In this article, we will consider the instructions for use for Allohol tablets and reviews of patients and doctors about this drug.
"Allohol" is a choleretic drug of plant origin. This drug perfectly normalizes the processes of bile formation, improving the overall functioning of the liver and reducing the likelihood of gallstones. In addition to a positive effect on liver function, this drug can improve the secretion of the entire digestive system. The process of normalization of bile formation enhances the motor functions of the intestine, which reduces the putrefactive and fermentation process. Thanks to this, constipation with flatulence is eliminated. Below we will get acquainted with the analogues of the remedy and find out what people write about its effectiveness in their comments. Reviews about Allochol abound.

When the drug is used
This medicine is used fortreatment of various pathologies of the liver and bile ducts, for example, it is used for hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia, cholelithiasis and constipation. In addition, it is used after surgery on the gallbladder.
According to the doctors, the side effects of "Allohol" are extremely rare.
Composition of the medicine
Coated tablets. This drug is produced in packs of ten or fifty pieces. One tablet contains dry animal bile along with garlic and nettle extract. Activated charcoal is also included in these tablets. Reviews about Allochol are mostly positive.
All listed substances of the drug are active. The drug does not contain any auxiliary components. Its ingredients are compressed. To prevent their rash, the tablets are coated. Next, consider the cases in which you should take this drug.

Indications for use
"Allochol" is indicated for use in the treatment of the following diseases:
- Development of chronic hepatitis.
- The appearance of the initial stages of liver cirrhosis.
- Development of cholangitis and cholecystitis.
- Presence of biliary dyskinesia.
- Presence of atonic constipation.
- Development of postcholecystectomy syndrome associated with removal of the gallbladder.
- Development of uncomplicated cholelithiasis.
Admission rules
Pills "Allochol"taken only after meals. For the treatment of chronic diseases, adults drink this drug for a month. In this case, the dose: two tablets three times a day. For the treatment of exacerbation of chronic processes, the duration of the use of this medication is increased to two months. At the same time, adult patients should drink one tablet twice a day.
The course of this drug can be repeated. The interval between repeated treatment courses should be at least three months. The duration of use for children is absolutely the same as for adult patients. Thus, the treatment of chronic processes in remission involves taking pills for a month, and the treatment of exacerbations of pathology lasts up to two months. The dosage of the medicine depends on the age of the child.
Feedback on the use of "Allochol" are presented below.
Interaction with other drugs
The combined use of a drug with natural or synthetic components that increase bile formation can improve their overall choleretic effect. In combination with laxative medicines, this drug eliminates constipation. The intake of fat-soluble vitamins against the background of "Allohol" leads to an improvement in their absorption. Taking antibiotics and antiseptics also goes well with the drug we are describing, thanks to which it is possible to achieve an effective effect on inflammatory processes in the biliary tract.
This is confirmed by the instructions for the use of Allochol and the reviews of doctors.
When to take the drug: before meals, orafter?
The medication is taken strictly after a meal. This includes any number of products. It is not at all necessary to establish a four-time schedule with a change of dishes in order to take medicine four times a day. Just eat an apple or a sandwich before taking the pill.

That is, a meal means any amount of food that should be eaten before the pill. You can't force-eat four meals a day just to take medicine. It is enough to limit yourself to a regular snack so that a certain amount of food can get into the stomach. In no case should you drink "Allohol" on a completely empty stomach.
This requirement is due to the fact that this drug helps to increase the production of gastric juice. If there is no food content in the stomach, then the released hydrochloric acid will damage the mucous membrane, which will serve as a factor in the development of peptic ulcer. There are also reviews on the use of "Allochol" for weight loss.
How to drink Allochol to lose weight
The drug is a choleretic agent, which is used to ensure that bile in the required amount enters the intestinal region, where it is required for proper digestion. Also "Allochol" stimulates the functioning of the entire digestive system as a whole. Thanks to him, the digestion of products improves. The process of complete digestion eliminates the remnants of food in the intestines, which can be putrefied and fermented. According to reviews, "Allohol" for weight loss is verycontributes.
Thanks to the improvement of the digestive organs, toxins are eliminated, which break down under the influence of bile. It is due to improved digestion of food and removal of toxins under the influence of these tablets that metabolism is normalized and body weight is reduced.
In order to normalize biochemical metabolism and lose weight, you need to take "Allohol" on a tablet after meals up to four times a day for a month. This course should be repeated three times, taking a break of at least four months. You should not drink "Allohol" constantly without interruption, as this can overload the work of the gallbladder, resulting in the occurrence of chronic diarrhea or constipation. Violation of the stool of this nature is difficult to treat.
Of course, these pills will not lead to instant weight loss. But their use in combination with a reasonable and balanced diet is absolutely justified, as this improves digestion and the process of absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. It should be borne in mind that "Allochol" will be a good assistant in weight loss only if physical activity is increased.
How effective is Allohol liver cleansing according to reviews? More on that later.
Treatment of bitterness in the mouth
Bitterness in the mouth is one of the symptoms of diseases of the liver and bile ducts. Often the taste of an unpleasant aftertaste appears with dyskinesia and cholecystitis. In this situation, you can drink the drug in a standard course. To do this, take a tablet three times a day for a month. But it is better not to self-medicate. Needbe sure to consult a doctor in order to be fully examined beforehand.
Reviews of Allohol liver cleansing report that this process is very effective.
Taking the drug for cholecystitis
In the event of an attack of acute cholecystitis, this medicine is strictly prohibited. You can take these pills only on the fifth day after the attack, after the person returns to eating. On the first day after the attack, when you first need complete fasting, and then eating exclusively soups and broths, the Allohol choleretic agent is not used. After a few days of a strict diet, when the patient can already include regular food in the diet, taking the drug will be possible. In this case, the medicine is taken on a tablet three times a day for two months. So you can quickly clean the liver with Allohol. Feedback on this is also available.

In the event that a person suffers from a chronic form of cholecystitis, then these tablets are indicated for periodic use in courses lasting up to four weeks with breaks of three months. You can start a course of using this drug against the background of the development of unpleasant symptoms in the form of bitterness in the mouth. In this case, the medicine is taken two tablets four times a day for a month.
Receiving "Allochol" for pancreatitis
In the replacement treatment of pancreatitis, various drugs are used that improve the breakdown of fats from food. One of these drugs is Allohol, which enhances the formationbile. Thanks to him, bile acids break down fats that come with food. The effect of the use of this drug comes fairly quickly. The garlic extract in the composition of the presented medicine additionally stops the increased gas formation, inhibiting the processes of decay, improving the digestion of food.
Replacement treatment for pancreatitis requires taking two tablets up to three times a day for a month. The number of doses directly depends on the severity of pancreatitis and the patient's tolerance to the drug. In the event that the stage of the disease is severe, and the patient tolerates Allohol well, then two tablets of the drug can be taken three times a day. When the patient does not tolerate the drug in such a large amount, the number of doses should be reduced to one per day.
Children under the age of seven should receive Allohol for the treatment of pancreatitis at half the dosage. That is, they take one tablet twice a day. Duration of admission: one month. For children older than seven years, the drug is prescribed in an adult dosage.
In the presence of pancreatitis, these tablets are also taken after meals. The ratio of the duration of therapy courses with intervals between them is one to three. This means that the interval must necessarily be three times longer than the course of treatment.

Side effects
According to reviews, "Allohol" rarely causes adverse reactions related to the digestive system or the immune system. Side effects include diarrhea, dyspepsia, andallergic reactions.
Contraindications for use
Allohol tablets should not be used if patients have the following conditions:
- Intolerance to any component of the drug, including an allergic reaction in the past.
- Presence of acute hepatitis.
- Development of acute and subacute liver dystrophy.
- The presence of obstructive jaundice, which occurs due to blockage of the bile ducts by stones.
- Development of calculous cholecystitis.
- The appearance of gallstone disease, provided that the size of the stones exceeds ten millimeters based on ultrasound.
- Development of acute pancreatitis.
- The appearance of acute enterocolitis.
- Development of gastric and intestinal ulcers.
This is also confirmed by the reviews. Side effects of "Allochol" and overdose symptoms occur when the instructions are not followed.
Analogues of the drug
There is only one structural analogue that contains exactly the same active ingredients. This drug is Allohol-UBF. In addition, there are a number of drugs that also have a choleretic effect and are therefore considered analogues of Allochol. Reviews about them will be considered at the end of the article.
The choleretic analogues of this drug include such medicinal herbs and remedies: Altalex, along with artichoke extract, Bittner, Vitanorm, Gepabene, Cavehol, nettle leaves, burdock roots, Odeston, Urdoks, Holebil, Karsil, Holenzim and so on.
Most often, it is Karsil and Allohol that are used to cleanse the liver. Reviews confirm this.

Allohol and Karsil
Let's conduct a small comparative analysis of these inexpensive popular drugs. The first acts as a choleretic agent, and the second is a hepatoprotector. This means that Allohol is used to increase bile and improve the process of its release into the intestines, and Karsil is used to improve liver activity and normalize its functions. "Allochol" serves as a medicine for the treatment of gallbladder pathology. And Karsil is, first of all, a drug that is intended for use as part of the complex treatment of various hepatic diseases, for example, hepatitis, cirrhosis or toxic organ damage.
Therefore, it is possible to conditionally divide the areas of application of these drugs: for liver diseases, it is better to choose Karsil, and for gallbladder pathologies, Allohol should be preferred. It is somewhat incorrect to say which of the drugs is better, since they belong to different pharmacological groups and differ in their therapeutic effects.
So it says in the instructions for use. Many people are interested in reviews about Allohol analogues.
Comparison with Holenzim
This drug is available in tablets containing animal-based dry bile and bovine pancreatic enzymes as active ingredients. The choleretic effectiveness of "Holenzim" is less pronounced than that of "Allohol". The duration of the therapeutic effect of "Holenzim" is no more than two hours. But this drug is used not only for the treatment of biliary pathologies, but also for the treatment of chronic gastritis and enterocolitis.
"Allohol" does not contain bovine enzymes in its composition, therefore, it is not used in the treatment of gastritis and enterocolitis. This drug is used exclusively for the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder. The impact of "Allochol" is much more pronounced than that of its counterpart "Holenzim". Also, this drug can enhance the functioning of all organs of the digestive system, improving metabolic processes.
In the case of a choice between these drugs, you need to clearly know the pathology. For example, for the treatment of bile and liver, "Allohol" is best suited. And in order to improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach, Cholenzim will serve as the best remedy. Also, one should not forget that Allohol has a more pronounced choleretic effect.
Now let's find out what people write in their reviews about the use of this drug.
Reviews about "Allohole"
Most opinions about this drug are positive. This is due to the good choleretic efficacy of the drug, which helps many people get rid of the painful and painful symptoms of gallbladder diseases. Patients write that the course of using these tablets perfectly eliminates heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, and flatulence. In addition, Allohol tablets perfectly cope with constipation, pain in the right hypochondrium and bitterness in the mouth.

Thus, the presented drug helps to eliminate all these symptoms, helping to improve the functioning of the biliary organs. "Allohol" relieves all of the above symptoms, significantly improving the quality of life of people.
Most of the patients who suffer from diseases of the gallbladder resort to the use of these pills with noticeable consistency. People write that, as a rule, they start taking Allohol when painful symptoms of the disease appear.
Many also note the low cost of the drug compared to other similar drugs. Some herbs may cost even less, but taking them is not as convenient as Allohol. Thus, this drug combines ease of use with a low price.
Negative reviews about this medicine are rare. They are left by people who are unhappy that this drug did not rid them of the disease completely, but only eliminated the symptoms for a while.
Expert opinions
Reviews of doctors about "Allochol" are contradictory. Most doctors believe that pills only eliminate the symptoms, improving the functioning of the organ, but do not directly treat the pathology itself. As a preventive measure, Allohol can be used, but it will not help with more serious he alth problems.
We reviewed the instructions for the use of Allohol tablets, reviews and analogues of the remedy.