Antifungal agents are available in various forms. They are sold in the form of tablets, suppositories, aerosol, shampoo, etc. However, experts say that the most effective drug for the fungus is a local remedy in the form of a gel, ointment or cream. Such medicines act directly on the lesion, contributing to the speedy recovery of the patient.

Today we will tell you about such an antifungal drug as "Ketoconazole" (ointment). The use of this remedy (method), its dosage, analogues and photos will be presented in this article.
Composition and packaging of the external preparation
What are the ingredients in an antifungal agent like Ketoconazole? The ointment, the instructions for which are enclosed in a cardboard box, contains ketoconazole and various auxiliary ingredients.
This drug is sold in polyethylene tubes and packs of thick paper, respectively.
How a drug works
What is the external preparation "Ketoconazole"? Ointment, analogues of which are listed below, is an antifungal agent. It has a wide spectrum of action, slows down the synthesis of phospholipids,ergosterol and triglycerides, which ultimately leads to a mycostatic effect and impaired cell wall permeability.
This medication is able to provide fungistatic and fungicidal activity against yeast, dermatophytes, higher and dimorphic fungi. Aspergillus ssp., Sporothrix schenckii, Mucor spp. are less sensitive to the action of this drug. and some Dermatiaceae as well as phycomycetes other than Entomophthorales.

What other properties does Ketoconazole (ointment) have? Reviews of experienced specialists say that it is able to inhibit the biological synthesis of ergosterol fungi. As a result, the agent in question changes the composition of other lipid elements in their membranes. It should be noted that fungal meningitis is not treated with oral forms of this drug.
Indications for use of antifungal cream
For what diseases is the patient prescribed Ketoconazole ointment? This remedy effectively treats foot fungus, as well as fungal diseases of other parts of the body, yeast fungus on the skin, athlete's groin and pityriasis versicolor. In addition, this drug is actively used in the maintenance treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.
In addition to the ointment, under the trade name "Ketoconazole" in pharmacies, you can also find drugs in the form of tablets, suppositories and even shampoo. According to the instructions, such funds are prescribed for:
- systemic and superficial mycoses:
- mycosis of the scalp;
- dermatomycoses (that is, withskin fungal diseases) caused by blastomycetes;
- onychomycosis (that is, with a fungal disease of the nails), which were caused by blastomycetes (the so-called parasitic fungi, which belong to the class of imperfect fungi);
- blastomycetosis (that is, with a human disease that was caused by parasitic fungi) of the oral cavity and organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the genitourinary organs;
- mycosis of internal organs;
- vaginal mycosis.

As a prophylactic agent, such a drug can be used to prevent fungal infections with reduced immunological resistance of the body (decrease in human resistance to pathogens).
Contraindications to the use of the drug
Ointment "Ketoconazole" is not prescribed to the patient in the presence of hypersensitivity to ketoconazole, as well as propylene glycol or other components of the drug. In addition, this drug is not recommended for use in pregnancy, impaired liver and kidney function, and breastfeeding.
Medication in the form of tablets should not be administered simultaneously with antacids that reduce gastric acidity, anticholinergics, "Cimetidine" and its analogues.
When using Ketoconazole ointment, as well as other forms of this medicine, it is imperative to monitor liver function and blood picture. Particular care must be taken in case of impaired functioning of the pituitary gland and the adrenal cortex.
Drug "Ketoconazole" (ointment): instructions forapplication
The method of using this tool is standard. Antifungal cream is applied in a thin and even layer to dry and clean skin.
Before using this remedy, carefully prepare the affected skin surface. It is thoroughly washed with soap and then dried completely.

Ketoconazole ointment should be applied once a day. It is desirable to carry out medical procedures in the evening.
To achieve the best therapeutic result, the cream needs to be well absorbed. To do this, after applying it for some time, it is forbidden to wear shoes or clothes.
If the affected area is located on the arm, then for some period you should refrain from doing manual work.
In the event that the fungal infection is severe or this area is constantly in contact with shoes or clothing, then the medicinal cream can be applied twice a day. It should be noted that an overdose of this remedy is unlikely.
Duration of use
How long should I use Ketoconazole (ointment)? The instruction informs that the duration of the course of treatment with this medicine depends on the type of disease present:
- foot fungus - 4-6 weeks;
- fungus on other parts of the body - about 3-4 weeks;
- yeast fungus on the skin - about 2-3 weeks;
- Athlete's groin - about 2-4 weeks;
- pityriasis versicolor - about 2-3weeks;
- seborrheic dermatitis - 2-4 weeks;
- supportive treatment for seborrheic dermatitis - apply about 1-2 times a week.

If the symptoms of a fungal disease persist, you should consult a doctor.
If the fungus has affected the nail plates, then theoretically, compresses can be done to treat them (until a he althy nail grows back). However, doctors recommend using special preparations for this.
It should also be remembered that the disappearance of symptoms does not mean a complete cure for the disease. In this regard, experts advise observing all terms of therapy and continuing to use the ointment for several more days after all symptoms have been eliminated.
Side effects
Side effects against the background of the use of the agent in question develop extremely rarely. As a rule, this drug causes the development of:
- contact dermatitis;
- erythema;
- local edema;
- itching and burning.

No special action is required to eliminate such phenomena. They go away on their own after the antifungal agent is discontinued.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Can Ketoconazole be used during pregnancy? The ointment, the photo of which is presented in this article, is intended for external application, is not absorbed into the general circulation, and therefore does not have a systemic effect. Concerningthis medication can be prescribed to pregnant women, but only if indicated and in case of emergency.
When breastfeeding, you should completely exclude the likely ingestion of the cream into the baby's mouth.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store the medication in question preferably in a dry, out of the reach of children and dark place, where the air temperature ranges from 10-20 degrees.
The ointment must not be frozen. If this happens, then it is not recommended to use it.
This product has a three-year shelf life.
Similar drugs and cost
The price of the drug "Ketoconazole" in the form of an ointment is about 160 rubles.

If this medication is contraindicated for you, then it can be replaced with analogues. Products with such an active substance as ketoconazole include the following: Perchotal ointment, Sebozol ointment, Mycozoral ointment and Nizoral cream.
Reviews about local medication
According to most patients, the drug "Ketoconazole" quite effectively copes with the task. Its active substance contributes to the rapid elimination of fungal diseases.
If it seems to the patient that such a medication does not treat skin lesions well enough, then doctors recommend using it in complex therapy together with oral agents of a similar effect.
It should also be noted that the advantages of this drug often include its quite reasonable cost, availability and absence of side effects.effects.