Bedbugs are parasites that feed on human blood. As a habitat, they prefer bedding. Sometimes their number becomes rampant, and then a person is simply forced to fight with uninvited guests. In addition to chemicals, to expel parasites, you have to purchase remedies for bedbug bites. It will be extremely difficult to do without it until the problem with insects is completely resolved.
Features of the behavior of bedbugs

It has been observed that they do not bite every person. For example, several people will be in the same room, but the bugs will prefer only one of them. Often the choice of the victim is influenced by the condition of her skin, body odor, and even blood type. Bed bugs are found, as a rule, in the crevices of a bed or sofa, as well as under the baseboard or in cluttered corners. Sometimes they become very noticeable, although it is quite difficult to detect them during the day. If you suddenly turn on at nightlight, then you can see the bedbugs on the pillow and duvet cover. A red stain remains from a crushed bug. Therefore, with a large number of insects, all bedding is covered with such spots every night.
They can also feed on the blood of animals. This process usually takes about 15 minutes and only happens once a night. Bedbugs have a fairly long lifespan, as for insects. It is one and a half years. During this period, the female bug is able to lay 1,000,000 eggs. They are quite hardy and able to survive the most severe winter.
Bug bites

The bite of this insect is quite unpleasant. Some people get large red blisters because of this. With weak immunity, the wounds begin to fester and become inflamed. They are sometimes confused with mosquito bites. Unlike mosquitoes, bed bugs can carry contagious diseases. In ancient times, they became provocateurs of epidemics. There is a small percentage of people who are allergic to the sting of this insect. After dealing with bedbugs, they end up in a hospital bed, and only doctors can save their lives.
Bug bites cause the following symptoms:
- Severe itching that does not stop for a long time.
- Allergic reaction in the form of redness and swelling.
- Bite sites are covered with raised blisters of crimson red.
- A person's immunity is noticeably reduced, and with it general well-being.
The saliva of this insect contains painkillers that makethe bite is painless. A sleeping person does not feel any pain and continues to lie motionless. This is exactly what a bedbug needs, because any movement scares it away.
How to cure bites

Treatment should be taken immediately. People with sensitive skin have it the hardest. They are the first to be attacked by bedbugs, they have the most visible bite marks, and the reaction to them is much sharper than others. To treat this problem, both traditional medicine and drugs sold in pharmacies are used. Remedies for bedbug bites and house ticks are very diverse, and everyone can choose the most suitable medicine for him.
Sometimes skin lesions hardly itch or redden. This suggests that there was no allergic reaction, which means that the treatment itself will be more comfortable and faster. First aid looks like this:
- Skin should be treated with bed bug bites or alcohol.
- It is advisable to take a bath or shower. In extreme cases, you can simply wipe the skin with a sponge dipped in warm water.
- If there was a reaction, and the bites were covered with blisters, then you can not do without medication. They can be purchased at any nearest pharmacy.
In order for the skin not to itch, you can use traditional medicine recipes. There are many handmade products that work just as well as medicines.
Medication treatment

In the pharmacy you can buy ointments, gels, creams and other remedies for bed bug bites. They are available to anyone and do not require a doctor's prescription to purchase them. To relieve itching, the Fenistil or Tavegil gel is also perfect. You can use the services of essential oils of clove, lavender or rose. To heal the blisters as quickly as possible, use the drug "Tsindol" in the form of a talker, "Akriderm", complex alcohol and "Afloderm".
Afloderm ointment
It contains alklomethasone dipropionate. This tool is a greasy cream-colored ointment. It is used to treat diaper rash and dermatoses that occur in a chronic form.
Do not use this remedy for the following conditions:
- Fungal skin lesions.
- Autoimmune diseases like lupus.
- In case of intolerance to the components of the drug.
This remedy for bedbug bites can be used no more than three times a day. The ointment is applied in a thin layer and, if necessary, covered with a piece of polyethylene on top.
Psilo Balm
Balm in the form of a gel designed to treat insect bites, allergies and dermatitis. This is a fairly effective remedy for bedbug bites. It can be used even by small children. This medicine is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Bad Vilbel. It contains the anti-inflammatory agent diphenhydramine hydrochloride. The product is rubbed into the skin throughout the day. Recommended quantityprocedures should be no more than four. Avoid contact of the gel with eyes and mucous membranes.
Asterisk Balm

This old proven remedy for bedbug bites more than once helped out with various irritations on the surface of the skin, accompanied by itching. This drug has a fairly wide range of applications. In addition to dermatology, Asterisk is used to eliminate toothache, headache and joint pain. She copes with the first signs of a cold and does not allow the disease to develop. With its help, they fight with swelling of the legs and sprains. Like any other drugs, "Asterisk" has its own contraindications for use. These include pregnancy, idiosyncrasy, and under 3 years of age.
The way to use Asterisk is very simple. A small amount of the product is applied to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and rubbed thoroughly. At the beginning, the patient will feel a slight tingling or even burning sensation. As the smell fades, the feeling of discomfort disappears.
Its composition is absolutely natural, it includes camphor, clove and mint oils, eucalyptus and cinnamon oils. Plus beeswax, menthol and paraffin.
Gel "Fenistil"

This clear gel contains dimethindene maleate. It is used for allergies accompanied by itching, and it is also an excellent remedy for bedbug bites. The action of the drug is quite fast, already during the first 10 minutes the patient is completelyitching goes away. Among the side effects, some dryness of the skin after using this remedy is noted. Apply the gel up to 4 times a day.
Tsindol chatterbox
This remedy is also often used for itching caused by various insect bites. The drug is based on zinc oxide. This remedy is often used to treat acne and acne, as zinc has anti-inflammatory and drying properties. Thanks to its disinfecting action, the talker does an excellent job with pressure sores, diaper rash, skin dermatitis and herpes. It can be used several times a day until complete recovery.
Hydrocortisone ointment

This remedy is used for negative reactions to bites, which often appear as huge red blisters, itching and redness on a large surface of the body. The composition of this tool contains the active component of hydrocortisone acetate. Thanks to him, the ointment perfectly stops inflammatory processes, helps to get rid of psoriasis and eczema. The agent is applied to the surface of the skin with a thin layer throughout the day. It is not recommended to use hydrocortisone ointment for metabolic disorders, endocrine diseases and individual intolerance to the main component of the drug.
In case of an acute reaction to a bite, one cannot do without an injection of Tavegil.
Folk remedies
Bug bugs have plagued people for centuries. For all this time, traditional medicine has collected a lot of recipes that can quickly and effectively save the sufferer from bites.these parasites. At home, you can prepare a remedy for bedbug bites:
- One leaf of aloe is ground into a pulp and a raw egg is added to it. A compress is prepared from the resulting mixture, which is applied to the irritated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Hold the compress for fifteen minutes and then rinse with warm water. Usually those times are enough for the bites to stop itching and the blisters to noticeably decrease.
- A folk remedy for bug bites from crushed garlic with the addition of vegetable oil has proven itself well. The oil slightly neutralizes the aggressive action of garlic, so that there is no further irritation or even burns. The mixture is thoroughly ground and mixed. From the composition, you can remove the solid particles of garlic and leave only the juice. The ratio of juice to oil should be 1:1. The mixture is applied to the affected areas of the skin throughout the day, but no more than three times.
- Among medicinal herbs, such a skin remedy for bedbug bites as celandine juice is often used. It can be applied neat to blisters without diluting with water.
- In the last century, "Triple" cologne was often used for these purposes. This remedy for bedbug bites at home is still used. Soak a cotton pad in cologne and wipe the skin throughout the day.
- With long persistent blisters, you can prepare decoctions of medicinal herbs from plantain, St. John's wort and calendula. They all have anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and regenerating properties.
- In case of severe itching, the skin is wipedvinegar diluted in water in a ratio of 1:2.
- Regular baking soda has proven itself well. One full teaspoon is diluted in a glass of water and the bedbug bites are wiped with the resulting composition.
- You can relieve irritation with strong brewed black tea. This remedy, after being bitten by bedbugs, perfectly disinfects, fights small manifestations of the inflammatory process and soothes. It is also recommended to use it inside. Black tea contains components that strengthen the immune system.
Essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, chamomile and lemon also help to get rid of itching and irritation. They can be used alone or mixed with other ingredients. Any home remedy for bed bug bites should only be prepared with fresh ingredients.
How to deal with bedbugs
Without the fight against parasites, it is impossible to avoid their bites. It is extremely important to remove bedbugs and get rid of this problem forever. There are many ways to help you do this. For example, you can use a homemade remedy made from lavender essential oil and alcohol. This will require 100 gr. medical alcohol and half a tube of essential oil. The resulting mixture is wiped with all the places where the bugs accumulate, where only they can live. Simultaneously with cleaning, bed linen is washed and scented with lavender oil. The fact is that the bugs really do not like this smell and try not to get close to things that smell like lavender. In this way, they can be left hungry for a long time, because of which they will gradually die out.
Don't expect all bed bugs to die after the first treatment. It will take two or three more disinfections with full compliance with all recommendations.