What ointment to use for intercostal neuralgia? This question is often asked by those who are faced with such an unpleasant and painful illness. Intercostal neuralgia is a very unpleasant pathology that develops along the course of the intercostal nerve, as a result of its irritation or compression. Most often, this disease is experienced by older people, but it is rare in children and young people. With this problem, treatment involves eliminating the cause that provoked the disease, for which ointments and tablets are used. What ointments are more effective for intercostal neuralgia?
What is the cause of the illness?
Intercostal neuralgia is a syndrome of reflex origin. It appears due to compression or irritation of the intercostal nerve. Most often, attacks appear in those patients who have started osteochondrosis - they did not start treatment on time or they have an intervertebral hernia that compresses the nerve roots. But besides this, pain may also appear due to the presence of other pathologies:
- spondylitis;
- progressive kyphosis;
- neoplasms on the spine;
- diseaseBekhterev.

Warming ointments for intercostal neuralgia will help well if it is caused by hypothermia or a cold. In addition, infections, injuries, excessive exercise and poisoning can provoke pain. That is why, before starting treatment, it is necessary to choose the right ointment for intercostal neuralgia or tablets, you need to undergo an examination and identify the cause of the onset of the disease, only its elimination will make it easy to cope with the pain syndrome.
Symptomatology and diagnosis
The main symptom of intercostal neuralgia is pain in the intercostal area. The pain syndrome has a paroxysmal character, often increases sharply with sudden movements. When sneezing, coughing or taking a deep breath, a patient with neuralgia feels a sharp prick between the ribs. In some patients, the presence of an ailment can be determined by their posture - the body is bent to the side, where there is no pain between the ribs, and the patient is in this position all the time, so he tries to protect himself from pain attacks.

Such soreness cannot go away by itself, only qualified help and identification of the cause will help solve the problem. After accurately identifying the cause, the doctor can prescribe an effective ointment for intercostal neuralgia, which will relieve pain. And for this it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination.
Most often, a doctor may recommend that a patient undergo these types of examinations in order to prescribe an ointment forintercostal neuralgia:
chest x-ray;

- CT scan or MRI examination;
- x-ray examination of the spinal cord using contrast;
- complete blood count;
- study for bacteria or immunological, if the doctor suspects an infection or an autoimmune pathology.
Treatment of intercostal neuralgia at home
If a patient is diagnosed with "intercostal neuralgia" and in the hospital he has already received all the necessary assistance, then he is sent for home treatment. Neuralgia is treated for a long time and is difficult, therefore, following all the doctor's recommendations, it is also necessary to visit him regularly in order to make adjustments to therapy. At home, after agreeing all the procedures with the doctor, you can carry out therapy using the following methods:
- use warming and pain-relieving ointments;
- remedies from traditional medicine;
- use home appliances for physiotherapy, such as "Darsonval" or devices for magnetotherapy;
- massage.

In combination, such treatment will give good results, and the pain will not bother.
External preparations against neuralgia
Ointment for neuralgia can be of great help in the treatment and relief of symptoms, because their action is as follows:
- Relax tense muscle fibers.
- Improve blood circulation in a sore spot.
- Normalize metabolic processes.
- Increase the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus.
- Warm the site of inflammation.
- Reduce pain.

Such a wide range of beneficial effects of ointments can be explained by the presence of special substances in the composition, which, by their irritating effect, have a distracting effect, causing burning, tingling in the area of the pinched nerve.
First of all, ointments warm, and only then they begin to have an analgesic or anti-inflammatory effect. The doctor prescribes external agents only after clarifying the diagnosis and location. If there is a diagnosis of "intercostal neuralgia", which ointments are better? In each individual case, the list may be different. The form of pathology, localization is taken into account, and then the most effective remedy is selected by composition.
Increasingly, experts opt for ointments with bee or snake venom. These are natural remedies, therefore they have a minimal side effect and have fewer contraindications for use. If there is intercostal neuralgia, home treatment with ointments with such components is often practiced.
Components that make up ointments
In medicine, a huge number of external agents are now used in the form of ointments and gels that help fight the causes and symptoms of neuralgia. All of them contain different substances in their composition,therefore, they do not have the same effects if there is intercostal neuralgia. Examples of ointments for treatment are as follows:
- "Kapsicam" or "Finalgon" well warm up the inflamed area, due to the expansion of blood vessels, the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients is provided.
- "Indomethacin", "Naklofen" have anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, and quickly eliminate pain.
- Pepper tinctures have a local irritant property.
- "Menovazin" includes anestezin, which is excellent for pain relief.
- The best ointment for intercostal neuralgia with bee and snake venom effectively restores the damaged structure of the nervous tissue.
Currently, every pharmacy will offer a huge range of ointments that will give excellent results in the treatment of neuralgia, but I would like to focus on Voltaren. This tool is recommended to be applied to the body up to 4 times a day, it has an analgesic effect and anti-inflammatory. This type of ointment contains such an active substance as diclofenac, which is why it has an analgesic effect on the body, and also relieves inflammation.
If you combine the ointment with tablets belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, then in combination they help to quickly get rid of the pain syndrome, which most often causes the greatest inconvenience to a patient with neuralgia.

AfterApplying this ointment, there is a feeling of warmth. It contains bee venom, which improves blood flow, relieves pain and relieves inflammation. Thus, it has an analgesic effect and relieves the inflammatory process. But it is worth remembering that this ointment for intercostal neuralgia has a number of contraindications: pathologies of the kidneys and liver, the period of breastfeeding, pregnancy, heart pathology and individual intolerance. That is why it is better to consult a doctor before starting therapy.
Due to the presence of menthol in the composition, pain is relieved and coolness is felt. This ointment for intercostal neuralgia incorporates a special complex of elements that allow you to effectively cope with pain and inflammation. Namely, this is what is important to remove for patients who have been diagnosed with "neuralgia". The composition of the ointment contains menthol, benzocaine and procaine. The last two components block pain impulses in the best way, have an anesthetic effect, and menthol irritates nerve endings, helps to expand blood vessels and brings a feeling of coolness.
Turpentine ointment
This remedy is great for intense pain. This drug is considered one of the most affordable and inexpensive. Every person can afford to buy it. The composition of the ointment contains purified turpentine and turpentine oil. They have a warming effect and local anesthesia. Thanks to the use of the ointment, it is possible to relieve swelling, pain and inflammation. But the mixture helps the best,which contains not only turpentine ointment, but also added honey, baby cream and bear or badger fats. This composition will help to quickly cope with the symptoms of neuralgia.
It helps dilate blood vessels, has a warming effect and fights pain. This unique remedy, produced in the form of an ointment, has been effectively used for the treatment of intercostal neuralgia for many years. This ointment received a lot of positive feedback from those who personally experienced its therapeutic effect. Ointment for intercostal neuralgia helps vasodilation, due to this effect at the site of the inflammatory process, blood flow is significantly improved. In addition, "Finalgon" has an irritating and warming effect, which, in harmony with the ability to dilate blood vessels, completely relaxes tense muscles, as a result of this effect, the pressure of the muscle fibers on the nerve weakens and the pain syndrome recedes.
This drug, presented in the form of an ointment, according to patients, copes with pain very quickly, namely, it is with neuralgia that causes the greatest inconvenience to the patient. Due to the unique composition of the ointment, it has several actions on the body at once and easily copes with attacks of neuralgia. It contains viper venom, camphor oil, turpentine and salicylic acid. Each of these substances has its own effect, but together they are aimed at removing pain, activating the protective functions of the body and removing the causes that caused the discomfort. But worth itremember that only complex therapy will help to cope with such a diagnosis as "intercostal neuralgia". Treatment at home with ointments is allowed only after consulting a doctor, because Viprosal has a number of serious contraindications for use: pathologies of the kidneys and liver, exhaustion of the body, brain and coronary insufficiency, and others.
This is only a small fraction of those ointments that will help get rid of the pain and inflammation that accompany neuralgia. But it is better if the doctor chooses the ointment, focusing on the causes of the pathology.
Ointments for intercostal neuralgia: reviews
Intercostal neuralgia is a very serious and painful pathology that simply cannot be tolerated. Immediately when the first pain sensations appear, you have to look for the best remedy to help relieve pain.

According to patients, warming ointments for intercostal neuralgia help very well, which do an excellent job with pain, and if painkillers are also used in combination with them, the pain does not cause serious suffering.
Those patients who have been examined and who have identified the cause of neuralgia cope with the disease faster, because all their therapy is based on eliminating the cause, which means that the symptoms go away. But those who use self-medication, suffer from symptoms longer.
That is why it is better to immediately seek qualified help if "intercostal neuralgia" is diagnosed. What ointment is betterwill help in a particular case, only a specialist can tell.
Intercostal neuralgia requires complex treatment after passing all the necessary examinations. In each individual case, it will give the desired result only if the cause is identified, so you should not harm your he alth using ointments recommended by friends, but it is better to immediately go to a neurologist.