"Reamberin": indications for use, reviews, instructions, analogues

"Reamberin": indications for use, reviews, instructions, analogues
"Reamberin": indications for use, reviews, instructions, analogues

Intoxication is a consequence of various reasons. In medical practice, such scenarios often develop both during surgical interventions and as a result of infectious lesions of organs/systems. As a side effect, intoxication, in particular, is also possible with complex therapy, that is, when long-term recreational activities are carried out based on several potent pharmaceutical products. Alcohol-containing tinctures and balms, if used uncontrollably, can also provoke poisoning of varying severity.

"Reamberin" (indications for use, doctors' reviews on the advisability of prescribing this medication, as well as expert comments on synonymous drugs, will be given below) is a detoxifier that has passed laboratory and clinical studies, which is made on the basis of succinic acid. The main task of the reagent is to stimulate natural intracellular processes aimed at stabilizing the energy balance and self-purification of the body.

Chemistry information

In the case of Reamberinindications for use (reviews left by users fully confirm the information contained in the instructions) are determined by the components of the solution. The role of the biochemical "contactor" is played by N-N-methylammonium sodium succinate; auxiliary functions are assigned to Cl-derivatives of potassium, magnesium and sodium, as well as to specially prepared water. In terms of 1 ml of liquid, the fractional presence of ingredients is expressed as follows: 15 mg, 0.3 mg, 0.12 mg, 6 mg, respectively.

The medicine belongs to the group of injectable reagents and is a clear, odorless solution.

reamberin indications for use reviews
reamberin indications for use reviews

Production form of production - glass bottles of 100 ml, 200 ml and 400 ml and plastic containers of 250 ml and 500 ml; The product is supplied to pharmacy chains in original cardboard packaging.

More about the mechanism of pharmacological action

The active component of the drug "Reamberin" - indications for use (reviews about the drug can be easily found on thematic forums) exclude the possibility of prescribing for renal / hepatic pathologies - demonstrates its hepatoprotective, antioxidant and detoxification properties due to direct intervention in metabolic processes flowing in the body. What is most interesting: by its presence, it orients cells to “accelerated utilization” of not only glucose, but also fatty acids. At the same time, being a membrane membrane stabilizer, N-N-methylammonium succinate also has a diuretic effect.

reamberinindications for use reviews for psoriasis
reamberinindications for use reviews for psoriasis

Regular intravenous infusions do not entail the accumulation of the reagent - the components are well absorbed, after which they are transformed and completely consumed by cells during structural and energy substitutions.

By detecting areas of hepatocyte damage, this ingredient initiates the regeneration of liver tissue. This process is well traced by taking clinical blood samples (in the interval from one control point to another, the concentration of enzymes corresponding to cytolysis decreases markedly). The behavior of N-N-methylammonium sodium succinate is similar in ischemic disorders. After infusion, multi-stage reparative changes begin in the heart muscle, the result of which is a "blockade" of degraded zones and a gradual "reincarnation" of cells.

Reamberin: indications for use

In case of allergy to the previously listed components of the solution (even when atypical reactions are intermittent and mild), therapeutic measures based on the specified drug are not resorted to. And this is the first thing to understand, because if the symptoms of the disease correspond to the indications stated in the instructions, but at the same time the patient has an individual intolerance to the substances that make up the described pharmacological product, then instead of a healing effect, the injection may well lead to serious complications in the functioning of the organs and systems.

reamberin indications for use reviews analogues
reamberin indications for use reviews analogues

Regarding the conditions of use in the official manualcontains the following information:

  • reagent is advisable to prescribe both in hypoxic conditions provoked by various factors, and in order to achieve detoxification of the body (including in the postoperative period, with significant blood loss, impaired respiratory function, ischemic destruction, non-critical blockage of blood vessels, poisoning with xenobiotic compounds etc.);
  • administration of N-N-methylammonium sodium succinate is justified if the patient is to undergo a full therapeutic course aimed at eliminating cholestasis or hepatitis (regardless of etiology);
  • the patient has hemorrhagic shock, there is a polytrauma;
  • diagnosed with infectious intoxication.

Optimal daily dosage

"Reamberin" - indications for use (reviews about the solution among practitioners are mostly positive, but some experts focus on the impossibility of using this medication in case of brain damage) were presented in the previous section of the article - administered intravenously, drip. The daily rate and infusion rate are calculated individually, based on the current situation and the episodes given in the anamnesis.

reamberin indications for use in allergies
reamberin indications for use in allergies

The manufacturer of the drug recommended to adhere to the following dosage:

  • under normal conditions, adult patients are administered from 400 ml to 800 ml of liquid (the allowable rate is 2000 ml / day);
  • in shock conditions for adultsput a dropper in such a way that within one minute a strand of 1, 0-1, 5 ml of the solution enters the body (the limit is the same - 2000 ml);
  • with progressive viral hepatitis - 200/400 ml (with mandatory daily monitoring of the concentration of cytolysis enzymes);
  • newborns and toddlers who are under one year of age are prescribed a daily amount of reagent based on body weight - from two to five milliliters of a detoxifier for every thousand grams of a child's weight (infusion regimen: 1 procedure / 24 hours);
  • for premature babies, the rule "+1 ml to the established norm" applies;
  • for children older than 12 months, a different formula is applicable: 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight, but not more than 400 ml / day at a rate of 3-4 ml per minute (in this case, a portion of the solution is divided in half and administered at intervals of 7-10 hours).

Total course length:

  • for patients of the age category "18+" - 7-11 days;
  • for patients of the younger group - 3-5 days.

Side effects

Cases of atypical body reactions confirmed experimentally:

  • appearance of a persistent metallic taste in the mouth;
  • skin rashes and hives;
  • sharp reddening of the torso (lasts 5-10 minutes and usually occurs when the recommended infusion rate is not followed).
reamberin indications for use instructions
reamberin indications for use instructions

It must be understood that if when using the drug "Reamberin" indications for use (reviews for psoriasis, and about 3% of the world's population suffers from this form of inflammation of the skin, it is extremelypositive; on average, remission can be achieved after one week) are deliberately ignored, the likelihood of side effects will increase many times over.

Restrictions and contraindications

As previously noted, the reagent is not prescribed in the presence of individual hypersensitivity to the composition. In addition, the presence of N-N-methylammonium sodium succinate in the patient's medical record is highly undesirable in case of traumatic brain injuries (when there is a suspicion of cerebral edema).

Among other things, the manufacturer warns against the thoughtless use of the solution for complex pathologies of the filtering organs (primarily the liver and kidneys).

Special provisions of the instruction

Important nuances to keep in mind when adapting a wellness course to the pharmacological properties of Reamberin:

  • indications for use (analogue reviews, it must be said, were not so flattering, so it is quite difficult to determine a direct competitor) lose their relevance if the requirements set forth in other sections of the original instructions are not met when prescribing a therapeutic dose;
  • infusion can lower blood glucose levels;
  • alkalinization of urine cannot be ruled out.

Incompatibility with other compounds is rare but possible.

"Reamberin": indications for use during pregnancy and lactation

Large-scale research in this area has not been conducted. Decision to prescribe the specified reagent during gestation / breastfeedingremains with the attending physician (the prevailing opinion is that the infusion does not pose any direct threat).

reamberin indications for use during pregnancy
reamberin indications for use during pregnancy

There are quite a few scenarios when intentional deviation from the rules for using Reamberin is acceptable.

Indications for use in psoriasis that develops during pregnancy, in particular, boil down to the fact that the injection is absolutely justified if the expected benefit from it significantly outweighs the potential risk.

Biochemical contact with other pharmaceutical products

Among other things, the manufacturer reports that the described drug is well combined with antimicrobial drugs and water-soluble vitamins. In addition, "Reamberin" - indications for use (the instruction only outlines the scope of biochemical unions - a specialized specialist should calculate the interaction algorithm, however, special cases are not taken into account, and this should always be remembered) - enhances the action of glucose and at the same time acts as a group antagonist barbiturates.

The most popular analogues: the point of view of independent experts

"Reamberin" (indications for use in hepatitis C, which are given in the official manual, make it clear that the total duration of the course should not exceed 10 days, but some duplicates may be present in the patient's medical record for 3-4 weeks, and this fact is the reason for discussions around the issue of the safety of the described detoxifier) is quite popular and effectiveantioxidant with cardio-, nephro- and hepatoprotective properties.

Reamberin indications for use in hepatitis C
Reamberin indications for use in hepatitis C

However, some experts advise periodically to "broaden your horizons", because the pharmaceutical market is constantly evolving. Among the samples worthy of attention, they especially stand out:

  • Gluxil.
  • Xylate.
  • Sorbilact.
