It's no secret that diabetes is the scourge of modern society. This disease affects men and women, young and old, teenagers and even children. In many cases, doctors prescribe Galvus tablets, the instructions for use of which will be discussed in this article.
What is this drug? In what cases is its appointment practiced? How should it be taken? Are there any contraindications for its use? All this can be learned by carefully studying the recommendations of specialists and patients, as well as their reviews about Galvus. Instructions for use, analogues of the tool and other information about it can be found in this article.
First of all, the composition
Yes, this is one of the most important aspects that people pay attention to when buying a drug. According to the instructions for the drug "Galvus", its active ingredient is vildagliptin. Each tablet of the drug contains fifty milligrams of this component.
Other ingredients are microcrystalline cellulose (nearly 96 milligrams), lactose anhydrous (about 48 milligrams), sodium carboxymethyl starch (four milligrams), and magnesium stearate (2.5 milligrams).
As manufactured by the manufacturer
As mentioned above, the remedy is presented in the form of tablets. The dosage of the drug is always the same - fifty milligrams of the active substance. This is stated in the instructions for use for Galvus. Reviews of numerous patients boil down to the fact that it is very convenient. There is no need to look closely at the package with the drug, for fear of purchasing a dosage less or more than necessary. It is enough just to buy a remedy and take it according to the doctor's recommendation.
In what cases can “Galvus 50” be recommended? Instructions for use of this drug gives an exhaustive answer to this question.

Spectrum of use of the drug
According to the instructions, Galvus tablets are prescribed to patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus. This drug helps to stimulate the activity of the pancreas. Thanks to vildagliptin, the working capacity of the whole organism improves.
According to experts and patients themselves, "Galvus" is practically the only remedy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, especially if the therapy is accompanied by a special diet and recommended physical education.

In this case, the effect of the drug will be long and persistent.
In some cases, the result of taking the pills may not appear. What should be done in such situations? In such circumstances, according to the instructions for use andreviews of diabetics, "Galvus" is prescribed in combination with other drugs based on insulin or other substances that stimulate the activity of the pancreas.
Before we move on to further discussion of the annotation of the remedy, let's take a brief look at the disease, which is the main indication for the use of tablets.
Type II diabetes. What is this?
This is the most common type of diabetes mellitus, characterized by the resistance of body cells and tissues to the insulin produced by the pancreas. What does this mean in practice?
Insulin is produced by the body in sufficient quantities, but the cells of the body for certain reasons do not enter into a relationship with it. Most often, obesity, high blood pressure, a sedentary, inactive lifestyle, heredity and malnutrition (abuse of sweets, pastries, soda and similar products against the background of minimal consumption of cereals, fruits and vegetables.
How does this serious endocrine disease manifest itself? It is very important to know this in order to identify the disease in time and start timely treatment with Galvus or any other drug prescribed by the endocrinologist.
First of all, type 2 diabetes manifests itself in constant thirst and dry mouth, copious and frequent urination, muscle weakness, itchy skin, poor healing of scratches and wounds.
Diagnose the disease with the help of blood tests for sugar, glucose tolerance, etc.
Whichin specific cases, can an oral drug be recommended by experts?
When the drug is prescribed
According to the instructions, the medicine "Galvus" is prescribed by doctors for the medical treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus at the following stages of therapy:
- Initial. That is, only the drug is used in combination with proper nutrition and moderate physical activity.
- Monotherapy. Taking vildagliptin when metformin is contraindicated, even if diet and exercise do not have a positive effect on the patient's body
- Two-component (or combination) therapy. "Galvus" is prescribed in combination with other specialized drugs (more precisely, one of them): metformin, insulin, sulfonylurea derivatives and the like.
- Triple Therapy. When vildagliptin is given in combination with metformin and insulin or metformin and a sulfonylurea.

How does the drug work when it enters the human body? Let's find out.
Pharmacokinetic features of the drug
Vildagliptin, once ingested, is absorbed fairly quickly. With a bioavailability of 85%, it is absorbed into the blood within two hours after consumption. This is evidenced by the instruction to "Galvus". Reviews of endocrinologists and other specialists indicate that this feature of the active ingredient of the drug contributes to its rapid effect on the human body and its speedy cure.
Vildagliptin enters the relationshipwith plasma proteins and erythrocytes, after which it is excreted by the kidneys (about 85%) and intestines (15%).
Are there any contraindications to the drug? Of course, and this will be discussed further.
When not to prescribe the drug
According to the recommendations of doctors and the feedback of patients, “Galvus” should not be taken if a person is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus, if there is a history of severe heart failure of the fourth grade, as well as in diseases such as lactic acidosis, metabolic acidosis, intolerance lactose, myocardial infarction, pathological conditions of the respiratory system, allergies, serious liver diseases. Also absolute contraindications are pregnancy, lactation and the age of patients up to eighteen years.
Moreover, when deciding whether to take vildagliptin or not, one should not forget about individual intolerance to the components of the tablets, that is, an allergic reaction both to the active substance itself and to the auxiliary components of the drug.
Very carefully, that is, under the close supervision and control of a specialist, prescribe a remedy for patients suffering from pancreatitis, heart failure or various chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.
How do you need to take the drug to feel its effectiveness?
General recommendations for the use of the product
Pills are taken with or without food. Wash down the medicine with a small amount of water.

Taking drug therapy,blood sugar levels should be monitored regularly with glycemic test strips.
The highest daily dose of the drug is one hundred milligrams of vildagliptin.
How to take and how much
First of all, it should be said that the schedule of administration and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the clinic of the disease, concomitant ailments and the patient's well-being. And yet, the instructions for use for Galvus contain general recommendations on how to take the drug under certain circumstances.
When conducting initial or monotherapy, the drug "Galvus", according to the manufacturer's instructions, is recommended to take fifty milligrams per day (or one tablet). If we are talking about the combination of vildagliptin with metformin, then the drug is taken one tablet twice a day.
When using vildagliptin with sulfonylurea drugs, Galvus is prescribed fifty milligrams once a day, in the morning.
When triple therapy, the drug is recommended to take two tablets twice a day (morning and night).
If a patient accidentally misses a pill, it should be taken as soon as possible, slightly postponing the subsequent dose of the drug. This is necessary in order not to exceed the maximum possible daily dosage of vildagliptin of one hundred milligrams.
If the patient suffers from moderate to severe kidney disease, then Galvus should be used orally once a day, given the daily dosage of fifty milligrams.
To elderly patients,as well as people suffering from minimal impairment of kidney function, such an adjustment in the drug intake is not required. This is proved by numerous reviews of satisfied patients who are over seventy. Galvus, like no other drug, has become for them an effective medicine against diabetes.

Can side effects occur during treatment with vildagliptin? Yes, and you can read about it below.
Uncomfortable symptoms
Most often, unwanted effects are short-lived and may be mild. In this case, it is not necessary to cancel the use of "Galvus". However, it is still worth informing your doctor about unpleasant manifestations.
What should I pay attention to while using vildagliptin?
First of all, watch your nervous system. Do you have paroxysmal headaches? Are dizziness, tremors in the limbs, nervousness often observed? If symptoms worsen, treatment needs to be adjusted urgently.
Accompanied by taking "Galvus" skin rash and itching? Do you have chills or fever? What does the gut say? Have constipation become more frequent? Did you have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea? If yes, then the endocrinologist will definitely resolve the situation.
You should also pay attention to your weight. Is there a sharp increase in body weight against the background of dietary nutrition and corrective gymnastics? Most often, the use of the drug in combination with thiazolidinedione contributes to causeless weight gain inpatient. In this case, there is a need to review the prescribed treatment.
How an overdose manifests itself
Clinically proven that vildagliptin is normally accepted by the body, even when used at two hundred milligrams per day. And yet, an overdose of the main substance can cause unpredictable reactions and effects. First of all, this refers to doubling the dose mentioned above. In this case, there may be severe muscle pain, fever, swelling. If the daily dose is increased to six hundred milligrams, then such a situation will cause severe edema and paresthesia of the upper and lower extremities and other serious disturbances in the activity of the whole organism.
Treatment in this situation may be hemodialysis in a hospital.
Vildagliptin and other pharmacological agents
As mentioned above, the use of "Galvus" with drugs based on metformin, insulin, sulfonylurea and others is practiced. Moreover, the drug can be freely combined with the use of digoxin, ramipril, valsartan, simvastatin, and so on.
The effect of vildagliptin is reduced by drugs whose active ingredients are thyroid hormones, sympathomimetics, glucocorticosteroids and the like.
How to store the drug
This issue should also be given special attention, since proper storage of the drug affects its effectiveness. Save tablets should be in a dark place, inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature not exceeding thirty degrees. Shelf life - 36 months.
Drug cost
Of course, many diabetics are interested in the question, what is the price of “Galvus”? The cost of packaging the drug in 28 tablets varies between 750 and 850 rubles. It all depends on the distributor and manufacturer.
When purchasing the drug, you should know that it is dispensed in pharmacies strictly by prescription.
Medications replacing Galvus
As mentioned above, the drug may not be suitable for the patient. What should be done in this case? Will the attending physician prescribe replacement drugs? So, what means can we consider analogues of “Galvus”? Instructions for the use of these drugs will be discussed below.

If we talk about the spectrum of action, then a good substitute for vildagliptin is Byetta injection. The active ingredient of the drug is exenatide (250 micrograms in one milliliter). Indications for the use of the drug is type 2 diabetes mellitus. "Byetta" is prescribed as subcutaneous injections in the thighs, shoulder, abdomen. Apply five micrograms of the active ingredient twice a day, sixty minutes before the morning and evening meals. It is used as monotherapy and combined (mixed) therapy with metformin, thiazolidinedione and others. The cost of the drug in sixty doses can exceed five thousand rubles.
Januvia is another analogue of Galvus, produced in the form of tablets, the main component of which is sitagliptin phosphate hydrate. The substance is used to treat type 2 diabetestype in monotherapy and complex therapy. The recommended intake of the drug is one hundred milligrams of the main component once a day. Tablets are available with different dosages of the active substance. The average cost of a pack of 28 tablets is 1,500 rubles.
“Ongliza” is another tablet remedy, which is an analogue of the drug we are interested in. The composition of "Ongliza" includes saxagliptin, which is the active ingredient. Most often, the drug is administered orally at five milligrams (one tablet) once a day. You can take the remedy regardless of the meal. The price of a pack of thirty tablets reaches 1,900 rubles or more.
However, most often, endocrinologists replace Galvus with its direct analogue - Galvus Met tablets, the main components of which are vildagliptin (in the amount of fifty milligrams) and metformin (in the amount of 500, 850 or 1,000 milligrams). Thanks to this interaction, the drug regulates metabolism and lowers cholesterol levels. It is prescribed by an endocrinologist, starting with the minimum dosage (fifty milligrams of vildagliptin and five hundred milligrams of metformin). It is believed that this remedy has a milder effect on the body of a patient suffering from diabetes than the drug of interest to us. The cost of Galvus Met tablets is about 1,500 rubles.
As you can see, there is a wide variety of analogues of "Galvus", differing from each other in composition, form of release and pricing policy. Which one is right for you is decided by the attending physician, taking into account the overall picture of the disease, andalso the individual characteristics of the patient.

A final word
As you can see, the drug "Galvus" is one of the inexpensive means that can help a patient suffering from type 2 diabetes. Tablets based on vildagliptin stimulate the pancreas, having a positive effect on the entire body of the patient. The drug can be used as an independent treatment, as well as in combination with other drugs.
Despite the positive result, “Galvus” has a large list of contraindications and side effects, so you cannot prescribe it yourself. The schedule of admission and dosage is prescribed by the attending physician.
Many patients are happy that they take this drug, as it is a truly effective tool for lowering blood sugar levels and improving the general well-being of the patient. And at the same time, they acknowledge that vildagliptin is best used in combination with metformin to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the active substance.