Mastopathy is a rather serious pathology common among women. Therapy of the disease depends entirely on what caused its development. However, it is important to note that whatever the cause of the pathology, treatment should be approached only comprehensively, that is, it should be influenced not only from the inside, but also from the outside.
Mastopathy cream is one of the main components in the treatment of this disease in women. When choosing, preference should be given only to high-quality, proven products and not self-medicate, but follow all the doctor's recommendations.
How to choose the right one

In order to choose the right cream for breast mastopathy, you need to follow simple recommendations:
- All medicines should be bought only in a pharmacy, and not somewhere from the hands. In this way, counterfeiting and, as a result, the purchase of a low-quality product with possible violations of storage conditions can be avoided.
- Each woman should approach the treatment of mastopathy individually, since it often happens that the drug that helped onepatient, may not have the desired effect on another. Therefore, when choosing a medicine, you should be based only on the doctor's prescription, and not on the recommendations of friends and acquaintances.
- With hormonal imbalance, the choice of the drug should be approached especially carefully. In this case, a mammologist will be able to advise a remedy that will definitely save a woman from pathology and related symptoms.
Principles of work and rules for the use of creams

The essence of the use of creams and ointments, which contain a synthetic hormone, is to normalize the level of estrogen and progesterone in the mammary glands. The drug is absorbed into the connective tissue of the breast and muscle fibers, thereby significantly reducing the production of prolactin and eliminating hormonal failure in the body.
Most creams, gels and ointments for mastopathy are made on a plant basis. The drugs effectively stop pain, and also relieve swelling and inflammation. Some of these drugs help with the treatment of cystic formations and promote their resorption, as well as eliminate discharge from the nipples.
One of the main advantages of creams for mastopathy is that the components contained in them are not actually absorbed into the blood. In this connection, there is no negative effect on the body and, as a result, there are no side effects.
Creams for the treatment of mastopathy should be rubbed into the skin at least twice a day, the course of treatment usually lasts 5-7 months. Cream or ointment rubbedwith gentle circular movements, without affecting the nipples and areolas. When applying the drug, it is important to ensure that the product being applied does not get on cracks and scratches, if any. In addition, it is important to remember that you can not squeeze the chest or massage it strongly, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences of the disease.
He althy

Products are produced by Russian pharmacists and are intended to treat mastopathy occurring in diffuse or nodular forms. The substances that make up the Zdorov cream have the following effect on a woman's body:
- Bee venom effectively relieves pain.
- Wax restores the structure of the affected tissue.
- Propolis has an antibacterial effect due to the beneficial substances in it.
- Olive oil makes breast skin soft and tender.
- Horse chestnut is responsible for the appearance of new he althy cells.
- Siberian cedar resin is responsible for healing, which is also part of the Zdorov wax cream.
He althy cream is recommended to be used not only for therapy, but also for preventive purposes. When using the drug, the pain syndrome is effectively stopped, the swelling disappears. The components that make up the drug contribute to the natural regeneration of tissues, which helps to restore the skin and effectively tighten the chest. It is allowed to use the cream during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
According to reviews of the Zdorov cream wax frommastopathy, the drug also promotes the resorption of cysts and the elimination of all associated symptoms, if any.
Women allergic to bee products are strictly prohibited from using this cream, as it can cause a reaction in the body and provoke serious consequences.
Cream "Healer"

This cream does not contain synthetic hormones and is prescribed only for the fibrous form of the disease. The composition of the cream "Healer" from mastopathy includes: beeswax, tocopherol, vegetable extracts and panthenol.
Thanks to the use of the "Lekar" cream, blood circulation in the mammary gland is enhanced, which helps to relieve all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and the disappearance of breast swelling.
Except for a possible allergy to the components that make up the drug, the cream has no other contraindications. However, it is still not known whether the "Healer" can be used for mastopathy in pregnant and lactating women.
The cream should be rubbed several times a day, it is desirable to start the course of treatment in the second half of the menstrual cycle. In no case should you apply the product if there are pustules, cracks or open wounds on the affected area.
Mastofit Cream

Cream for the treatment of mastopathy "Mastofit" refers to dietary supplements and cannot be used as an alternative treatment, but only in combination with the main therapy. The preparation consists of soybean oil, glycerin, lard andseaweed extract.
Judging by the reviews, Mastofit cream with mastopathy effectively moisturizes the skin and eliminates swelling of the mammary glands.
Women who have thyroid disorders should use Mastofit cream with caution, as the drug has a high concentration of iodine.
Progestogel Cream

Cream for mastopathy "Progestogel" contains the hormone progesterone and natural ingredients, which minimizes the occurrence of side effects. The essence of the use of this drug is to normalize the failure in the hormonal system and reduce inflammation that develop with increased production of the hormone estrogen. In addition, Progestogel has a general strengthening effect on the body and helps keep it in good shape.
The drug is prescribed mainly only at the initial stage of the disease. After application, it is quickly absorbed, but does not enter the blood, and therefore it is absolutely safe.
Apply the drug twice a day, preferably in the morning and before bedtime.
Cream "Fitol"
The Fitol cream contains environmentally friendly natural preparations - glycerin, aconite, beeswax, ferula, sophonite, thanks to which it has a complex effect on the problem, that is:
- When applying this cream, a woman stops pain.
- The inflammatory process decreases and gradually disappears completely.
- After applying the cream, breast cells come totone.
For the prevention of mastopathy, Fitol cream is recommended to be used twice a year. The course of treatment should be at least 3 months.
Zorka Cream

Cream for the treatment of mastopathy "Zorka" is popular and quite common due to the fact that all components of the drug are absolutely natural, and this significantly reduces the risk of complications. In addition, the drug has a fairly wide spectrum of action:
- The cream is equally effective in all forms of mastopathy of the mammary glands, as it is able to eliminate even the most stagnant processes. With the use of this drug, seals and formations that have developed in the mammary gland resolve.
- When applying Zorka cream, the skin softens and smoothes.
- When using the cream, the metabolic process is activated, which contributes to the effective healing and restoration of damaged tissues.
- Cream "Zorka" has a cosmetic effect on the skin of the chest, that is, when moistened, firmness and elasticity are completely restored.
Apilac Cream
Cream-gel from mastopathy "Apilak" can be used only at the initial stage of fibrous mastopathy. The composition of the drug includes: glycerin, royal jelly and paraffin.
This cream for mastopathy relieves swelling of the mammary gland, and can also be used for irritation and cracks in the nipples.
No contraindications for the use of Apilac cream, except for individual intolerance to the components, have been identified.
Malavit cream-gel
Cream-gel for mastopathy "Malavit" is a homeopathic preparation, so it can only be used in combination with the main drug therapy. The composition of the cream includes the following components: grape seed oil, mummy, malachite extract, resin extract. When using the drug, a woman loses a feeling of heaviness, swelling and inflammation of the mammary glands subside.
Apply with gentle circular motions. This drug has no contraindications, but its effect on the body has not yet been fully studied.
Contraindications for the use of creams and gels

Like any other means, drugs used for mastopathy have contraindications that must be taken into account.
Some components of creams for mastopathy cannot be used for diseases of the kidneys, liver, malignant tumors and other inflammatory processes in the body.
The use of any remedy for mastopathy requires careful reading of the instructions and consultation with a doctor, since only an experienced doctor will be able to choose the right drug based on the patient's history and complaints. In no case should you self-medicate with mastopathy of the mammary glands, since an untimely visit to a doctor can be fraught with not only unpleasant, but also dangerous consequences for a woman's he alth.