patients before taking the drug recommended by the doctor. First of all, you should know that it comes in the form of yellow oblong gelatin capsules.

You can find this medication at the pharmacy. It is sold in a cardboard box containing several blisters. One package may contain 30 or 90 capsules. The main and active substance of the drug is dutasteride. But this is not the only component of the tool. It also contains glycerin, gelatin, lecithin and iron oxide.

avodart instructions for use pricereviews
avodart instructions for use pricereviews

When to use?

Remedy for the treatment of prostatitis - "Avodart" (Avodart). The medicine copes well with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Helps to reduce its size and relieve symptoms. In this case, urination will not be so painful. In addition, its frequency will be reduced, and this is very important at night. The risk of surgery is reduced several times.

Excellent characterize "Avodart" reviews. Those who have been treated say that the drug is effective. Doctors also claim its positive effect on the body. According to them, there are many cases of complete cure of men. However, this drug also has its drawbacks.


It is worth paying attention to the fact that this remedy has several contraindications, which should be taken seriously. The medicine contains a substance - dutasteride. If you have hypersensitivity to this or other components of the drug, then it is contraindicated for you.

You should not prescribe the substance in case of hypersensitivity to 5α-reductase inhibitors. In no case should the drug be used by children and women, the Avodart drug. Reviews of those who were treated leave different. But some patients say that the remedy is not recommended for those people who have liver failure.

avodart reviews
avodart reviews

How to use

You can use this medicine regardless of meals. Recommended for adults and older mendrink one tablet a day, without cracking it, drinking plenty of water. Experts strongly do not recommend opening the capsule, as its contents can cause severe irritation of the nasopharynx.

They are proof of the effectiveness of the drug "Avodart" reviews: people claim that they notice the result very quickly, after which they stop using the remedy. However, it takes at least six months to completely eliminate the disease. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not to interrupt the course of treatment. Only after 6 months can the current therapeutic picture be assessed.

The drug can be taken as an independent source of intake of elements needed by the body, and in combination with other medicines. Through the kidneys, the substance is practically not excreted. Therefore, Avodart can be used by patients with renal insufficiency.

avodart capsules reviews and recommendations
avodart capsules reviews and recommendations

Overdose cases

They rarely happen. This is what they say about the medicine drug "Avodart" reviews. Those who were treated report that they did not experience any cases of poor he alth after taking it. This is confirmed by medical research. Even if you exceed the daily dose of eighty times and use it for several days, nothing bad will happen. However, for personal safety reasons, doctors do not recommend doing this. If you slightly overdose, then from the next day just start using the drug as you did before.

The effect of the drug on childbearing

Avodart is highly praisedreviews. Those who have been treated claim that it is possible to conceive a child even while using the drug. This is confirmed by numerous clinical trials. Medical research in the field of spermatozoa showed that after 52 weeks of using the drug, the amount of sperm significantly decreased, the movement of the "tadpoles" themselves slowed down a little. However, their concentration and features in the structure have not changed.

Dutasteride is contraindicated for the fair half of humanity, as its effect on the female body has not yet been studied. However, judging by the reviews of doctors, there is information that this element can cause a slow development of the external genitalia in a child. Can a substance enter the child's body through mother's milk? This, unfortunately, is not yet known.

avodart prostatitis treatment avodart
avodart prostatitis treatment avodart

Pharmacokinetic properties

Reviews about "Avodart" are versatile. For most patients, he began to help after a week of daily use. However, there were cases when the remedy began to act only six months after the start of treatment.

Specialists report that the concentration of this drug in the blood is maximum one and a half hours after its introduction into the body. At the same time, its bioavailability is in the range of 55-60 percent. The drug can be taken at any time, regardless of meals. This does not affect its kinetic properties. The active ingredient of the drug binds very well to plasma proteins. Judging by the reviews of doctors, about twelve percent of the substance enters the semen.

How it is excreted from the body

The components of the drug are very actively metabolized in the human body. Only a few percent of the substance is excreted through the intestines. But, according to experts, the complete removal of dutasteride will be carried out only after a month and a half. Patients taking Avodart, after taking blood tests, noticed that even after six months, the remnants of the substance remain in the body.

Avodart: reviews

Who was treated with the drug? A lot of men. Based on their feedback, two conclusions can be drawn. Many patients are dissatisfied with the high cost of the drug and its low efficiency. The drug is very popular in men for the prevention and treatment of BPH. Many patients report that after a year of use, the prostate gland has significantly decreased in volume. But once they stopped using the medicine, everything fell into place.

Some patients complain of erectile dysfunction, as well as a decrease in libido while taking the remedy. However, experts say that such phenomena are not dangerous. They will disappear on their own after three to four months of regular use of the drug. However, despite the considerable number of negative reviews, there are many positive ones. Men are praising the drug, saying it has restored the he alth of their prostate.

avodart reviews instruction price
avodart reviews instruction price

"Avodart": instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

These capsules have a considerable price. Because of this, you can hear a lot of negative reviews about the drug. After all, in addition to everything, negative reactions of the body can also be observed, such as bad mood and depression, skin rashes, significant hair loss, or, conversely, their very rapid growth. But what worries men the most is a decrease in sex drive.

The average price for thirty tablets fluctuates around 1500-1800 rubles. "Avodart" (capsules), reviews and recommendations about which are described in this article, have many analogues that are sold in any pharmacy at a lower price. Pay attention to such of them: "Prostan", "Adenosteride", "Penester".

So, in this article, the instructions for use for the Avodart preparation were described in detail. Price, reviews were also presented to your attention. Take them into account and be he althy. The main thing - do not self-medicate. See an experienced doctor if you have a problem.
