It turns out that brewer's yeast is necessary not only for baking bread, making wine, but can also have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the human body.
Many are interested in what brewer's yeast can be used for. Doctors say that drugs based on them are quite effective for various metabolic disorders, addiction to alcoholism, and problems in the functioning of the nervous system.
Composition of brewer's yeast
In the environment, brewer's yeast is quite widespread. The protein molecules contained in them are distinguished by good digestibility. Their great benefit is due to the content of essential amino acids, they are almost in their entirety in brewer's yeast.

Besides amino acids, brewer's yeast contains:
- More than 10 vitamins, including all B vitamins, vitamins E, PP, H, provitamin D and many others.
- Carbohydrates.
- Essential fatty acids.
- Multiple enzymes, eg glucosidase, peptidase, proteinase.
- Many minerals: calcium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium and others.
Now on sale you can buy various preparations, which include brewer's yeast, for which they are used, everyone must decide for themselves. Depending on the problem, you can choose a drug with various biological additives.
Benefits for the body
Due to its rich composition, brewer's yeast is widely used in medical practice. Here are just some of the questions that can be solved with this drug:
- Normalization of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.
- Improve digestion and absorption of nutrients.
- Restoring normal functioning of the digestive tract.
- Normalization of the pancreas.
- Removing toxins from the body.
- With the help of yeast, you can compensate for the lack of B vitamins.
- Due to the high content of chromium, which successfully fights glucose, yeast is good for diabetics.
- Preparations with brewer's yeast help to cope with stress.
- As a result of taking the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems is normalized.
- In the presence of acne, acne, taking brewer's yeast will help to cope with this problem.
- Hair becomes strong, dandruff disappears.
- Beer's yeast reduces total cholesterol levels, but at the same time increases the amount of useful.
- You can pick up brewer's yeast for weight gain, reviews of such drugs are quite positive.
- Even with wounds and cuts, brewer's yeast helpsspeedy healing, as they accelerate regenerative processes.

Here's how great the benefit of taking such a familiar and cheap drug can be, if you follow the doctor's recommendations and take the remedy as needed.
Enriched yeast
Yeast preparation may have different effects depending on the additives it may contain. Fortified yeast can be:
- With succinic acid. Its addition helps to increase muscle elasticity, the body quickly adapts to physical stress.
- Brewer's yeast with magnesium quickly replenishes energy reserves in the body.
- The addition of zinc to the preparation enhances antiviral and antitoxic properties. The body's resistance to colds increases, which is most important in the autumn-winter period. Zinc prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol, protects against prostate diseases, skin problems and prevents the destruction of the structure of nails and hair.
- Beer's yeast with iron is useful for the prevention of anemia.
- Selenium in brewer's yeast is in an accessible form, so its addition activates anti-virus protection, has a positive effect on the liver. If you regularly take yeast with selenium, you can prevent premature aging of the body.

It is necessary to discuss with your doctor which brewer's yeast preparation to choose in order to maximize the benefits for the body.
Who should take yeast
There are manydiseases that can recede under the onslaught of brewer's yeast. Here is just a short list:
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Recovery period after a serious illness.
- Frequently used brewer's yeast for weight gain.
- If there is a lack of vitamins, especially group B.
- With regular appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Decreased hemoglobin level.
- Beer yeast for weight can also be used to normalize it, for example, in case of obesity.
- If you have psoriasis or eczema.
- After exposure to radiation or chemicals.
- In metabolic disorders.
- If a person constantly experiences strong physical and mental stress.
- To prevent cardiovascular disease.
- For problematic skin.
- Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
- In adolescence, brewer's yeast is often prescribed to fight acne.

Before taking the drug with yeast, you should consult your doctor to choose the dosage regimen and duration of therapy.
Who should not take brewer's yeast
Despite the huge amount of useful substances in yeast, their intake is not recommended for everyone. There are some contraindications to consider:
- Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.
- Kidney disease.
- In the elderly, the reception is not recommended due to the highamino acid content.
- If there is optic nerve atrophy.
- Fungal diseases.
- Beer yeast is not recommended for children under three years of age.
- During pregnancy, it is undesirable to start taking brewer's yeast on your own, you should consult a doctor.
- Gout is also a contraindication to taking.
- Candida dysbacteriosis.
Hormonal contraceptives, diuretics and alcohol consumption are not contraindications, but it is better not to take them together with brewer's yeast.
Special instructions for taking yeast
Brewer's yeast reviews for weight, strengthening immunity, improving the functioning of the digestive tract are only positive. Their reception is well tolerated, there are practically no side effects. Sometimes hives, allergies in the form of skin itching can develop.
It is recommended to combine brewer's yeast with magnesium preparations, if magnesium is not included in their composition, since this element takes an active part in all metabolic processes.
Do not use brewer's yeast together with Levodopa, as vitamin B6 significantly reduces the effectiveness of this medicine.
If you are being treated with "Theophylline", "Cycloserine", "Penicillin", then the dose of yeast should be increased.
Regulation and dosage
Beer yeast is used for what, we have considered, now it is necessary to find out how it should be taken. Most often, doctors prescribe them after meals. On the packages, the drugs always contain the right dosage, butit is necessary to check with the doctor, because each patient may have his own characteristics.

If you managed to get yeast from a brewery, then at one time it is recommended that adults consume 2 teaspoons, pre-diluted in 0.5 glass of water 1 time per day. Children need 1 teaspoon.
The duration of the course is usually about a month, then you need a break for 2-3 months, and you can repeat the course if necessary.
If brewer's yeast is taken for prophylactic purposes, then adults can consume 1 gram 2-3 times a day, children from 3 to 7 years old 0.25 1 time per day, from 7 to 12 years old, half a gram. Then you need to take a break for three months and continue the prophylactic reception.
Beer yeast for those who want to lose weight
Brewer's yeast for weight gain reviews are positive, but they can also be taken to normalize body weight. Although these drugs often cause an increase in appetite, this is due to the normalization of metabolism, so there is no risk that you will rush into food.

Amino acids, which are part of brewer's yeast, take an active part in the construction of body tissues in the presence of physical activity. The result is an increase in muscle mass. If the diet is not balanced and there are deviations from proper nutrition, then weight gain will certainly occur.
Nutritionists say that thinness, as well as fullness, appear due toimproper metabolism, and brewer's yeast just normalizes it, so you should not be afraid of excess weight.
For those who want to get better
If you decide to take brewer's yeast for weight gain, which one is better to choose in this case, you need to ask a dietitian. Pharmacies have a large selection of such drugs from various manufacturers. Among doctors, in order to gain weight, yeast is in demand:
- Nagipol 100 contains vitamins B, F, H, many amino acids, lipids, protein molecules, nucleotides and enzymes. This drug is in demand among those who want to get better, besides, it improves immunity, removes heavy metals.
- "Naturlivit" strengthens the immune system, after a course of treatment, patients note the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes weight gain.
- Yeast "Ecco Plus" normalizes metabolic processes in the body, recommended in the presence of acne, skin rashes. Can be used for weight gain.

Here is such a useful drug - brewer's yeast. Why use them must be decided in each case, but only after consulting a doctor in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.