Sleep is a physiological process in which the body rests and restores its strength. A good night's rest is the key to good he alth. Many people who suffer from insomnia turn to sleeping pills to help them sleep. This can be avoided if you follow the simple rules, which will be discussed later in the article.
Good sleep is the key to a he althy body
Sleep is one of the most important processes in human life. It will give he alth and strength to the body for a new day, help recover from illness and gain energy. What is needed to get he althy sleep? First, you should provide a sufficient amount of oxygen, it is best to sleep with the window open. It is not recommended to fall asleep with a full stomach, the difference between food intake and sleep time should be at least two hours. A calm and sound sleep is possible only in complete darkness, since any light source disrupts the production of the sleep hormone called melatonin. Equally important is the position of the sleeper, the comfort of the bed and the right mattress. Every person who wants to havegood sleep, should take care of your mental attitude to rest, and you should also develop a daily habit of falling asleep at the same time.

Causes of insomnia
Sleep is a necessary physiological need of a person, without it the body will not be able to fully function, its lack will negatively affect all functions. To get a normal rest, a person needs eight to ten hours of sleep, depending on age. Many people have such a problem as insomnia. It can be caused by nervous tension, increased arousal, abnormal biological rhythms, jet lag, and hormonal imbalance can also be one of the reasons. In mild forms of this disease, traditional medicine is used, and sleeping pills for sleep should be taken only under medical supervision. And yet, first of all, you need to determine the cause of this disease.

Sleeping pills and its varieties
In simple forms of sleep disturbance, the use of sedative tinctures based on natural ingredients will be effective. The fight against insomnia, when it develops into a chronic phenomenon, is impossible without the use of drugs. For treatment, there are a number of medicines, according to their composition, they are all divided into several types. So, the group of benzodiazepines includes substances nitrazepam, flurazepam, temazepam, lormetazepam. All these funds are prescribed only by a doctor and are dispensed by prescription. The samehypnotics of the Z-group, which includes zopiclone, zaleplon and zolpidem, have an effect on the brain.

In addition, there are a number of antihistamines that are designed to treat various allergic reactions and are known to be hypnotic. These antihistamines can be taken by people with mild sleep problems. One of the effective drugs for insomnia is melatonin. This is not a sleeping pill, but a hormone that is produced in the human body. It helps to regulate biological rhythms, that is, to influence the activity of the body. Melatonin is most often prescribed for the elderly or for insomnia caused by jet lag. Sleeping pills can have negative consequences such as addiction to it, and abrupt withdrawal of the drug causes withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, in simple cases, it is best to try natural-based medicines, which include herbs with a sedative effect.
In some cases it is required to give sleeping pills to pets. The wrong amount of such a drug can cause a narcotic state, so sleeping pills for cats or dogs should only be used on the recommendation of a veterinarian.