"Derinat": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Derinat": instructions for use, analogues, reviews
"Derinat": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

The drug "Derinat" is an immunomodulatory drug. It helps to greatly activate the human immune system. In our article, we will consider in detail the instructions for use for Derinat, and also find out how patients respond to it.

Composition and release form of the product

The drug is produced in the following pharmaceutical forms:

Derinat nose drops instructions for use
Derinat nose drops instructions for use
  • Injection solution 1.5% (5 ml ampoules).
  • Solution for external and topical use 0.25% in vials or dropper bottles of 10 ml.
  • Derinat eye drops 0.25%.

One milliliter of intramuscular solution contains:

  • Active component sodium deoxyribonucleate in the amount of 15 ml.
  • Auxiliary components in the form of sodium chloride and water for injection.

The composition of a milliliter of solution intended for local and external use includes:

  • Activecomponent sodium deoxyribonucleate in the amount of 2.5 ml.
  • Auxiliary components in the form of sodium chloride and water for injection.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug

According to the instructions for use, "Derinat" activates the process of humoral, and, in addition, cellular immunity. The immunomodulatory effect is provided by the stimulation of B-lymphocytes, as well as through the activation of T-helpers. The drug can activate the non-specific resistance of the body, optimizing the inflammatory response along with the immune response to antigens that are viral, fungal and bacterial in nature. The drug causes stimulation of the regenerative and reparative process, increasing the body's resistance to the action of infection. In addition, "Derinat" can regulate hematopoiesis, ensuring the normalization of the level of lymphocytes along with leukocytes, granulocytes, platelets and phagocytes.

Due to the pronounced nature of lymphotropism, the use of "Derinat" allows you to stimulate the drainage and detoxification properties of the lymphatic system. This medication significantly reduces the sensitivity of cells to the effects of radiation treatment and chemotherapy drugs. Derinat does not cause teratogenic, embryotoxic or carcinogenic effects.

Drug pharmacokinetics

Quickly absorbed, "Derinat" is distributed in the organs through the endolymphatic channels. The drug has a high tropism in relation to the hematopoietic organs. The drug is integrated into the cellular structure, due to which it takes an active part inmetabolism. As part of the intensive entry into the circulatory system, in parallel with the process of metabolism and excretion, the drug is redistributed between plasma and blood cells. Against the background of intramuscular injections, the half-life of the drug is about 72 hours. This confirms the instructions for use for Derinat.

Derinat drops instructions for use
Derinat drops instructions for use

The drug is distributed fairly quickly in the body. In the course of a daily course of therapy, it accumulates in tissues, and, in addition, in organs, mainly in the lymph nodes, as well as in the spleen and bone marrow. To a small extent, the agent accumulates in the brain, stomach, liver, and also in the large intestine. The period of reaching maximum concentrations in the bone marrow is approximately 5 hours. Directly in the brain for half an hour. The drug can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, then it is metabolized and excreted in the form of metabolites. To a lesser extent, the drug is excreted in the feces.

Next, let's take a closer look at the cases in which doctors prescribe this drug to their patients.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, "Derinat" in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection is used in the treatment of the following diseases and conditions:

  • Observation of hematopoietic disorders.
  • Development of radiation damage to the body.
  • Presence of resistance and myelodepression in relation to cytostatics among oncologicalpatients, which is associated with radiation or cytostatic treatment. In this case, stabilization of hematopoiesis is required along with a decrease in the cardiotoxicity of chemotherapy drugs.
  • Presence of cytostatic drug-induced stomatitis.
  • The appearance of erosive gastroduodenitis along with peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines
  • Presence of obliterating diseases of the vessels of the limbs, which are in the second or third stage.
  • Development of coronary heart disease.
  • The appearance of purulent-septic complications, and, in addition, odontogenic sepsis.
  • Presence of non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers.
  • Presence of pulmonary tuberculosis along with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.
  • The appearance of burn disease.
  • Development of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Presence of endometritis, endometriosis, salpingoophoritis or fibroids.
  • The appearance of ureaplasmosis, chlamydia or mycoplasmosis in patients.
  • The emergence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Presence of benign prostatic hyperplasia along with prostatitis.
  • Against the background of the postoperative period. This tool is often used in surgical practice.

Using a drug for monotherapy

As part of monotherapy, the drug in the form of solutions for local and external use is used in the development of the following diseases:

  • The presence of dystrophic and inflammatory eye diseases.
  • The appearance of inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa.
  • Presence of SARS. This drug is used not only for therapy, but also for the prevention of such diseases.
  • The emergence of acute respiratory diseases.

Complex treatment

As part of complex treatment, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Development of chronic and acute ailments of the upper respiratory tract, for example, with rhinitis and sinusitis, including sinusitis and frontal sinusitis.
  • The appearance of fungal, chronic inflammatory diseases along with bacterial and other infections of the mucous membranes in gynecological practice.
  • The presence of infected and long-term non-healing wounds, including on the background of diabetes mellitus.
  • The appearance of obliterating diseases of the lower extremities.
  • The occurrence of gangrene and trophic ulcers.
  • Presence of post-radiation skin necrosis.
  • Frostbite or burns.

Instructions for use and reviews of "Derinat" for children will be considered below.

Contraindications for use

The remedy should not be used only in cases of hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug. Next, consider the instructions for use of the presented drug and find out in what dosages it is prescribed to patients with certain diseases.

Instructions for using Derinat injections

For adult patients, the drug is prescribed in the form of a solution for intramuscular injections. The injection intervals are three days. Depending on the indicationsthe following schemes are used in treatment:

  • In coronary heart disease, 5 ml of solution is injected, the interval between injection procedures is three days. The treatment course includes 10 injections.
  • In oncological diseases, 5 ml of solution is injected, the interval between injection procedures is two days. The treatment course includes 10 injections.
  • In case of peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, 5 ml of the solution is also injected, the interval between the injection procedures is two days. The treatment course includes the introduction of 10 injections. Instructions for use for Derinat injections confirm this.
  • In case of tuberculosis, 5 ml of solution is administered to patients, the interval between administration procedures is one day. The treatment course provides for the introduction of 15 injections.
  • In the presence of benign prostatic hyperplasia, 5 ml of solution is injected, the interval between injection procedures is two days. The treatment course includes 10 injections.
  • In case of chlamydia, endometriosis, endometritis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, fibroids and salpingo-oophoritis, 5 ml of the solution is injected, and the interval between injection procedures is two days. The treatment course includes 10 injections.
  • In the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases, patients are injected with 5 ml of the solution. The first five injections are made with a break of 24 hours each, and the next ones with a three-day interval. The treatment course includes 10 injections.
  • In the presence of acute inflammatory diseases, patients are injected with 5 ml of a solution,the interval between injection procedures is three days. The treatment course includes the introduction of 5 injections. This is indicated in the instructions for use for Derinat ampoules.
  • Derinat injection instructions for use
    Derinat injection instructions for use

Instructions for using Derinat medicine for children

The frequency of intramuscular injections of the drug in children is absolutely the same as in adult patients. Thus, the drug is used in the following doses:

  • Until the age of two, the average single dose is 7.5 milligrams.
  • From two to ten years, a single dose is determined at the rate of 0.5 milligrams of the drug per year of life.
  • Children who are over 10 years old are prescribed an average single dose, which is 75 milligrams. The course dose involves the introduction of 5 injections of the drug.

Derinat drops

Consider the instructions for use for Derinat drops for children and adults.

The preparation in the form of solutions for external and local use is used depending on the location of the ongoing processes. The drug can be used by adults and children from the first days of life. For the prevention of otolaryngological diseases, Derinat nasal drops are used.

The instructions for use indicate that as part of this procedure, two drops of the solution are used in each nasal passage up to four times a day. The duration of therapy is usually two weeks.

Against the background of the development of symptoms of respiratory pathology during the first day, you need to drip the medicine into the nose, three drops in each turn. This is done every hour and a half, and then four times a day, two drops. The duration of the therapeutic course can last from 5 to 30 days. This is also confirmed by the instructions for use for Derinat nasal drops.

Depending on a particular disease, the drug in drops is used according to certain schemes.

  • As indicated by the instructions for use for drops in the nose "Derinat" in inflammatory pathologies of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity, the drug is prescribed six times a day, three drops in each stroke. The course lasts two weeks.
  • For inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, the drug is taken six times a day. In this case, you should rinse your mouth. One bottle of medicine is enough for three rinses. The duration of the treatment course is 10 days.
  • In chronic inflammatory diseases, as well as fungal and other infections in the gynecological area, the vagina is irrigated, and, in addition, the cervix. For this, intravaginal tampons with a solution are provided. One procedure requires 5 ml of the drug, the frequency of application is twice a day. Course duration: two weeks.
  • In the presence of severe inflammatory and degenerative processes in patients in ophthalmic practice, the drug "Derinat" is used twice a day. They need to instill two drops in each eye. The duration of the treatment course is 45 days. As described in the instructions for use. Reviews of Derinat drops abound.
  • For hemorrhoids, rectal administration of the drug is prescribed usingmicroclysters 40 ml. The duration of the treatment course is 10 days.
  • In case of post-radiation necrosis of the mucous membranes and integuments of the skin, long-term non-healing wounds, and, in addition, burns, frostbite, gangrene and trophic ulcers of various etiologies, the drug is prescribed three times a day. In this case, it is required to apply an application bandage with the applied solution to the affected areas. In addition, the affected surface can be treated up to five times a day with a 40 ml spray. Duration of the therapeutic course: three months.
  • In the presence of obliterating diseases of the lower extremities, in order to achieve a systemic effect, this medicine is instilled six times a day, this is done in each nasal passage, two drops. Duration of the treatment course: up to six months.
  • Derinat drops instructions for use reviews
    Derinat drops instructions for use reviews

Derinat (spray)

Let's also consider a brief instruction on the use of the Derinat spray. The drug is used according to the following algorithm:

  • Remove the protective cap from the bottle nozzle.
  • Bring the bottle to your mouth so that the nozzle is directed to the throat.
  • Hold your breath.
  • Press the nozzle several times.
  • Turn the bottle between presses so that the medicine is sprayed evenly down the throat. According to the instructions for use, Derinat spray can also be sprayed into the nose. The effectiveness of the drug is maintained.

As indicated by the instructions for use, for children, Derinat spray is used without age restrictions.

However, the aerosol form is not very suitable for babies. Spraying involves holding the breath, which is difficult for young children to do. For children, Derinat drops are more suitable. You can drip the product on the cheek or on the nipple.

Dosage for children decreases according to age:

  • 2 years and under - 1 spray;
  • 2 to 10 years - 2 sprays;
  • 10 years and older at adult dosage.

Side effects on the background of the use of the drug

Against the background of intravenous administration of "Derinat" in patients with diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemic effects are likely to be observed, which must be taken into account when controlling the amount of glucose in the blood. As part of the local and external use of the drug, no side effects were identified. Negative manifestations due to overdose have also not been identified.

Instructions for use with Derinat nose drops and injections confirm this.

Special instructions for use

It should be noted that Derinat does not have an embryotoxic, and, moreover, carcinogenic or teratogenic effect. Possible subcutaneous injection of the drug. Against the background of surgical sepsis, the use of the drug as part of complex treatment leads to the activation of the immune system along with a decrease in the level of intoxication. This medication leads to the normalization of hematopoiesis. In addition, there may be an improvement in the functioning of the organs that are responsible for the process of detoxification of the internal environment. Thus, the activity of the spleen and lymph nodes improves.

Drugcan reduce the iatrogenicity of drugs in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with a 50% improvement in the complex values of pathology activity. "Derinat" potentiates the therapeutic effect of the basic treatment for peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.

Derinat instructions for use nasal spray
Derinat instructions for use nasal spray

According to studies, the effectiveness of this drug against the background of standard treatment in patients with exacerbation of chronic lung disease of varying degrees of complexity has been proven. In this case, an intramuscular solution is used, and the interval between injections is two days. The treatment course involves the introduction of 10 injections. As part of the external and local use in the treatment of gangrenous processes under the influence of Derinat, in some foci, spontaneous rejection of a number of necrotic masses is noted, followed by restoration of the skin. In the presence of burns and open wounds, doctors note the analgesic effect of the drug.

Instructions for use for "Derinat" for children and adults are very detailed, the features for pregnant women are also indicated.

Pregnancy and drug use

"Derinat" in the form of solutions for external and local use during pregnancy can be used without any restrictions. The drug in the form of solutions for intramuscular injections is used only after consulting a doctor. The decision to prescribe this drug to pregnant women is made on the basis of an assessment of the ratio of the expected benefit to the woman and the risk to the fetus.

The drug "Derinat" in the form of solutions for intramuscular injections during lactation periods is recommended to be used only after visiting the attending physician. It should also be noted that this drug is allowed to be used to treat children from the very first day of life.

Interaction with other drugs

Drugs "Derinat" can increase the effectiveness of cytostatics, and, in addition, antitumor antibiotics from the anthracycline group. The use of "Derinat" as part of complex treatment makes it possible to increase efficiency by reducing the duration of therapy against the background of a significant reduction in the dose of antibiotic drugs and antiviral drugs. As for topical application, such a drug is incompatible with hydrogen peroxide, and, moreover, with fat-based ointments. This describes the instructions for use.

Derinat instructions for use analogues
Derinat instructions for use analogues

Analogues of "Derinat"

Analogues of this drug are pharmaceuticals in the form of Desoxinate and Panagen. They can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Medicine storage conditions and cost

Keep the presented medicine in a place protected from light, which should also be dry and out of the reach of children. This drug can be stored at a temperature of 4 to 20 degrees. Its shelf life is five years. The contents of an open vial with a solution intended for topical use should be used for 2 weeks. As stated in the instructions forapplication to Derinat drops.

This medicine is dispensed from pharmacies strictly according to a medical prescription. The cost of the drug in pharmacies ranges from 400 to 2000 rubles, depending on the form of release of the drug.

Reviews about the drug "Derinat"

Reviews about this medication are very mixed. Some people in their comments note its effectiveness, while others, in turn, report the absence of any changes in the course of the disease. Among the main advantages of the drug, consumers call the convenience of its use along with the natural composition and safety. But at the same time, some doctors note that the safety of Derinat has not yet been fully studied to date. Patients to whom this medication was prescribed in drops, and, moreover, in the form of injections, write that such therapy allowed them to quickly get rid of the symptoms of diseases and reduce the likelihood of relapses.

In gynecological practice, injections with "Derinat" are successfully used for various inflammations, and, in addition, for fibromyomas, fibroids of the mammary glands, chlamydia and endometriosis. People say that they were prescribed this drug for the treatment of tumors, and also as a universal corrector of the immune system in the presence of hormone-dependent endometrial hyperplasia. This informs us and instructions for use.

"Derinat" in the nose in the form of drops and spray also earned the trust of patients. Many parents more than positively comment on this medicine. They claim it as a remedy that is great for dealing withinfections that children often pick up in kindergartens. As parents say, the drug greatly activates the defenses of the child's body, contributing to a faster action and maturation of immunity. In addition, this drug has proven itself in the treatment of children with adenoids. Moreover, it is suitable for children who suffer from rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis or bronchial asthma.

Derinat instructions for use for children reviews
Derinat instructions for use for children reviews

According to parental reviews and instructions for use, "Derinat" (spray) against the background of the treatment of viral infections significantly reduces the severity of the symptoms of the disease with the likelihood of the subsequent development of certain complications. To achieve the maximum effect of this drug, some people recommend using it, including for the prevention of otolaryngological diseases and influenza.

As for the negative reviews about Derinat, they contain information related to the fact that the injections that must be performed during the treatment period are extremely painful. It is also noted that the effect of the treatment is short-lived. Many are not satisfied with its cost, which reaches two thousand rubles. But, nevertheless, the drug "Derinat" today is quite in demand and often prescribed immunostimulating agent.

We reviewed the instructions for use for Derinat drops, spray and injections.
