Pregnancy is a pretty crucial time in any woman's life. There are moments of joy and certain difficulties. The fact is that pregnancy can be accompanied by some complications for the he alth of the mother, and subsequently for the unborn child. In addition, not all medications can be taken by a woman at this time. In this review, we will try to answer the question of whether Gastal can be taken during pregnancy.
Pregnancy Heartburn

How often does it happen? Quite often, pregnant women face such a problem as heartburn and stomach discomfort. In a normal situation, simply taking an antacid is sufficient. But women in position should pay special attention to the choice of medicines. Many qualified doctors prescribe Gastal for heartburn. During pregnancy, this drug can also be used. Will taking this remedy bring any unpleasant consequences? Let's try to figure it out.
About three quarterspregnant women are constantly faced with such an unpleasant problem as heartburn. It is characterized by a burning sensation and pain in the abdomen and throat, a sour taste in the mouth, and general malaise. Here are just some of the signs of heartburn. What is the reason for this state of affairs? Our digestive system has a special element - the cardiac sphincter, which prevents food treated with hydrochloric acid from entering back through the esophagus. For a number of reasons, it may stop performing its task. During pregnancy, heartburn is quite common. In most cases, it is. However, there are a number of rather serious disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, which can also be accompanied by heartburn.

Let's take a closer look at this. If a woman has never had digestive problems before, then feeling unwell after a meal is sure to cause concern. Why did the problem manifest itself during pregnancy?
There are several possible reasons:
- Hormonal disorders. The stomach and esophagus are separated by a special partition, the purpose of which is to prevent the return of food. A large amount of progesterone produced by the female body after conception helps to relax the muscles. By nature, this is conceived in such a way as to protect the uterus from excessive stress and ensure the normal development of the fetus. In fact, the cardiac sphincter and rectum can relax. For this reason, the performance of theseorgans may noticeably deteriorate.
- Changes in the position of internal organs. In the later stages, heartburn may occur due to an increase in the volume of the uterus. Most organs have to change their normal location. As a result, pressure on the walls of the stomach and esophagus increases greatly. This may result in the release of hydrochloric acid.
- Wrong diet. Heartburn can also be caused by overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. If a pregnant woman's diet mainly consists of smoked and fried foods, this can lead to severe heartburn attacks lasting several hours.
- Disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Chronic diseases such as gastritis, cholelithiasis or pancreatitis can also be the cause of heartburn. In this case, nausea, vomiting, and severe pain may also occur.
Similar diseases
Heartburn can be similar to other ailments. Recognizing them at home is not always possible. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. There are a number of signs by which you can understand that the observed condition is really heartburn.
- Unpleasant sensations appear only after eating. They last from 5 to 30 minutes.
- Heartburn pain can increase with changes in body position.
- Solid food is difficult to swallow.
- Seizures are accompanied by nausea, and in rare cases even vomiting.
- The patient constantly has a sensation of a lump in the throat.
- A strong aftertaste remains in the mouth, which makes it difficultget rid of.
A doctor can only diagnose heartburn in a patient based on the results of an examination and a description of the condition.
What to take?

Today there is absolutely no reason to endure incredible discomfort. Synthetic drugs will not cause any harm to the fetus. Many are interested in whether "Gastal" is possible during pregnancy. Experienced doctors recommend using this remedy to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn. If nothing is taken at all to eliminate unpleasant sensations, it will only get worse. Heartburn can cause sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, and contribute to the development of a depressive state. In addition, regular emissions of hydrochloric acid destroy the mucous membrane of internal organs. This can result in severe inflammation or even an ulcer.
During the period of gestation, it is forbidden to use a large number of drugs that neutralize the abnormal level of acidity. However, there are also completely safe remedies that help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn. These drugs include "Gastal". But is it really harmless to the baby?
So, "Gastal" during pregnancy is it possible or not? The instructions for the drug indicate that it has a local effect on the level of hydrochloric acid. "Gastal" is not actively absorbed into the blood. Its active ingredients are magnesium and aluminum s alts. During the reaction to neutralize hydrochloric acid, they interact with it. As a result, insoluble compounds appear, notpenetrating through the walls of the intestine. They are excreted along with the feces. The active ingredients of the drug simply do not have time to get to the baby. Unlike most other antacid medicines, "Gastal" does not cause constipation. On the contrary, it facilitates the passage of feces through the intestines.
Opinion of gynecologists

But the reality is not so rosy. Authoritative obstetrician-gynecologists believe that Gastal should not be taken for heartburn during pregnancy. In their opinion, this is the same dangerous tool as the rest. The main danger to the fetus is aluminum s alts. They are present in all preparations with this principle of action. For this reason, you can take "Gastal" only under the strict supervision of a doctor and in case of urgent need.
Possible Complications
This issue should be given special attention. Regular intake of the drug in large doses can contribute to the penetration of aluminum s alts into the bloodstream.
The following complications may result:
- Calcium leaching from the body: negatively affects the formation of fetal bones, and also worsens the condition of the mother's bone tissue.
- Decreased immunity.
- Delayed absorption of iron: leads to a drop in hemoglobin levels and anemia.
- The appearance of pathologies in the development of the child.
At high concentrations of aluminum s alts can provoke miscarriage in the first months or premature birth in the third trimester.
Manufacturer's opinion

Can I take "Gastal" during pregnancy? The manufacturer's instructions do not contain information about contraindications during the period of gestation. The manufacturer claims that studies conducted have not revealed possible teratogenic effects.
So far, not a single case of fetotoxic effects on the fetus caused by the use of the drug "Gastal" has been found. Use during pregnancy in the gestational period should be carried out only as prescribed by the attending physician and only if the benefit of the drug is significantly higher than the possible risk of developing pathologies.
Many pregnant women are interested in whether "Gastal" can be used during pregnancy for heartburn. This is a combination drug that is used to treat various diseases associated with acidity disorders. Its main pharmacological effect is the neutralization of hydrochloric acid and the removal of discomfort from heartburn.
Usually the drug is used in the form of tablets, the main components of which are:
- Magnesium hydroxide: neutralizes hydrochloric and bile acids, has a laxative effect.
- Aluminum hydroxide-magnesium carbonate: used as a buffer to adsorb hydrochloric acid pepsins.
Does Gastal help during pregnancy? The therapeutic effect of the drug lasts a couple of hours. S alts, when they enter the stomach, become insoluble and are excreted from the body along with feces.
Who can take Gastal?
Instructions for use during pregnancy include the following indications:
- heartburn;
- acid burp;
- pain in the epigastric region;
- diaphragmatic hernia;
- gastritis;
- stomach ulcers;
- reflux esophagitis.

What do you need to know about them? Like all medications, Gastal also has contraindications.
It is unacceptable to take medicine in case of:
- individual intolerance to one of its components;
- kidney failure;
- hypophosphatemia;
- with lactase deficiency (an enzyme that breaks down lactose);
- Alzheimer's disease;
- acute diarrhea;
- chronic constipation;
- pain syndrome of unknown origin.
Admission rules
What should I pay attention to? Experts recommend taking "Gastal" an hour after eating. Tablets should be slowly dissolved in the mouth, without chewing or swallowing. In an acute attack of heartburn, they can be taken regardless of the time elapsed since the meal. "Gastal" during pregnancy does not require dose adjustment. The regimen of the drug depends on the weight of the patient. For women weighing up to 50 kg, the maximum dosage per day is 4 tablets. With a mass of more than 50 kg, you can use the drug 4-6 times a day, 1-2 pieces per dose. The course of treatment lasts 14 days.
Is it possible to "Gastal" during pregnancy? Patients in an interesting position tolerate the drug well at the recommended doses. However, sometimes a number of side effects are observed during treatment. These include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, allergic rash or hives. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock may occur. In patients suffering from renal insufficiency, "Gastal" can cause osteoporosis, anemia, encephalopathy, hypermagnesemia and hyperaluminemia.

Does Gastal help with heartburn during pregnancy? Reviews of expectant mothers confirm the effectiveness of the drug. As a rule, these symptoms appear in the second trimester. "Gastal" perfectly helps to get rid of discomfort. The feeling of relief comes almost immediately after taking the drug. The taste of the tablets is quite pleasant, they have a slight mint aroma. "Gastal" helps to eliminate the burning sensation after eating. This drug is optimal even in late pregnancy. It can also be used to treat unpleasant belching and frequent hiccups. Many expectant mothers note the effectiveness of "Gastal" in comparison with other drugs. It helps to quickly achieve the desired result.
During pregnancy, many expectant mothers experience such an unpleasant symptom as heartburn. It is caused by physiological changes in a woman's body. At the first signs of heartburn, it is necessary to reconsider the diet. However, if discomfort in the stomach area seriously interferes with the normal life of a pregnant woman, it is worth considering the use of pharmaceuticals. "Gastal" during pregnancy can be taken only under the supervision of the attending physician. Be sure to follow the instructions for use and do not exceed the recommended dosage of the drug. Take care of yourself and the he alth of your unborn baby.