Generic - what is this newfangled word, and even in relation to medicines? It turns out that this word can be called an analogue of the drug. But only conditionally. Why? Let's try to figure out what a "generic" is, what are its features and differences from the original product, why there are so many generics now. Should they replace the already familiar products of a familiar manufacturer?

Generic in brief
Generic - what is it? We will not delve into the wilds of pharmacology, we will explain with a simple example. Let's say a person invents a bicycle, patents his invention and starts selling it profitably. Next door is the same factory, but they can’t invent something better than a bicycle. Previously, the patent was "eternal", that is, assigned to its first developer. The patent is now limited. So, if we imagine that the term of the right of the inventor of the bicycle has expired, then the factory next door has the right to produce the same product, butat a price several times lower than the original. Why? Maybe because the steering wheel is no longer made of good steel, but of a cheaper alloy, and the saddle is not leather, but leatherette. And the manufacturers are newbies in their field.
That is, the methodology and technique plus the main components of the composition are preserved. But the additional components may be completely different from the original. Generic drugs are bicycles from that neighboring factory. Their action should be identical, but sometimes side effects from a generic can be stronger than from the original remedy.

Why are generics produced?
One of the answers in the previous section. Because the second bicycle cannot be invented, and before the invention of the motorcycle it is still very early and / or there are no engineers, materials or opportunities to produce it.
Generic, the price of which is much lower than the price of the original "bicycle", is bought no less than its well-born ancestor. As a result, the consumer has a drug cheaper, and the seller has a buyer. And everything is fine except for some nuances. Not all generics match the quality of the original and exactly repeat its effect. This happens due to seemingly appropriate, but not always completely repeating the original production technology. In addition, ingredients that have undergone less serious processing and purification are sometimes used.
Generic list of popular drugs
Now many drugs have their "successors". Well-known brands are replacing their generics, the list of which is very long. We will mentionthe most famous and compare prices.
Now it has taken and is not inferior to its positions in dermatology "Bepanten" - a cream whose active ingredient is vitamin D. The only negative of this cream is the price. But the generic is replacing it - inexpensive, but acting similarly to the original "Dexpanthenol" (370 and 100 rubles, respectively).
Continuing the theme of creams and ointments, let's remember the cream-gel for tired legs and against thrombophlebitis "Lyoton". He also has a successor - this is Heparin Acry-Gel (370 and 250 rubles, the first and second in comparison).
The advertised "Mezim" (200 rubles for 10 pcs.) also has an analogue in the world of generics - "Pancreatin" (40 rubles for 50 pcs.).
Also concerns the treatment of gastric diseases - "Omez" (180 rubles) and the Russian analogue "Omeprazole" (45 rubles).
Quite expensive and effective antipyretic "Nurofen" (120 rubles) has a cheap analogue of "Ibuprofen" with a similar active ingredient - 40 rubles. This also includes Panadol and Paracetamol (60 and 5 rubles, respectively).
The well-known antibiotic "Sumamed" has a generic "Azithromycin".
For the treatment of fungal diseases, including thrush in women, the drug "Flucostat" (200 rubles) has long been produced. But few people know about the existing analogue of "Fluconazole" at a price of 15 rubles.
"Voltaren" and "Diclofenac" (180 first, 600 rubles second) will equally help with polyarthritis and rheumatism,but "Diclofenac" will do it much cheaper - 50-60 rubles.
In case of allergic manifestations, including seasonal ones, "Zirtek" saves. But his generic Cetirinax is able to eliminate allergy symptoms just as effectively, and is several times cheaper than other generics.
The list will continue with antiviral (effective for herpes) "Zovirax" and "Acyclovir" (200 and 20 rubles for comparison). Let's finish the list with the Immunal immunostimulant, which is a tincture of echinacea purpurea, respectively, its analogue is the usual alcohol tincture of echinacea.

Viagra Generics
Means "Viagra" has long established itself in the pharmaceutical market as effective in violation of erectile function. A serious disadvantage of the tool is its price, it is quite high. To help men and their wallets - Viagra generics: Generic Viagra (Malegra-100). Sildenafil is the active ingredient in both medicines. It works by stimulating blood circulation in the pelvic area. The price of a generic is about 6 times lower.
Drugs differ, of course, in price. And the manufacturer. The original product is produced by the American pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer. Generic is made in India, which is a huge pharmaceutical monster and sells its drugs in all European countries.

Drug "Levitra" and generic "Levitra"
Direct competitor"Viagra" is the drug "Levitra" and its generic with the same name. Here, the original manufacturer is the German company Bayer, and the generic is produced by an Indian pharmaceutical company. The active substance of both the original and the generic is vardenafil. Generic "Levitra" differs from the original drug in that the active drug in the second is stated in three dosages - 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg, while the Indian drug is produced in only one version - with vardenafil in the amount of 20 mg.

Generic or original?
There is an opinion about the generic that it is almost a fake. This judgment is erroneous. In most cases, the generic is in no way inferior to the original. But sometimes a doctor can not only prescribe an expensive original remedy, but also strongly recommend buying it. Why is this happening? Does the doctor benefit from this? In fact, a specialist, recommending the original, is not looking for a benefit for himself, but for a benefit for you. Especially when it comes to treating a child or a person with concomitant chronic diseases. The point is the degree of purification and special technology. Some drugs require expensive equipment, and they simply cannot be cheap. A generic may have a similar composition, but non-compliance with the technology leads to a deterioration in quality and effect. Also, the snag may be in the form of release of the drug. For example, a pediatrician will most likely prescribe "Summamed" and not "Azithromycin" to a child, because the first one is produced in syrup andsuspensions, the second - only in capsules, which are difficult and sometimes impossible for a child to swallow.
Also, if we talk about the above drug "Levitra", then patients aged and with high blood pressure are recommended to take the drug, starting with a dosage of 5 mg. As we remember, the generic is available only in the 20 mg version. It is not very convenient to break a tablet into four parts, it is easier to buy an optimally dosed version of the original.
Well, in general, generics (which are quite positive in most reviews) are a good option on a limited budget. Moreover, some of them can be tens of times cheaper.

When is it appropriate to buy a generic. Reviews
Above, we discussed how the "heir" drug differs from its "ancestor", and when it is worth buying the original. But what about generics? Reviews about drugs in most cases correspond to reviews about their "successors". That is, if the original is suitable for a person (which is the maximum effect and minimum side effects), then, most likely, the generic is also suitable. In addition, its purchase will significantly save the budget. The only thing we would like to emphasize is that a doctor's consultation is necessary both when buying an original product and when buying a generic one.

Generic - what is it? Replacement of old drugs with new, cheaper ones? Yes and no, because there are still differences.
Sometimes they are quite significant, like, for example,the degree of purification of the components of the preparation or the amount of the main active substance. And sometimes it's just the release form.
In any case, before you buy a tool, carefully study the composition. For example, in the case of Panadol and Paracetamol, the composition of the drugs is similar, but the price varies quite significantly.
When buying a generic, pay attention to the amount of the active agent. It may vary.