Syrup "Help": types, application, reviews

Syrup "Help": types, application, reviews
Syrup "Help": types, application, reviews

Children from three years of age are recommended to give "Help" syrup. This tool is available in several types, each of which has its own purpose. The syrup has a positive effect, and also supplies vitamins, strengthens the immune system, and has a calming effect. There is Pomogusha syrup, which helps to cope with colds. And this is not all varieties of funds for children. Each one is made with natural ingredients, uniquely selected.

help syrup
help syrup

Types of syrup

Children's syrup "Help" is available in a bottle of 100 ml. There are several types of funds. This is:

  • laxative syrup for children;
  • antiparasitic;
  • soothing;
  • immunomodulating;
  • from colds (cold) - it is also used as a means to increase immunity after and during SARS and other pathologies.

Each species has its own purpose and unique composition, but they are all natural, made without the addition of artificial substances. Syrups are nice and sweet. Children take them with pleasure.

help syrup for children
help syrup for children

Instructions forapplication

All types of syrup are accepted equally. Children aged 3 to 11 years are recommended to give Pomogusha syrup 2-3 teaspoons per day. At the age of 11 to 14 years, the dosage is increased to 3-4 teaspoons.

May be taken with tea or mineral water. Duration of admission - 2 weeks. After that, a break is made for 7 days.

Before taking the syrup, you should definitely consult a doctor.


Children's syrup is a unique remedy that has practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components that make up the product. No other restrictions on admission have been identified.

syrup for children
syrup for children

The use of syrups and their features

Each of the five types of funds has its purpose.

Children's syrup "Help for Immunity" is enriched with iodine, vitamins. The product is based on natural ingredients: sea buckthorn, wild rose, nettle, calendula. The composition of the drug contains blackcurrant, propolis. The substance helps to strengthen the child's immunity.

Children's Pomogusha Syrup can be given in its pure form, following the instructions, or as an additive to tea, juice, water.

Soothing syrup contains linden, chamomile, mint. There is sea buckthorn, magnesium, which strengthens the nervous system. There are many vitamins in the product. All these components can not only deal with anxiety, increased excitability, but also help the child better adapt when visitingkindergarten, school. After all, a change of scenery always entails stress. This children's syrup helps to cope with it.

help syrup reviews
help syrup reviews

To control the intestinal microflora, get rid of constipation, it is recommended to give the child a laxative syrup from the Help series. It contains anise, cumin, apple, cherry, strawberry, which help improve digestion and normalize stool. Also at the heart of the product there are vitamins of group B, vitamin C, which have a general strengthening effect.

In the spring and autumn periods, when there is a high risk of contracting influenza and other viral infections, it is recommended to use the Pomogusha children's immunomodulatory syrup with anti-cold effects. It contains oregano, cranberries, plantain. Also included are marshmallow and thyme, honey, vitamins, iodine. All components enhance immunity, have antiviral and antimicrobial effects.

Antiparasitic syrup is used for the prevention and treatment of helminthic invasions in children. It is a must have for every family with pets. As part of the product chamomile, rosehip, birch. There is cumin, raspberry, calendula, as well as vitamins. In this combination, the substances have an antihelminthic and antibacterial effect.

All types of syrup are made from natural ingredients: plants, fruits. There are no dyes, artificial flavors in syrups. All substances included in the product are natural. The peculiarity of production made it possible to produce a syrup that tastes good.

Each remedy is rich in vitamins: allsyrups are saturated with vitamin C, B vitamins. The latter are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, as well as to improve blood circulation. It is because of the deficiency of vitamin B in children that insomnia occurs, irritability increases. Vitamin C is an excellent immune booster. It increases resistance to infection and also protects the body from any stress.

Pomogusha syrup children's immunomodulatory
Pomogusha syrup children's immunomodulatory

Parent reviews

There are a lot of reviews about Pomogush syrup on the Web, and they are all positive. Moms say that this remedy really works. It tastes good. Convenient to take. Some parents noticed immediate results. Children became calmer, quickly adapted to kindergarten and school.

Parents give syrup during periods of colds, as well as in any case when it is necessary to urgently increase the body's immune defenses.

Adults like that the product is natural and does a good job of protecting the body from any negative factors. Moreover, the remedy is able to protect the child not only from SARS, but also from tonsillitis, bronchitis and other pathologies. Parents especially recommend giving the drug to children after winter, when the body is very weakened.

Manufacturer: the syrup is produced by the Altai company Yug.

Special Instructions

Before using any drug, you should consult a pediatrician. Only a narrow-profile specialist can decide whether a child can be given syrup or not. Store the product in a placeout of the reach of children.
