Grippferon: reviews, indications, instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues

Grippferon: reviews, indications, instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues
Grippferon: reviews, indications, instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues

Colds usually come on suddenly, in both adults and children. With it, there is the appearance of fever, cough, runny nose, chills and headache. There are drugs that can quickly improve the condition. Judging by the reviews, "Grippferon" is one of the effective means to restore well-being.

About the drug

This medicine is one of the interferons, which helps with inflammation. The tool is used to eliminate adenoviruses, they cure colds and other respiratory diseases.

gripferon reviews
gripferon reviews

This drug is not addictive, does not allow the occurrence of strains. Taking the remedy facilitates the course of the disease, reduces the risk of complications.

What's in it?

What is the composition of "Grippferon"? The active substance is human alpha-2b recombinant interferon. In 1 ml of the drug there is at least 10,000 IU. The preparation also includes the following components:

  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate;
  • povidone 8000;
  • edetate disodium dihydrate;
  • potassium dihydrogen phosphate;
  • macrogol 4000;
  • purified water.

According to experts, this drug is effective for colds. But before use, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the instructions.

Drug Benefits

The main advantages of the tool include the following nuances:

  • not able to accumulate in cells;
  • cannot dry mucous;
  • security;
  • not addictive.

Judging by the reviews, this drug is easy to use. And this applies to all its forms of release.

Issue form

Grippferon has been successfully used to treat influenza in people of all ages, including newborns. The composition of the drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It is issued in the following forms:

  1. Drops. Sold in bottles of 5 and 10 ml. The drug is presented as a colorless yellow liquid. The vial has a dropper for ease of use.
  2. Nasal spray. "Grippferon" of this form is available in plastic bottles with a dispenser. Pale yellow medicine is packaged in ten milliliters.
  3. Ointment. In some pharmacies, a drug of this form is sold, but it has not passed the necessary clinical trials, therefore it is not recommended for use. Given the feedback from customers, the cream perfectly eliminates a runny nose of any kind.
  4. Candles. "Grippferon" is produced in a lightweight form - "Light" and in the usual dosage. Up to 6 yearschildren are administered 1 suppository 2 times a day every twelve hours. It is better to choose candles "Grippferon Light". Treatment continues for 7-10 days. With the execution of 6 years can use the standard form. Suppositories are administered in 1 pc. 2 times a day. As a prophylaxis, the drug is used every other day for 1-3 months, 1 suppository at night. Candles are prescribed by pediatricians to strengthen the immunity of children.
fluferon suppositories
fluferon suppositories

Which is better - spray or drops?

There is a lot of controversy on the forums on this issue. Some believe that spray is considered more effective, while others recommend using only drops. But if you read the instructions for both products, it will be revealed that they have the same composition and concentration of the main component.

A release the drug in 2 forms for one simple reason. This is due to the fact that children under 3 years of age are not recommended to use the spray. This allows you to choose the right form for each patient.

Instillation rules

Like other drops, "Grippferon" should be instilled in a supine position, turning the child's head on its side, into the lower nostril. After the head must be turned to the other side and drip the other nostril. Naturally, the nose must be cleared of mucus and pus in advance, which is necessary for effective treatment.


The medicine in this form is applied intranasally. The drug leads to the production of immunoglobulins, activation of the protective properties of the body, protection against inflammation. The composition contains loratadine, which eliminates mucosal edema and restores blood circulation innose.

fluferon indications
fluferon indications

The ointment is injected into each nostril. To administer the medicine, you first need to squeeze a little from the tube into the nose. The sides of the nose need to be massaged a little to evenly distribute the ointment. The drug in this form can be used 3-4 times a day.

The ointment is not used during pregnancy, as it includes loratadine, which adversely affects the development of the baby. The drug should not be used in the pediatric field and is contraindicated for the treatment of children.

Using frequency

As stated in the instructions, the drug is not addictive. Treatment with the drug should not last more than 7 days. For prevention, the remedy is used throughout the epidemic. Between courses of treatment, you need to take breaks so that the body does not oversaturate with interferon.

This drug has been subjected to clinical trials, which have shown that the drug is tolerated by the body and has a positive therapeutic effect in the treatment of influenza and SARS. After injection into the nose, the drug destroys viral cells and bacteria. "Grippferon" is able to act on many strains of influenza. With it, such signs of illness as a runny nose, cough, ear and headache are eliminated.

How does it work?

The drug has an extensive effect, allows you to eliminate corona-, rhino-, adenoviruses. Intranasal use provides prolonged contact with the microflora of the nasopharynx, adversely affecting pathogenic organisms, the influenza virus. After penetration into the mucous membranes, interferon eliminates the signs of a cold, swelling disappears,nasal congestion, pain and fever.

Thanks to the carefully selected composition of the drug, the mucous membrane is gently dried. And because of the absorbent action, respiratory infections are eliminated. If you use the drug in the first days of the disease, then its duration is reduced by 30-50%. Prevention will help protect against infection by 96%. Absorption of the main component is small. As confirmed by patient reviews, the medicine allows you to quickly eliminate the signs of the disease.

When used?

What are the indications for "Grippferon"? As indicated in the instructions, drops are used in the treatment of acute infectious diseases and influenza. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven in the implementation of prophylaxis. Your doctor may prescribe antivirals for:

  • colds;
  • respiratory virus;
  • preventive measures against SARS;
  • flu prevention.
fluferon while breastfeeding
fluferon while breastfeeding

Judging by the reviews, "Grippferon" copes well with a cold, improving a person's well-being. You just need to follow the dosage and rules of use.

When not to use?

The drug is created on the basis of a compound that is similar in properties to human leukocyte alpha-2 interferon, therefore, it almost does not include side effects. The drug should not be used only in case of individual intolerance. Do not use the solution for severe allergic diseases to prevent deterioration.

Use and dosage

As statedin the instructions, "Grippferon" in the form of drops can be used with the onset of the first signs of the disease. The nasal cavity must be cleaned in advance, and then it can be instilled. After making the required amount of the drug, it is necessary to massage the wings of the nose for a while to better distribute the drug.

Duration of treatment is 5-6 days. It is necessary to use the drug in accordance with the following scheme:

  1. As indicated in the instructions for use, "Grippferon" for children under one year old is administered in 1 dose (1000 IU). The agent is injected into the nose 5 times a day.
  2. At 1-3 years, 2 doses are needed in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day.
  3. Children 3-14 years old can instill 2 drops or spray "Grippferon" 4-5 times a day.
  4. The nasal membrane of adults and children from 15 years of age is treated with a triple dose 5-6 times a day.
  5. For prevention, the drug is used 1 portion 1-2 times a day for 2 days.

As evidenced by the reviews, "Grippferon" allows you to get the effect after just a few procedures. And a full course of treatment ensures a complete recovery.


According to doctors, the medicine allows children to quickly and easily endure a cold. If used in a timely manner, it provides a protective field against infection, even during an epidemic. The active substance has an antiviral effect, so doctors advise using "Grippferon" in case of a massive illness in children.

fluferon for children under one year instructions for use
fluferon for children under one year instructions for use

The spray is great for children from 1 year old, besides itconvenient to use. In the treatment of infants, it is desirable to use drops, which also work no less effectively.

When Pregnant

Due to excellent tolerance and lack of toxic effect, the medicinal component can be used during pregnancy. In this case, you should not be afraid for the development of the baby. According to the instructions, choose a single dose according to the age of the woman.

Can Grippferon be used while breastfeeding? The drug is allowed, since the components do not pass into breast milk and cannot be harmful to the baby. "Grippferon" during breastfeeding should be used in the same way as in other cases.

However, be sure to consult your doctor before use.

Interaction with components

With the use of this drug, you do not need to use auxiliary medicines, for example, Aspirin, tablets with an analgesic effect. During therapy, you do not need to take another drug with a vasoconstrictor effect, because this reduces the effectiveness of the main component.

The vasoconstrictive effect of "Grippferon" with the use of nasal agents can cause severe drying of the nasal mucosa. This is important to consider so as not to harm a person.

Side effect and overdose

The drug is prescribed by doctors as an effective method of treatment, prevention of colds and flu. Subject to the indicated quantitative proportions, there is no risk of side effects. Negative consequences appear only with intolerance to substances. In case of an overdose,for example, if suppositories were additionally used, then a slight allergy may occur.

fluferon analogues are cheaper
fluferon analogues are cheaper

Sale and storage

According to reviews, "Grippferon" can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. Store the drug at 2-8 degrees out of the reach of children. When the package is opened, the vial is stored for up to six months.

What to replace?

Are there cheaper analogues of "Grippferon"? Preparations with recombinant human interferon alfa-2b have a similar effect. A well-known substitute for young children is "Genferon Light". Of the analogues of Grippferon, Interferon is considered cheaper. Applicable:

  • candles "Viferon";
  • lyophilisate "Alfiron";
  • Ointment Virogel;
  • Alfa-Inzon solution used for injections;
  • candles "Laferon";
  • drop of Derinat.

Before using any drug, you need to read the instructions. Only then will the treatment be effective.


According to customer reviews, this remedy is effective in eliminating pathogenic bacteria and viruses. At a cost it is available to all consumers. The price of drops is 250-450 rubles.

influenzaferon drug
influenzaferon drug

Ointments and suppositories cost 190-380 rubles, and a spray - 315-350. You can buy the drug not only in a pharmacy, but also in an online pharmacy by choosing the right manufacturer, the required release form.

Thus, "Grippferon" is recognized as one of the effective medicines against colds. If used according toinstructions, the improvement will be noticeable quickly. In addition, the treatment will be more effective.
