Lidocaine Spray is a drug with a local anesthetic effect. It is used for the purpose of anesthetizing mucous membranes in medical practice in the field of dentistry and surgery.
Composition of this medicine
According to the instructions, Lidocaine spray is produced in the form of a colorless transparent liquid with a specific menthol odor. The active substance is lidocaine, which is part of the group of anesthetics. One dose of spray contains 4.8 mg of lidocaine. In addition to the main component, the composition of the drug is supplemented with excipients such as peppermint oil, propylene glycol and ethanol.

One bottle contains 650 doses of the drug. In the package, in addition to the bottle itself, there is a special dispenser nozzle and instructions.
Drug product properties
Lidocaine is an acetanilide derivative. The substance is able to reduce the susceptibility of nerve endings, due to the inhibition of the processgeneration and conduction of impulses along the nerves. In addition, lidocaine allows you to stabilize the membranes of neurocytes for sodium ions, thereby increasing the threshold of electrical excitability.
The substance has a systemic effect on the body and has antiarrhythmic properties. When using therapeutic dosages of the drug, "Lidocaine" allows you to regulate the rhythm of heart contractions.
You can find throat sprays with lidocaine on sale. When applied to the mucous tissues of the respiratory tract, the gag and cough reflex is suppressed, thus preventing aspiration bronchopneumonia.
Lidocaine spray is for topical use. The active component of the drug enters the systemic circulation. The intensity of absorption directly depends on the location and area on which the drug is used.

Indications for the use of medication
Lidocaine spray is designed for local anesthesia and is most commonly used in dentistry and surgery:
- Opening of superficial type abscesses, accompanied by the formation of cavities filled with purulent contents.
- Removal of bone fragments from gums after tooth extraction.
- Surgical sutures.
- Removal of milk teeth in children.
- Anesthesia before excision of a superficial neoplasm on the oral mucosa.
- Gum pain relief when installing a bridge or fixing crowns.
- Removal of the lingual papilla that has been enlarged.
- Before removing the tonsils to prevent vomiting and anaesthetize the injection site.
- As an additional anesthesia when opening a paratonsillar type abscess.
- Before electrocoagulation of the nasal mucosa to prevent bleeding.
- Anesthesia before sinus lavage.
- Anesthesia of the perineum before episiotomy in complicated labor.
- Anesthesia for torn hymen.
- Suppression and reduction of the gag reflex in preparation for fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
- Pain before rectoscopy.
In addition, the use of Lidocaine spray is advisable to anesthetize the skin and mucous membranes before minimally invasive surgical procedures.

Contraindications to the use of the drug
Lidocaine Spray should not be used in the following cases:
- Lidocaine intolerance.
- Convulsions provoked by the use of drugs with lidocaine in the anamnesis of the patient.
- Morgagni-Adams-Stokes disease, characterized by loss of consciousness as a result of a sharp decrease in cardiac output. The disease appears against the background of a weak sinus node or a violation of the rhythm of heart contractions.
- Blockade of the atrioventricular type of the second and third degree, expressed by impaired patency of the impulse through the node of the conduction heartsystem.
- Bradycardia.
- A disease associated with weakness of the sinus node, when the heart's rhythm is insufficient from a functional point of view.
- Severe decrease in blood output as a result of a weak left heart ventricle.
- Cardiogenic shock, accompanied by a decrease in pressure in the arteries and loss of consciousness due to depression of cardiac functions.

In the field of dentistry, the drug should not be used in the manufacture of an impression, as the risk of material entering the respiratory system increases.
How to use Lidocaine spray?
Instructions for use
The medication is applied directly to the place where anesthesia is required. The bottle must be kept upright. To achieve the optimal analgesic effect, it is necessary to carry out up to five sprays of the drug. If it is a larger area for pain relief, the dosage can be increased to 15-20 sprays.
When used in children, you can use a gauze bandage, which is pre-sprayed and then applied to the desired area of the body. In the presence of liver and kidney failure, a dosage change is required in the direction of halving.
The specialist must ask about the presence of an allergy to lidocaine before applying the drug. It is important to report if a reaction to this substance has ever been observed, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, the use of the drug should be discontinued.
Adverse reactions
Whenthe use of "Lidocaine" may cause adverse reactions of a local nature, for example, burning and redness of the mucous tissues and skin. As a rule, after the onset of anesthesia, negative symptoms disappear. An allergic reaction to lidocaine is characterized by itching and a rash on the skin, in exceptional cases anaphylactic shock may occur.

The nervous system may react to the use of the drug with marked anxiety of the patient. From the side of the heart and blood vessels, bradycardia and arterial hypotension are possible.
Significant excess of the prescribed dosages of the drug can lead to the development of convulsive syndrome, as well as negative consequences from the vessels and the heart. Overdose is treated by eliminating the symptoms that have arisen. Lidocaine has no specific antidote.
Men's Lidocaine Spray
One of the unofficial areas of application of the drug in the form of a spray is the genital area in men. The drug can be used to prolong sexual intercourse. A similar remedy may be required in case of premature ejaculation or the duration of sexual intercourse is less than one minute.
Spray "Lidocaine" is sprayed to prolong the act at a distance of ten centimeters fifteen minutes before the start of the process itself. It acts quite quickly, two minutes after application, the area of \u200b\u200bapplication "freezes". To prolong sexual intercourse, 5 mg of lidocaine is used, which is 1-2 sprays. It is not recommended to exceed this dosage,as this can provoke the appearance of adverse reactions.
There are a number of limitations to this use. So, you can not use the spray if a man is allergic to lidocaine. The drug is also contraindicated in diseases of the cardiovascular system and pathologies of the liver or kidneys in the chronic form of the course.
Adverse reactions with this method of using the drug are similar to those described above.

Advantages and disadvantages
Men highlight the following benefits of Lidocaine:
- Performance.
- Low cost.
- Ease of use and ease of application.
- Relative safety spray.
- Relieve discomfort during intercourse.
- The rarity of adverse reactions and a small number of contraindications.
- Economical consumption of the drug.
The disadvantages of the drug are also called:
- Some men report that the penis loses sensation when using the spray, which reduces the pleasure received during intercourse.
- The effectiveness of the drug decreases over time.
When using "Lidocaine" in the form of a spray, the following recommendations should be followed:
- Before the first use, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test by applying the drug to the arm. If there is no irritation, then you can use the spray on other parts of the body.
- It is not compatible withpreparations containing iodine.
This is confirmed by the instructions for use for the Lidocaine spray.
If adverse reactions occur during the use, you should stop using the drug.
A number of structural analogues of "Lidocaine" are distinguished, produced on the basis of the same active ingredient:
- "Luan".
- "Dinexan".
- Helikain.
- Lidocaine hydrochloride.
- Lidocaine-Vial.
- Lidocaine Bufus.
- Versatis.
- Xylocaine.
- "Ultracaine" is also an analogue of the drug, but less toxic than "Lidocaine". "Ultracaine" provides a longer lasting analgesic effect.
Also, many are interested in the difference between Lidocaine and Novocaine. The latter shows a more moderate anesthetic effect, while Lidocaine is considered a more effective pain reliever.
What patients say
Reviews on the Lidocaine spray are mostly positive. Women often use a spray to anesthetize the skin during the epilation procedure. The drug copes well with its tasks, although many note its effectiveness in cases where it comes to moderate pain. When it comes to a high degree of pain intensity, the drug is not always effective.

The cost of the spray is also its absolute advantage for consumers. The price of the drug is an average of 250 rubles. If atake into account that the spray is enough for a long period of use, the cost of "Lidocaine" is characterized as low.
The only drawback is called adverse reactions, especially local ones that occur when applying the spray.
Men who use the drug to prolong sexual intercourse also leave mostly positive feedback about the action of the remedy. However, some felt an unpleasant burning sensation directly when applying Lidocaine. The disadvantage is the need to use a condom after applying the drug to avoid getting lidocaine into the woman's vagina.