The drug "Femoston" belongs to the category of anti-menopausal drugs, and it is prescribed to women during menopause. Consider the instructions for its use and find out what side effects can be observed against the background of its use. Femoston reviews will also be presented.
Composition and format of release
The drug is produced in the form of film-coated tablets.
One blister contains two types of tablets - white and gray. In white tablets, estradiol hemihydrate is 1.03 mg, which is equivalent to 1 mg of estradiol; in gray tablets of estradiol hemihydrate - 1.03 mg, as well as dydrogesterone - 10 mg.
Auxiliary components are lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon dioxide, starch, hypromellose, magnesium stearate.
28 tablets in a blister.

Reviews on the use of "Femoston" are found in large numbers.
Indications for use
Pills are prescribed to women for the treatment and prevention of the following ailments:
- Against the background of hormonal disorders during menopause, which is caused by age, and, in addition, undergone surgical operations on the organs of the female reproductive system.
- In the presence of osteoporosis with menopausal hormonal changes.
This medicine has many possible contraindications. Find out in which cases this drug is not suitable for use.
Contraindications to the use of the drug
Reviews of women about Femoston are mostly positive. But the presented drug has a number of different contraindications. In this regard, immediately before starting therapy, women definitely need to consult a doctor about its use. It is also very important to read the enclosed instructions.

So, these pills should not be taken if one or more of the following conditions are present:
- When pregnant (already established or only suspected).
- During breastfeeding periods.
- In case of suspected breast cancer or in the presence of a diagnosed oncological neoplasm.
- In the presence of estrogen-dependent malignancies (identified or suspected).
- With pathological growth of endometrial tissue.
- When bleeding occurs from the vagina of unknown etiology.
- On the background of venous thromboembolism. Including deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.
- Against the background of diseasesliver, which are accompanied by dysfunctions of this organ.
- In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
According to reviews, the side effects of "Femoston" can also provoke.
When should women use this medicine with caution?
Relative contraindications to the use of this drug are the following diseases:
- The patient has uterine endometriosis.
- Due to diabetes.
- On the background of migraine and systemic lupus erythematosus.
- If you have epilepsy and kidney failure.
- Against the background of otosclerosis, bronchial asthma and cholelithiasis.
This confirms the instructions for use. Reviews of "Femoston" will be considered below.

How to use
The presented drug is taken one pill only once a day at the same time. This medicine can be taken with or without food, as long as you drink plenty of fluids.
In the first half of the menstrual cycle (provided that it is twenty-eight days) take one white tablet. As for the remaining fourteen days of the cycle, one gray tablet is taken during this period. Patients who have not had a period for more than one year due to a hormonal disorder can start treatment with the drug absolutely any day.
When Pregnant
The drug is completely contraindicated for use during pregnancy. In that case,if a woman suspects pregnancy and takes this drug, then she must be checked by a gynecologist without fail.
Side effects
This drug is primarily a hormonal remedy. As a result, it can cause many side effects. According to reviews of Femoston, against the background of the use of these tablets in patients suffering from hypersensitivity to its components, the following adverse reactions may develop:

- The reproductive system may react with breast tenderness. In addition, profuse bleeding from the vagina is possible, which will not be associated with menstruation. Also, the formation of cervical erosion along with the progression of this pathology is not excluded. Dysmenorrhea, breast enlargement and changes in libido are not ruled out.
- The digestive system can respond with stomach pain, nausea, bile stasis and inflammation of the gallbladder, as well as liver dysfunction, vomiting and diarrhea.
- The nervous system is able to respond with headaches, migraines, irritability, asthenia, chorea and insomnia while taking this medicine.
- It is possible to develop ischemia of the heart muscle, as well as the appearance of myocardial infarction and venous thromboembolism.
- Hematopoietic organs can respond with hemolytic anemia.
- As for allergic reactions, in this case, urticaria, itching of the skin, rash, erythema nodosum may occur, and in very rare cases the development ofangioedema.
If one or more adverse reactions develop during menopause, you should consult a doctor to decide whether to stop the appropriate treatment.
In the event of a deliberate increase in the dosage indicated in the instructions or against the background of a long uncontrolled intake of the drug, the patient may develop signs of an overdose. At the same time, they can be clinically manifested by an increase in the symptoms of side effects described above, and, in addition, by drowsiness and dizziness.

After the development of signs of an overdose, drug therapy is immediately stopped, and the patient's stomach is washed, and if necessary, symptomatic treatment is carried out.
Interaction with other medicines
In the case of the simultaneous appointment of the drug "Femoston" with "Rifampicin" and "Phenytoin", a significant weakening of the therapeutic effect of the described drug is possible. This must be taken into account when taking.
Special Instructions
During the period of taking this drug, women should definitely perform preventive examinations at the gynecologist and mammologist from time to time. In case of painful lumps in the breast, and, in addition, discharge from the nipple during pressure, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Against the background of treatment with this drug, you should also regularly donate blood for its coagulability. With the risks of developing thromboembolism, the combination of Femoston with anticoagulants is allowed. Against the background of the appearance of a strong headachepain or migraine attacks during treatment with this drug, you should stop taking it and seek urgent medical advice.

Analogues of "Femoston"
Analogues of the presented drug are such drugs as "Dufaston" along with "Midian", "Utrozhestan", "Visanna" and "Bilara". It is not recommended to replace this drug without medical advice. The composition of the above analogues includes a different amount of hormones. They can all be used by patients during menopause.
Let's get acquainted with the reviews of patients and doctors.
Reviews of doctors about "Femoston"
In general, experts speak well of this medication. True, doctors confirm that at the initial stage of treatment with this medicine, women may experience breakthrough uterine bleeding that is not associated with menstruation. In such a situation, you need to consult a doctor to adjust the dose. In the event that even, despite the correction of dosing, bleeding still continues, then drug therapy is stopped until the causes of this condition are determined.

Patient testimonials
Femoston reviews are very different. Among them there are negative and positive comments. The latter are primarily due to the fact that the drug is a fairly effective remedy with proven efficacy in severe climacteric syndrome.
But there are also negative reviews about Femoston. They allmainly associated with the cautious attitude of patients to hormonal medications and the need to regularly monitor their he alth while on hormone replacement therapy.
We reviewed the instructions and reviews for the Femoston tool.