Ointment "Aevit": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Aevit": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews
Ointment "Aevit": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Aevit ointment is an external remedy based on herbal ingredients and vitamins. It promotes stimulation of reparative processes, reduces the severity of inflammatory reactions, and effectively restores the elasticity of skin structures. This ointment is used as a cosmetic and therapeutic agent for dry skin, acne, hyperpigmentation and other dermatological problems.

Dose form

The pharmaceutical preparation is available in several forms, however, for external use, an ointment (nourishing cream) in 50 ml bottles is recommended. A photo of the Aevit ointment is presented in the article.

aevit ointment cream
aevit ointment cream

Some people use capsules of the product for external use, but they should be pierced with a sharp object before applying to the surface of the skin. The contents of the capsule are squeezed onto a cleaned surface or added to various ointments and creams.

Pharmacological properties

Aevit ointment is a popular and inexpensive vitamin complex, which is intended for body and face skin care. The use of this medicine is very effective. After topical application of the drug, the symptoms of irritation are quickly eliminated, the manifestations of acne, pimples and other skin defects, in particular wrinkles, disappear. The ointment restores beauty and youth to the skin of the face and body. This tool protects the epidermis from the negative influence of environmental factors, can complement the combined therapy of a number of skin pathological processes.

Ointment "Aevit" for external use has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Regular application of this medication to problematic skin helps to significantly speed up regeneration processes, restore lost elasticity, activate collagen synthesis, which helps maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

ointment aevit instruction
ointment aevit instruction


Nourishing ointment "Aevit" in its composition contains the following active elements:

  • demineralized water;
  • glyceryl stearate;
  • oleil erukat;
  • caprylic/capric/triglycerides;
  • ethylhexylglycerin;
  • propylheptyl caprylate;
  • polyglyceryl-3 methylglucose distearate;
  • vitamins E and A;
  • higher fatty alcohols;
  • blend of plant extracts (rosemary, raspberry, edelweiss);
  • glyceryl;
  • phenoxyethanol.

Thiscosmetic preparation is made without the addition of fragrances and artificial colors.

aevit ointment reviews
aevit ointment reviews

Due to its unique composition, Aevit ointment has a regenerating, anti-aging and antioxidant effect. The elements that make up the drug allow you to relieve the skin of excessive dryness, tone it, eliminate signs of peeling, reduce the severity of deep wrinkles, and eliminate other defects.

According to the instructions for use for the Aevit ointment, the active ingredients after application penetrate deeply into the surface and deep layers of the skin, providing them with essential substances. Using the product allows you to achieve the following therapeutic effects:

  • moisturizing facial skin;
  • improvement of firmness;
  • narrowing enlarged pores;
  • eliminate cracked lips, pimples, acne;
  • reducing the severity of inflammatory manifestations on the skin;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing hyperpigmentation;
  • elimination of the vascular network;
  • facial rejuvenation, wrinkle removal;
  • stimulation of natural collagen production processes.

The wide range of effects of this cosmetic product allows you to use it in the event of other diseases and skin defects. However, it is recommended to use this remedy with caution, since, despite the natural composition, it has a number of limitations.

aevit ointment instructions for use
aevit ointment instructions for use

Indications for the use of the ointment

As indicated by the instructions for use, Aevit ointment for external application can be used as an independent drug, and in combination therapy with other systemic and local medications.

In dermatology and cosmetology, the drug is prescribed when the following conditions occur:

  • pronounced peeling of the skin;
  • fading and dry skin;
  • presence of mimic wrinkles;
  • acne, acne;
  • reddening of the skin on the background of the inflammatory process;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • psoriasis;
  • violation of the processes of nutrition of skin tissues.

Indications for external use of this medication can be any skin problems. The ointment can be used in combination with some dermatological diseases, against which vitamin deficiency has developed.

For pregnant women, this drug in any dosage form is contraindicated, since there is a possibility of penetration of its active components into the bloodstream, which can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the he alth of the fetus.

Ointment and other forms of the drug in children under 14 years of age are not prescribed, since there is no information on such indications in the instructions for them.

The role of vitamins E and A in the ointment

These vitamins play a major role in the composition of the Aevit ointment. The manual confirms this. However, retinol belongs to the category of vitamins that are recommended to be used intermittently. This is due to the fact that thisthe vitamin is able to accumulate in the body, and such accumulations are enough to not replenish these reserves in the next couple of months. Otherwise, retinol hypervitaminosis develops.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) prevents the oxidation of retinol, without which optimal absorption of vitamin A is impossible. This means that only the combined use of these beneficial substances helps to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect, accelerate the regeneration of the skin and protect it from the first symptoms of withering and aging.

Is it always allowed to use Aevit ointment?

List of contraindications

Complex vitamin medication has certain limitations for use, which include:

  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • old age;
  • high permeability of blood vessels;
  • under 14;
  • kidney failure.

In the presence of one or more of the above conditions, it is not recommended to use the Aevit cosmetic product on your own. Consult a specialist before use.

Doses and method of administration

The medicine "Aevit" in the form of an ointment is intended for external use. Before applying this product to the skin, its surface must be cleaned of cosmetics and impurities.

Aevit ointment is recommended to be applied to the skin 1-2 times a day, the duration of application is 1-2 months. The initial effect of using the ointment will be observedafter about a week of therapy. A 50 ml bottle is usually enough for the entire period of treatment of a skin disease.

aevit ointment composition
aevit ointment composition

Aevit ointment is designed for both morning and evening use. In the evening, apply the ointment at least one hour before bedtime. This is necessary so that it has time to absorb well into the skin. After one or two months of using this cosmetic, it is recommended to take a break. Such a need for a break is due to the presence in the preparation of vitamins and other natural ingredients that accumulate in the structures of the skin. A break will allow you to distribute such “reserves”, and will enable the skin to independently produce the substances it needs against wilting and other dermatological problems, because the main task of the remedy is not to develop addiction, but to help the skin.

Analogues and reviews for the Aevit ointment will be presented at the end of the article.

Side effects

Information about the possible occurrence of adverse reactions after using this medication is indicated in the instructions. It says here that side effects are very rare. In isolated cases, during the application of the ointment to the skin, allergic reactions may occur in the form of redness and skin rash. The development of such symptoms is a reason to stop using the drug.

Drug Interactions

Aevit ointment for external use does not always interact with other drugs if it becomes necessary to use two or more at the same timedrug, this must be reported to the cosmetologist or doctor who prescribed this vitamin complex for skin treatment.

Special Recommendations

Use Aevit ointment as a cosmetic preparation can be used by women aged 30 years and older. If this ointment is used as a remedy for the treatment of a certain dermatological disease, only a specialist can prescribe it after making a diagnosis. With beriberi, it is recommended to use the drug not only locally, but also orally in special capsules, that is, in a different form.

aevit ointment photo
aevit ointment photo

Overdose symptoms

Cases of symptoms of overdose of this cosmetic product in clinical practice have not been recorded. However, in some exceptions, skin allergic reactions may occur with excessive use of the drug.

Analogues of Aevit ointment

There are a number of medicinal and cosmetic products that are identical in therapeutic effect and composition of the drug. These include:

  1. "Radevit Active" is a remedy that contains vitamins E, A and D as active elements. It is produced in the same way as "Aevit", in the form of an ointment that stops the manifestations of the inflammatory process, intensively softens and moisturizes the surface of the skin, accelerates its healing and recovery processes. This ointment is contraindicated for pregnant patients.
  2. "Aekol" - a remedy that is a combined preparation containing astherapeutic substances vitamins A and E. The medicine is produced in the form of a solution for local and external use. It accelerates the healing of the skin, eliminates wrinkles and acne. The only restriction to its use is intolerance to these vitamins.
  3. "Videstim" is an incomplete analogue of the "Aevit" ointment, which contains only vitamin A as an active ingredient. This remedy is produced in the form of an ointment, which is used externally to accelerate the healing processes of damaged skin structures. The ointment is allowed to be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.
  4. "Triovit" - a combined remedy that, in addition to vitamins A and E, contains selenium and ascorbic acid. This medicine is produced only in capsules for oral administration.

Drug price

The average cost of Aevit ointment is 65 rubles. However, it may fluctuate slightly, depending on the pharmacy chain that sells the product.

Reviews on the ointment "Aevit"

Almost every modern person knows about the drug. This remedy is especially popular among women, since it is precisely this part of the population that most often needs to take care of the skin of the body and face, and the need to fight wrinkles.

aevit ointment analogues
aevit ointment analogues

People who used Aevit ointment note that there is no quick effect from the treatment. However, after about a month of use, skin problems begin to disappear, it graduallysmoothes, mimic wrinkles become less noticeable.

Those who used the ointment for acne treatment left mixed reviews. This remedy did not help many, while others, on the contrary, made it possible to quickly eliminate pathological rashes.

We reviewed the instructions for use and reviews for the Aevit ointment.
