Erosive antral gastritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Erosive antral gastritis: causes, symptoms and treatment
Erosive antral gastritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Erosive gastritis of the antrum is an inflammatory pathology that occurs in the immediate vicinity of the duodenum. With successful treatment, the prognosis of the disease is good, however, in case of untimely onset and non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations, the disease can cause internal bleeding and turn into a peptic ulcer.

The concept of the antrum

It is located at the bottom of the stomach. This is where mucus is secreted to process the acidic, processed food from the stomach before it enters the intestines. It is he who allows you to maintain the acid-base balance of the gastrointestinal tract. In this department, substances are produced that increase or decrease the production of enzymes that improve the pushing of crushed food. Takes up about a third of the volume of the stomach.

Reason for development

The main one is the effect of gastric juice on the mucous membrane. It is due to the influence of a number of concomitant factors:

  • presence of otherchronic diseases of the stomach;
  • constant stress;
  • taking drugs for a long period of time, exceeding the dose of their use, the presence of side effects from their use;
  • Antral erosive gastritis most commonly develops with NSAIDs, vitamin C and glucocorticoid steroids;
  • bad habits;
  • wrong diet with a predominance of spicy and sour foods, as well as drinks that irritate the mucous membranes;
  • Helicobacter pylori enters the stomach.
Causes of erosive antral gastritis
Causes of erosive antral gastritis

Regarding the last point, it accounts for about 90% of cases of erosive antral gastritis, but only 10% of those infected with this bacterium develop the disease.

The optimal environment for the development of these pathogens is acidic. These bacteria contribute to the conversion of urea to ammonia, which further acidifies the environment in the stomach. This provokes the death of epithelial cells, as a result of which the exposed areas of the organ are aggressively attacked by gastric juice, which leads to the formation of various ulcers that grow over time.

Classification of erosive antral gastritis

According to the characteristics of the course, there are several varieties of this disease:

  • acute form - has symptoms common to the disease, but somewhat exacerbated;
  • chronic form - characterized by dull symptoms, periodically turning into an acute form.

According to the degree of development of foci, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Antral erosive gastritis of the stomach with complete erosions, in which cone-shaped outgrowths are formed with the last depressions or ulcers in the center. Swelling and edema may be observed on nearby tissues, although most often no extraneous signs are observed.
  • Disease with incomplete erosions. The formations are flat, of different sizes and shapes, hardly noticeable, most prominent in the presence of hyperemic areas that are located around these zones.
  • Erosive hemorrhagic antral gastritis. It is characterized by multiple small ulcerations resembling pricks on the surface of the stomach with a color from light cherry to bright red with a hyperemic presenting surface, which can exceed the size of the hemorrhagic ulceration several times. Bleeding mainly occurs in this area.
Erosive hemorrhagic antral gastritis
Erosive hemorrhagic antral gastritis

Complete erosions spread extensively over the mucous membrane and occur, as a rule, as a result of chronic inflammatory processes.

Clinical picture

Erosive antral gastritis is similar to ordinary gastritis, but differs from the latter in the location of the focus of infection. Therefore, when diagnosing, an incorrect diagnosis may be made, implying inflammation of the duodenum.

The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • taste dynamics - this can lead to the fact that the patient refuses food,which was previously preferable to him over the other;
  • spasms in the lower stomach;
  • in the chronic form, there may be excessive sweating during sleep, high fatigue and general weakness;
  • may vomit bloody;
  • bloating, belching, nausea, unstable stools;
  • burning and discomfort in the epigastric area.
Symptoms of erosive antral gastritis
Symptoms of erosive antral gastritis

Symptomatics may be subtle and blurred, but erosive damage to the stomach may still develop, which will eventually lead to bleeding. In this case, the following signs will be observed:

  • body temperature increases;
  • faints and twilight states of consciousness appear;
  • pallor of the epidermal integuments is formed.

In these cases, emergency hospitalization is necessary, as delay can be fatal.


Accurate diagnosis of erosive antral gastritis is possible with the following studies:

  • measurement of acidity in the stomach to detect functional disorders and determine the production of gastric secretions;
  • Ultrasound to detect other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • general analysis of feces, urine, blood;
  • endoscopy and biopsy - the condition of the mucosa, the nature of the dynamics of the disease, the presence of malignant tumors are examined - at least 5 samples are taken, including 2 from the antrum of the stomach;
  • taking an anamnesis, questioning the patient.
Diagnosis of erosive antral gastritis
Diagnosis of erosive antral gastritis

After the diagnosis is made, the form and degree of the disease are established, therapy is prescribed.

Traditional treatment

As noted above, in 90% of cases, the disease is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Therefore, the treatment of erosive antral gastritis caused by this particular factor is considered below.

The following requirements must be met:

  • stop the development of the ulcer process;
  • the drugs used must act on any strains of this bacterium;
  • side effects are minimized;
  • drug regimens are usually simplified;
  • bacteria kill rate should be high.

The most effective treatment is a three-line scheme. In this case, it is provided:

  • in the first decade - the first two weeks of taking "Amoxicillin" and "Clarithromycin";
  • in the same timeframe, Tripotassium Bismuth Dicitrate and PPI are added to the drugs discussed above;
  • during the third stage, the dosages and terms of the first two options are combined.
Treatment of erosive antral gastritis
Treatment of erosive antral gastritis

A two-stage scheme can also be used, in which:

  • Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin are being taken in the first week, as well as PPIs (Rabeprazole, Lansoprazole) in therapeutic doses;
  • at the second stage, PPIs are retained, to which Tetracycline, Metronidazole, Bismuth Subcitrate are added.

If this treatment failsthe desired effect, use nitrofuran agents, which should suppress all strains of bacteria, even those that have developed resistance to the previously considered drugs.

Treatment with folk remedies

They are used at the beginning of the development of the disease with aching pains, sour belching, heartburn attacks.

Folk remedies for erosive antral gastritis
Folk remedies for erosive antral gastritis

Treatment of erosive antral gastritis with folk remedies can be done with potato juice, which is made in the morning in the amount of a glass, drunk an hour before meals. After taking it, you need to lie down for half an hour. For breakfast, it is better to eat oatmeal and unsweetened tea. It is used for 10 days, then a break is taken for the same period and then taken again until healing occurs.

You can also be treated with juice from the leaves of white cabbage. Ready juice is slightly heated and drunk half a glass half an hour before meals. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

You can use herbal decoctions:

  • Roots of calamus are crushed to obtain 1 tsp. product. Raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, wrapped and infused for 40 minutes. Take strained warm half an hour before meals.
  • Burdock roots are ground to 1 tsp. product, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 12 hours in a wrapped container. It is used during the day for half a cup in a warm form.
  • You can take perennial aloe juice 1 tsp. half an hour before meals for 1.5months (use plants not younger than 3 years of age).
  • Pour plantain leaves with grape vodka (0.5 l), boil and boil for 5 minutes, strain, pour into a bottle and cork. Take half an hour before meals for 1 tbsp. l.

Herbal preparations are also used (for example, lemon balm and mint, 15 g each, other herbs that relieve inflammation on the gastric mucosa).

Treatment with folk remedies should take place with the obligatory consultation of a doctor.


Treatment and diet for erosive antral gastritis
Treatment and diet for erosive antral gastritis

Included in the treatment and diet for erosive antral gastritis. It involves saturating the diet with protein foods (non-spicy cheeses, eggs, cottage cheese, fish and lean meats) and reducing the percentage of consumption in relation to carbohydrate foods. Vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, carrots, beets) should be available on the menu.

Food should not be s alty or spicy. Heat treatment can be done in the following ways:

  • stewing;
  • for a couple;
  • baking;
  • cooking.

Meat dishes should be prepared from minced meat.

In the acute phase of the disease, products are consumed in puree form in small portions 5-6 times a day.

Dishes that can cause bloating, pain, heartburn are excluded from the menu:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • yeast and confectionery;
  • pork;
  • radish;
  • cucumbers;
  • beans.

The main prohibitions remain relevant until the end of life.

In closing

Erosive antral gastritis occurs mainly, like other types of similar diseases, due to exposure to the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Treatment should be aimed at combating them. In the initial stage and the period of remission, it is possible to use folk remedies. Throughout life, one must adhere to strict dietary restrictions.