"Ursosan" (capsules): composition, indications, instructions for use

"Ursosan" (capsules): composition, indications, instructions for use
"Ursosan" (capsules): composition, indications, instructions for use

When detecting hepatitis, bile stasis, cholangitis and other similar pathologies, doctors often recommend Ursosan capsules. The instructions for use of the drug prescribe its use to accelerate the bile outflow and prevent gallstone disease. This tool belongs to the category of hepatoprotectors necessary for the treatment of liver and gallbladder defects.

Composition and release form

Capsules "Ursosan" - a modern medicine that has an immunomodulatory, choleretic and hepatoprotective effect. In addition, the drug has a hypocholesterolemic effect and a hypolipidemic effect on organ tissues. This imported remedy is used in the treatment of pathologies of the gallbladder and liver of various pathogenesis.

Ursosan is produced in the form of small oblong capsules filled with snow-white powder. The main active ingredient of the drug is ursodeoxycholic acid. In addition to it, the composition of the capsules"Ursosan" also includes the following components:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • silica;
  • gelatinized and plain corn starch.
  • The composition and form of release of the drug "Ursosan"
    The composition and form of release of the drug "Ursosan"

Capsule shell consists of titanium dioxide and gelatin. The active ingredient of the drug in combination with auxiliary components not only affects the internal organs, but also improves the absorption of the drug in the digestive system, making the treatment process delicate.

The drug is produced by a Czech pharmaceutical company in several dosages: 250, 500 and 750 mg. This diversity enables patients to choose the best drug option for themselves that meets all the requirements of therapy.

Pharmacological properties

Ursodeoxycholic acid, penetrating into the body, attracts bile masses and cholesterol. Through this effect, the neutralization of harmful toxins is carried out and the functioning of the biliary apparatus is normalized. The drug has several effects aimed at:

  • significant reduction in cholesterol levels;
  • cessation of the liver degeneration process;
  • improvement of immunity properties;
  • prevent cholesterol stones;
  • renewal of liver cells;
  • normalization of the process of outflow of bile.
Properties of Ursosan capsules
Properties of Ursosan capsules

With long-term use of Ursosan capsules, the unpleasant bitter taste disappears in patientsin the mouth and noticeably improves overall well-being. In addition, this drug has a positive effect on the digestive tract.

Indications for use

Capsules "Ursosan" have anti-cholestatic, hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory effects. It is advisable to use it for pathologies such as:

  • acute and chronic viral hepatitis;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • biliary cirrhosis;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • insufficient patency of bile ducts;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • primary cholangitis;
  • defects in the development of the gallbladder.
Indications for use "Ursosana"
Indications for use "Ursosana"

Among other things, Ursosan is often recommended to neutralize the harmful effects of drugs on liver cells. For example, after taking hormonal contraceptives, cytostatics, anticancer drugs. It is also used to prevent recurrence after cholecystectomy. In addition, the remedy is often used to eliminate gallstones that have arisen in a functioning bladder.

Instructions for the use of capsules "Ursosan"

Means should be swallowed whole, without chewing, and washed down with plenty of water. Doctors advise taking the drug before a night's rest. The required dosage is determined by the type of pathology. The standard daily rate is 10 mg per 1 kg of weight. In other words, people over 80 kg should take 4 capsules daily.

When urgently needed, thisthe medicine can be used for children. "Ursosan" is often recommended for the treatment of babies who have malformations in the development of the gallbladder. Before use, the capsule must be opened, and the powder inside must be divided into 4 parts. Each day, the child should be given one dose of the drug with meals.

When diagnosing polar cirrhosis, patients are prescribed a different amount of the drug - up to 20 mg per 1 kg of weight. Capsules should be taken twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The therapeutic course can last 1-3 years.

In case of liver damage caused by alcohol, the patient is prescribed the standard dosage of the drug, which should be taken throughout the year.

Instructions for use capsules "Ursosan"
Instructions for use capsules "Ursosan"

When a gallstone disease is detected, the therapeutic course should continue until the identified stones disappear completely. Then the doctor may prescribe Ursosan capsules to prevent recurrence of the pathology.


This drug has many restrictions on its use. So, capsules should not be used if such problems are found:

  • high calcium and other non-cholesterol content in gallstones;
  • purulent inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • stage of cirrhosis, characterized by replacement of organ cells with connective tissue;
  • decrease in gallbladder activity;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • bearing period;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • acute form of cholangitis and cholecystitis;
  • fistula in the digestive tract.
Contraindications to the use of Ursosan capsules
Contraindications to the use of Ursosan capsules

Due to the high-quality purification of the drug from all sorts of impurities, the product does not have age restrictions. However, the medicine is not recommended for children under 4 years of age due to the difficulty in swallowing the capsules.

Side effects

Negative manifestations due to the use of the drug may occur against the background of an overdose. As a rule, they are expressed as such symptoms:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • discomfort in the lower back;
  • acute pain in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • itching and skin rashes.

Among other things, some patients experienced such unpleasant phenomena as intense hair loss and an abnormal change in the shade of the nails. If any similar symptoms are detected, you should immediately stop using the capsules and consult a doctor.

Side effects from the use of Ursosan capsules
Side effects from the use of Ursosan capsules

Price and analogues

There are several drugs identical to Ursosan, which also contain ursodeoxycholic acid. The most famous among them are:

  • "Urdoksa";
  • "Ursocaps";
  • "Ursoliv";
  • "Ursofalk";
  • "Ursozim";
  • "Ursodez".

There is another category of medicines that have different active ingredients, but at the same time have a similar effect to Ursosan.

  • "Allohol" is a domestic drug containing enterosorbents and herbal ingredients. The price of "Ursosan" is many times higher than the cost of this drug.
  • "Holenzim" is a choleretic agent that stabilizes digestive processes.

True, all the drugs described do not fully compensate for the complex effect of Ursosan. So you should not replace the prescribed medicine with similar drugs without consulting a doctor.

As for the price of Ursosan, it fluctuates between 170-380 rubles for 10 pieces. The cost of the drug depends on the number of capsules in the package and, of course, the dosage. So, the price of 10 pieces of 250 mg is about 200 rubles, and the same number of tablets of 500 mg - 380 rubles.


"Ursosan" is a fairly effective and safe drug that has proven itself excellently among patients with gastroenterological problems. It is a modern hepatoprotective agent of the latest generation. And the reviews of people who have used this drug testify to its effectiveness and the extremely rare occurrence of all kinds of side effects.
