Tablets "Ketanov": indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues, contraindications

Tablets "Ketanov": indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues, contraindications
Tablets "Ketanov": indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues, contraindications

Tablets "Ketanov" - an anesthetic drug, rightly considered one of the best means of non-narcotic origin. In addition, this medication is famous for its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. This drug is able to cope with pain of various origins. But before you start taking it, you should read the instructions for use in detail.

The price of Ketanov tablets has made them one of the most popular remedies for several decades now. And its healing properties have been found by millions of fans who use this wonderful remedy to eliminate many different problems. True, when taking this drug, it is very important to know what Ketanov tablets help with, and in what cases it is absolutely pointless to drink them.

General information

Tablets "Ketanov" - a medicine belonging to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This remedy is used as an antipyretic and analgesic medication. It is widely used in the treatment and rehabilitationafter all kinds of injuries, as well as in postoperative therapy.

The drug is produced in the form of white coated tablets. The main active ingredient of the drug is ketorolac tromethamine. Each capsule contains 10 mg of the active ingredient. As auxiliary ingredients in the composition of the tablets "Ketanov" are used:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • silica;
  • potato starch;
  • cellulose;
  • polyethylene glycol-400;
  • distilled water;
  • refined talc;
  • hydroxypropyl methylcellulose;
  • titanium dioxide.

Issue form

Produced tablets in planimetric blisters of 10 pieces. Despite the powerful effect, the drug does not have an effect on psychomotor functions. The composition of the tablets "Ketanov" does not contribute to the oppression of the nervous system, does not affect blood pressure, does not have a sedative effect, is not addictive.

The drug affects the cyclooxygenase enzymes, due to which the pain threshold in organs and tissues is significantly reduced. Active components block even the slightest discomfort, which is especially in demand when receiving severe injuries or during postoperative rehabilitation.

The composition and form of release of tablets "Ketanov"
The composition and form of release of tablets "Ketanov"

Pharmacological properties

What do Ketanov tablets help with? The drug has the following medicinal characteristics:

  • eliminates pain;
  • reduces temperaturebody;
  • blocks inflammation.

The degree of influence of the drug is different. The main focus of the Ketanov tablets is to relieve pain. They are great for all kinds of pain. But the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect of this drug is much less pronounced. According to doctors, this feature is explained by the fact that a powerful analgesic effect simply overshadows other properties of the drug. Compared to other common painkillers, the effect of Ketanov tablets is ten times stronger.

It should be said that this medication belongs to the category of non-narcotic drugs, therefore, it is not addictive, but at the same time it has a rather negative effect on the activity of the nervous system. In the group of nonsteroidal drugs, "Ketanov" is deservedly considered the most powerful.

The drug equally effectively eliminates pain in all systems and organs of the body. Doctors usually prescribe it to relieve severe pain. The mechanism of action of the drug is to bind cyclooxygenase, an enzyme that provokes inflammation, pain and fever.

Indications for the use of tablets "Ketanov"
Indications for the use of tablets "Ketanov"

When exposed to the body, "Ketanov" blocks modulators (prostaglandins) responsible for sensitivity to unpleasant sensations. It is noteworthy that it is completely unimportant here which factor causes them, since the drug does not actually heal or destroypathological focus. Tablets "Ketanov" perfectly cope even with prolonged, unbearable pain.


The drug does not cause such harmful symptoms as:

  • sedation;
  • irritation of the central nervous system;
  • change in blood pressure;
  • respiratory depression;
  • disruption of the heart muscle.

How long does the Ketanov pill last? The drug is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract. The active ingredients of the drug enter the bloodstream in about 20-40 minutes. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Derivatives of the drug are excreted through the work of the intestines and kidneys. 90% of substances leave the body with urine.

Indications for use

As already mentioned, "Ketanov" tablets are used to eliminate the pain syndrome provoked by various factors. The variety and nature of sensations are absolutely irrelevant. According to the instructions, it is advisable to use Ketanov painkillers for:

  • acute toothache;
  • fractures and other severe injuries;
  • migraines;
  • discomfort with varicose veins;
  • muscle pain after childbirth;
  • postoperative period;
  • otite;
  • periodic menstrual cramps;
  • arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other joint pains.
  • ATin what cases should you take the tablets "Ketanov"
    ATin what cases should you take the tablets "Ketanov"

It is undesirable to use the drug to get rid of discomfort in the intestines and stomach. If we are talking about pain caused by mechanical damage, for example, with bruises and abrasions, it is best to replace the tablets with external topical medicines containing ketorolac.

Instructions for use

How many "Ketanov" tablets can I get per day? The drug should be taken orally once or with repetitions, depending on the nature of the pain syndrome. Tablets should not be crushed, they must be washed down with plenty of liquid. The drug can be used regardless of meals. But if you drink pills after eating, the likelihood of a negative effect of the drug on the digestive system is significantly reduced. In the case of a large intake of fats of various origins, the effect of the drug slows down by about 20%.

There are several rules for taking painkillers, described in the instructions for the drug:

  • one-time dosage of "Ketanov" in tablets is 10 mg - one piece, you can take the drug again if the pain has not been eliminated;
  • do not take more than 4 tablets during the day;
  • duration of therapeutic course should not exceed 5 days;
  • you can take pills on schedule or as needed;
  • elderly people and patients with low weight, it is advisable to take the minimum dosage of the drug, which is 2tablets throughout the day.
  • Instructions for use of tablets "Ketanov"
    Instructions for use of tablets "Ketanov"

When combining the product with other medicines, it is imperative to consult a specialist. In the case of pathologies of a chronic nature, it is strictly forbidden to use Ketanov tablets on your own. During lactation and pregnancy, it is advisable to replace the drug with similar drugs with a more delicate effect.

The consequences of an overdose

If the allowable dose is exceeded, the body may react negatively to the medication. Usually, the following symptoms appear:

  • vomit;
  • general weakness;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • occurrence of hallucinations;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • migraines.

If at least one of the described signs of an overdose appears, you should immediately stop using the drug, wash your stomach and take some absorbent, such as activated charcoal. If your general condition worsens, seek emergency medical attention.


There is a list of restrictions on the use of this drug, in the presence of which it is necessary to refuse to use the product and consult a doctor. Contraindications for "Ketanov" tablets are:

  • low blood volume;
  • peptic ulcer, gastritis;
  • aspirin asthma;
  • blood flow disorders;
  • dehydration;
  • pregnancy;
  • under 16;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • kidney failure;
  • lactation;
  • liver failure;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • Contraindications tablets "Ketanov"
    Contraindications tablets "Ketanov"

Side effects

It should be said that with a single use of a painkiller, the likelihood of developing negative consequences is zero. In the case of a long course of treatment with this medication, the action of the Ketanov tablets can provoke the occurrence of side effects in the form of:

  • disturbances in the digestive tract - flatulence, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea;
  • problems in the activity of the urinary apparatus - pain in the lumbar region, kidney failure, a decrease in the number of platelets in the plasma, blood clots in the urethra;
  • from the senses - noise in the head, ringing in the ears, vision problems;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system - swelling of the lungs, fainting;
  • central nervous system disorders - drowsiness, migraines, depression, hyperactivity, psychosis;
  • probable skin rash, intense peeling, urticaria, purpura;
  • other signs include fever and excessive sweating.
  • Side effects of tablets "Ketanov"
    Side effects of tablets "Ketanov"

All these symptoms are described in detail in the instructions for the drug, but in the medicalIn practice, cases of side effects are recorded no more than in 2.5% of patients.

Drug compatibility

Take other medicines in parallel with the tablets "Ketanov" should be extremely careful. It may cause side effects when combined with certain medications:

  • antibiotics - increases the possibility of bleeding in the digestive system;
  • acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol - the risk of general intoxication of the body increases;
  • diuretics - the effectiveness of both medications decreases;
  • heparin - can cause bleeding;
  • insulin - increases the hypoglycemic effect.
  • Drug compatibility of tablets "Ketanov"
    Drug compatibility of tablets "Ketanov"

Analogues and cost

The average price of "Ketanov" tablets fluctuates between 100-200 rubles per plate, which packs 10 pieces.

Today on the pharmacy shelves you can see a huge range of drugs that are analogues of this remedy:

  • gel, solution and tablets "Ketorol";
  • tablets "Ketokam";
  • injection solution and tablets "Dolak";
  • ampoules and tablets "Ketorolac";
  • tablets "Ketofril";
  • drops "Akular";
  • Nise pills.

Experts recommend in case of a mild pain syndrome to give preference to analogues of "Ketanov", since they containa smaller amount of active substance and have a less pronounced effect on the body.


Ketanov tablets have been famous for their pain-relieving properties for many years. Almost all patients who have ever taken this drug noticed its rapid action, the highest efficiency in eliminating pain of any kind and the absence of negative effects on the body.

Despite the large list of possible side effects, they are actually extremely rare. An important advantage of the drug is also its low cost, which makes it quite affordable for patients with different material incomes.

However, it is worth recalling that it is definitely impossible to use Ketanov tablets as a therapy. After all, the remedy only eliminates the attacks of the pain syndrome, but does not affect their original cause and does not cure the disease. That is why, in order to achieve a truly good result, it is advisable to use tablets in combination with other drugs according to the complex therapy regimen.
