Gout is a pathology that develops as a result of disorders of purine metabolism. The disease is accompanied by the deposition of urates in the epiphyses of bones, joints, cartilaginous tissue of the auricles and is complicated by aseptic inflammation.
General information
Most of all pathologies are affected by men after forty years. Gout is often a hereditary-constitutional disease. Among other causes of pathology, excessive consumption of alcohol and meat should be noted. Often the disease is accompanied by diabetes and obesity. Violations in purine metabolism lead to disorders in the excretion or increased formation of uric acid, the accumulation of its s alts.
Signs of pathology
For gout, the most typical are inflammatory processes in the synovial membranes, tendon sheaths, articular bags. In the areas of urate deposition, the destruction of bone substance and cartilage tissue is noted. This, in turn, leads to subluxations and deformities of the joints. On the earlobe, in the periarticular tissue, nested urate deposits are formed - "tofi". They are surrounded by connective tissue. Oftenurate deposits are found in the kidneys and other organs.

Therapeutic interventions
What medications are available to treat gout? What are they? What is their mechanism of action? Is there a better cure for gout? More on this later. Before talking directly about the effect of a particular drug, it should be noted that the pathology is accompanied by pain and stiffness of movements. In this regard, among other things, taking medication is aimed at eliminating these symptoms. First of all, you need to visit a specialist. The doctor, based on the patient's condition, severity of the course and tolerance, recommends which medications to take for gout. In case of pathology development, self-treatment is not allowed.

The medicine for gout "Fulflex"
The price of the medicine is within 200 rubles. The product is available in encapsulated form and in the form of liniment for external application. The preparation contains extracts of white willow bark and fragrant martini roots. The tool has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent effect, has anti-edematous effect. In the ointment, in addition to the above components, there are extracts of hanging birch, chestnut, fir, juniper, eucalyptus. The liniment also contains vitamins P and E. For greater efficiency, a specialist may recommend a comprehensive treatment using both dosage forms of the drug. In this case, patients should strictly adhere to the instructionsdoctor.
How to use
Capsules are recommended for patients from the age of fourteen, 1 pc. once. The drug is drunk with meals. Duration of application - a month. Externally, the medicine for gout "Fulflex", the price of which is indicated above, is applied twice a day to the affected areas. Liniment is allowed to be rubbed lightly with massaging movements. If therapy is ineffective, do not change the regimen on your own.

Side effect
The described medicine for gout, when used, can provoke bradycardia, arterial hypertension. However, it should be said that these phenomena are observed quite rarely. When ingested, patients may experience dyspepsia, diarrhea. Against the background of therapy, hepatitis, stomatitis, disorders in the activity of the liver are sometimes observed. Side effects that this medicine causes for gout should also include taste disturbances, neuropathy, headache, ataxia, fatigue, paresthesia. In some patients, the drug provokes hematuria, interstitial nephritis, leukopenia, infertility, and diabetes mellitus. Among the negative consequences, experts also note allergic reactions in the form of furunculosis, rashes, and skin irritation. Probably hair discoloration. The drug may cause swelling, convulsions, depression, drowsiness.

Gout medicine "Allopurinol"
The cost of this drug varies within a hundred rubles. Medicationcontributes to the disruption of the synthesis of uric acid, the dissolution of urate deposits. This medicine for gout, among other things, prevents the accumulation of uric acid s alts in the kidneys and tissues. The dosage regimen is set personally. Means "Allopurinol", in contrast to the drug "Fulflex", is allowed to be prescribed to patients under 15 years of age. Adults are recommended 100-900 mg in accordance with the severity of the pathology. Take after meals 2-4 times / day. For children, the dosage is set taking into account weight - 10-20 mg / kg. With impaired renal function, the maximum amount of the drug is 100 mg.

Medication is not prescribed for pregnant, lactating patients, patients with severe disorders of renal or hepatic activity. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the drug. The tool affects the speed of psychomotor reactions. In this regard, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require increased attention.
Special Instructions
When taking Allopurinol, it is necessary to ensure optimal fluid intake per day - at least two liters. Dose adjustment may be required for patients with impaired liver function, hypothyroidism. In patients with neoplastic pathologies, this medicine for gout should be taken before starting cytostatic therapy. In these cases, the minimum dosage is recommended. On the basis of the complex intake of the drug "Allopurinol" and cytostatics, it is necessaryregular monitoring of the state of the picture of peripheral blood. During therapy, alcohol is not allowed. Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is not an indication for the use of the drug. Appointment to children is carried out only in the presence of malignant neoplasms (especially leukemia) and with some enzyme disorders.

It should be noted that the pathology can proceed atypically, without being accompanied by acute attacks. In this case, changes in the joints occur gradually. Often the disease is accompanied by early atherosclerotic vascular disorders, hypertension, the formation of stones in the urinary tract. When choosing a medicine for gout, the doctor must take into account the overall clinical picture. In some cases, additional diagnostic measures may be required to prescribe adequate therapy. With the systematic and timely implementation of prevention and treatment, it is possible to stop the development of pathology and prevent acute gouty attacks. Along with drug therapy, the patient's lifestyle and diet are of great importance.