Many women who have become mothers are concerned about the problem of the appearance of stretch marks on the body. No need to explain what it is. It should only be noted that they appear due to sharp fluctuations in body weight that occur at different periods of a woman's life. Getting rid of stretch marks is not easy. As a rule, lovely ladies resort to laser surgery for this purpose. There are also less radical remedies, for example, various gels and ointments. But they give little noticeable effect. But traditional medicine has long used the mummy from stretch marks. Recipes for making such masks are simple. Here are some tips on how to prepare an effective remedy for these hated skin blemishes at home.

What is Shilajit?
Female reviews of skin masks suggest that there is one unique substance that can transform the skin. It's calledShilajit is a product of biological origin, formed in the crevices of rocks and on the walls of caves. It is based on substances of organic and inorganic origin. The unique properties of this natural product have been known since ancient times. It was often used to treat serious diseases such as tuberculosis, facial paralysis, gastrointestinal ulcers, etc. Now this product is used as a general tonic and in the cosmetic industry. You can buy mummy in pharmacies.
Why exactly is this remedy used to treat stretch marks?

In ancient Persia, there was such a way to verify the authenticity of the mummy. It was mixed with rose oil and applied to animal wounds. If the damage quickly healed, then the mummy is real, if not, it is a fake. This proves the unique ability of this substance to heal wounds, both external and internal. Stretch marks are formed as a result of rupture of the subcutaneous fat layer. The body, trying to "darn" these wounds, fills the damage sites with connective tissue. This process is irreversible. The main thing here is to start eliminating them as soon as possible. Many use for this mummy from stretch marks. The recipes for preparing the funds are very simple, and everyone can handle them.
Recipe 1. Cream
In order to prepare this mixture, we need:
- 2-3 grams of mummy. You can use it in the form of tablets, after crushing them into powder, but it is better to take capsules.
- Non-metalbowl.
- Some nourishing body cream.
- A teaspoon of warm boiled water to dilute the mixture.
- A drop of essential oil.
Now we make a cream with mummy from stretch marks. Recipe: Pour warm boiled water into a bowl. Add the mummy and stir until completely dissolved. It turns out a brown liquid. Then add a little cream to the mixture and mix again. To get rid of an unpleasant odor, you can drop a little mint or any other essential oil of your choice there. Use this product to apply to stretch marks in the morning and evening.
Recipe 2. Mask

You can also use mummy from stretch marks. Recipe for a wrapping mask: take blue clay (300 g), olive oil (200 g) and mix in a non-metallic bowl. Add crushed mummy (several grams), previously diluted in a teaspoon of water. After mixing, the composition becomes completely ready for use. We apply a mask on the cleansed skin, wrap ourselves in a film, wrap ourselves in a warm bathrobe and hold for 20-30 minutes. After that, we take a shower, washing off the mass with warm water. This method is good not only for getting rid of stretch marks, but also for reducing the appearance of cellulite. It will make the skin soft, smooth and velvety.
We looked at how to make a cream with mummy and a body mask for stretch marks at home. The recipes are very simple. And the effectiveness of such funds has been confirmed by time.