One of the most common endocrine pathologies is diabetes mellitus. Most patients with this diagnosis suffer from the second type of this disease. The disease requires constant treatment and medication. Gliclazide is able to stimulate the production of insulin in the body. Analogues of the agent may have a similar mechanism of therapeutic action or an identical composition. The attending physician should choose a substitute for the original medicine.
Description of the drug "Gliclazide"
Drug "Glikliazid" refers to derivatives of sulfonylurea (second generation) and has a pronounced hypoglycemic effect. The drug can be used in the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes. The main goal of therapy with Glikliazid is to lower blood glucose levels. It also normalizes carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. You can buy medicine at the pharmacy under the name "Gliklazide-Akos", "Glidiab-MV".

The active substance of the same name has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels, restoring their permeability and preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Long-term usemedication for diabetic nephropathy provides a significant reduction in proteinuria (the presence of protein in the urine). Against the background of treatment with the drug, the risk of developing parietal thrombosis is significantly reduced.
The maximum concentration of the main active substance in the blood is fixed 6-12 hours after taking the Gliclazide tablets. Analogues of the drug have also proven themselves well, but the doctor should select them on an individual basis. As part of the original drug, the active ingredient is gliclazide with a modified release.
Indications for appointment
According to the annotation, "Gliclazide" is prescribed to persons with a history of type 2 diabetes (diabetes). Pathology differs from the first type in that in the second case, the independent production of insulin by the body completely stops. The main cause of the development of the disease is age-related aging. However, being overweight and eating too many carbohydrates can also trigger diabetes.
Tablets "Gliclazide" instructions recommend using as part of complex therapy for microcirculation disorders. For prophylactic purposes, the drug is prescribed to prevent the development of severe consequences of diabetes: stroke, heart attack, nephropathy, retinopathy.
It is forbidden to take "Gliclazide" (including analogues of the drug) in the presence of the following diagnoses:
- intestinal obstruction;
- leucopenia;
- severe stage of renal, hepatic insufficiency;
- diabetes mellitus (type 1);
- infectious diseases in which there is a violation of the process of absorption of food;
- gastric paresis;
- lactation;
- under 18;
- ketoacidosis;
- pathological conditions that require the use of insulin;
- pregnancy.
How to take Gliclazide?
The dosage of a hypoglycemic agent is selected by a specialist on an individual basis. The daily dose may vary within 30-120 mg of the active substance, depending on the severity of the patient's condition and his age. Take the tablets once a day before meals (preferably on an empty stomach).

If you miss taking the medication, it is not recommended to increase the dosage. In some cases, the maximum dosage can reach 320 mg.
Features of the use of the drug "Gliclazide"
Analogues of a hypoglycemic agent, like the original drug itself, are used only in combination with a low-calorie diet, which involves the use of a minimum amount of carbohydrates. It is important to control the level of glucose in the blood serum before and after eating. Adjust the dosage of the drug after emotional overstrain or physical exertion.
The drug can be canceled for fever caused by extensive burns, surgical interventions. With the simultaneous use of "Gliclazide" and ethanol-containing medicines, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, there is a risk of developing hypoglycemia. Ethanol can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, seizuresnausea.
Sulfonylurea drugs are considered essential in the treatment of diabetes. Their significant disadvantages include the development of resistance. A similar situation occurs in 5% of patients who are subsequently transferred to insulin therapy.

Gliclazide, the price of which ranges from 130-160 rubles per package (30 tablets), can be replaced with a drug with a similar composition. Based on gliclazide, drugs with a modified release are also produced. The following analogues of the original medicine are considered effective:
- Glidiab.
- "Diabeton MV".
- Vero-Gliclazide.
- Diatics.
- "Diabetalong".
- "Diabinax".
- Glidiab MV.
- Diabefarm.
Preparations based on gliclazide have a positive effect on microcirculation, hematological parameters, and the hemostasis system. This is extremely important for patients with type 2 diabetes. The attending physician should select medications to stimulate the production of insulin. It should be borne in mind that such a therapeutic effect entails an increase in body weight.
Diabepharm: instructions for use
The hypoglycemic agent is available in tablet form. One tablet contains 80 mg of the main active ingredient gliclazide. Milk sugar, magnesium stearate, povidone are used as auxiliary components. The manufacturer - a Russian pharmaceutical company - produces the drug DiabefarmMB with modified release. In these tablets, the dosage of the active substance is reduced to 30 mg. Release occurs within 24 hours.

The dose of the drug is selected individually. The doctor takes into account the level of glucose in the blood serum, the age of the patient and the symptoms of the disease. The initial daily dose should not exceed 80 mg. In the future, it is increased to 160-320 mg of gliclazide.
"Diabefarm" instructions for use recommends prescribing to adult patients for whom diet therapy and physical activity are not effective. Modified release (MR) tablets should be taken once a day. The doctor may increase the dosage after blood sugar control tests.
Side effects and overdose
Specialists note that side effects while taking the medication develop mainly when dosing and general recommendations for complex treatment are not followed. Hypoglycemia - one of the most common side effects - is accompanied by symptoms such as increased appetite, arrhythmia, heart palpitations, fatigue, drowsiness.
On the part of the digestive tract, the following disorders may occur:
- constipation;
- vomit;
- nausea;
- hepatitis;
- diarrhea;
- holistic jaundice.
In rare cases, allergic reactions appear in the form of itching, urticaria, redness of the skin. Some signs of side effects of the drug require its withdrawal.
Overdose often leads to the development of hypoglycemia, hypoglycemic coma, impaired consciousness. It is possible to restore the concentration of glucose with the help of intravenous administration of a dextrose solution (if the patient is unconscious). In the event that there are clear signs of hypoglycemia, but the patient remains conscious, he needs to take a small amount of sugar.
Another hypoglycemic agent with a pronounced therapeutic effect is Glidiab. Instructions for use says that one tablet contains 80 mg of the active ingredient gliclazide. One package contains 60 tablets. The cost of the drug is 110-140 rubles. "Glidiab MV", the price of which is 140-170 rubles, is prescribed to patients more often.

The action of the drug is based on the activation of cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. "Glidiab" is able to restore the first peak of insulin secretion, which distinguishes it from some other drugs from the group of sulfonylurea derivatives.
After 4 hours after taking the medication, the maximum concentration of gliclazide in the blood serum is observed. The drug is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract almost completely.
Interaction with other medicines
"Glidiab" instructions for use recommends taking with caution with simultaneous therapy with glucocorticoids, calcium antagonists, barbiturates, lithium s alts. This will cause a decrease in the therapeutic efficacy of hypoglycemicfunds.

An increase in the activity of the active substance will be observed in the case of a combination of "Glidiab" with antifungal oral medications, fibrates, indirect anticoagulants, other hypoglycemic agents, anabolic steroids. Before starting therapy, the doctor must inform the patient about the features of taking the drug.
Diabeton MV
Means "Diabeton" with a modified release of the active substance belongs to the group of sulfonylurea derivatives of the 2nd generation. A distinctive feature is the presence of a heterocyclic N-containing ring, which has an endocyclic bond. Experts note that when taking the drug for 2 years, resistance does not develop.

The product is intended exclusively for the treatment of adult patients, like the original drug "Gliclazide". The price of a French medicine is 320-370 rubles per package (30 pieces).
The maximum concentration of gliclazide in the blood is observed 6-12 hours after taking the pill. This allows you to reduce the number of medications per day. Doctors usually recommend taking 1-2 tablets per day. Specialists and patients leave only positive feedback about the treatment with this drug.
Patients should be aware that the medicine contains lactose. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it with congenital intolerance to this substance or galactosemia.
According to reviews, "Diabeton MV" is considered one of the mosteffective means from the category of sulfonylurea derivatives. A significant advantage is the rare occurrence of side effects while taking the medication. Only a specialist can determine the dosage and treatment regimen. The patient must first be examined. It is highly undesirable to take medications to lower glucose levels on your own.